2/18 – 7/6
Hello friends. The last journal entry ended on February 17! This is the longest that we’ve gone without updating the journal with Niagara-sized waterfalls of information. It’s incredible to think that it used to be a daily entry for Gary when he was running solo many years ago, and continued so when Austin joined, until it went weekly in late 2018. And as time moves forward, the periodicity stretches. There is so little time to think about much less create an entry. And the challenge is that the longer it goes without one, the more work that has accumulated, the bigger the project to gather everyone’s contributions and sift through the historical data to capture what the core team and the array of volunteers have accomplished in service to this mission, the more it becomes that menacing form that’s running always right behind you in your dream 🏃♀️.
As it’s been over four months, we will just focus on some of the highlights of our adventures and forgo the exhaustive, and thus exhausting (to writer and reader alike!), journal entry.
[Retroactive update: Though we did exclude some of the usual fare, this is still a brevity fail. Baby steps.]
Our humble little channeling group of five people has also concluded our first season of public channeling circles, which is also the first season of public circles since the pandemic lockdown. It was new territory for the group, but any anxiety or hesitation was balanced by the incredible support and high spirits of attendees that filled the living room twice a month to join us in communicating with the Confederation.
A big thanks to the transcribers who volunteer their time to turn the channeling audio into the first draft of these text transcripts, including Daniel, Donna, Michael, and Nicole, and the being responsible for the PDFs on the website, Tomas. Also, we thanked Nicole as she released the service in favor of focusing on the service to her new home in a new country with her family.
We meet on our own time for these channeling circles. Since the last journal entry, we completed the following sessions:
- February 15 – Intermediate Channeling Circle
- February 25 – Saturday meditation
- March 11 – Saturday meditation
- March 15 – Intermediate Channeling Circle
- March 22 – C/C Channeling Circle
- March 25 – Saturday meditation
- April 8 – Saturday meditation
- April 19 – Intermediate Channeling Circle
- April 22 – Saturday meditation
- May 13 – Saturday meditation
- May 17 – Intermediate Channeling Circle
- May 28 – Homecoming meditation
Homecoming Gathering
Our event season has kicked off this year with our annual Homecoming gathering taking place over Memorial Day Weekend. This suburban home was temporarily transformed into an event venue to host over 40 spiritual seekers who came together to share in the magic of loving connection. With a great mix of returning attendees and new faces, the spiritual vibration of the weekend soared as the circle recharged their spiritual batteries in the blessing of shared seeking.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the magic, and especially to the volunteers who helped us to pull it off. And a special thanks to the new Event Manager. She had volunteered for Homecomings for seven years before becoming a staff member, and thereafter continued the above-and-beyond effort. But this was her debut event as its primary quarterback. Everything within her powers went really flawlessly. The only two logistical issues were outside of the production team’s control (including learning a few hours before our group dinner that one of the restaurants lost our email-confirmed reservations). She, the one known as Trisha, shares a write-up just below the Personal Sharing section.
Also, we issued a survey to attendees of all the gatherings last year to learn about their experience and solicit any constructive feedback they may have. The chorus for the Homecoming attendees specifically was get catering so that Trish can join the circle. Trisha spends most of the weekend in the kitchen, and gobs of time in the weeks leading up to it preparing a menu, gathering the food, and preparing/cooking dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and snacks for 40 people for a weekend. She couldn’t do that and serve as the EM, so after some negotiation : ), she agreed to try catering for the first time.
The feedback for the gathering was very positive. One attendee wrote:
Thank you so so much for everything this weekend. You truly made it such a loving and magical experience for me, which was far beyond anything I imagined. I can’t adequately express how grateful and overjoyed I am for being able to be a part of homecoming. The depth of the conversations I had with all the people this weekend really blew me away as I’ve never been able to really express my true self outwardly with others in person so openly before. I was continually in awe of how friendly, interesting & relatable everyone was.

More work continues on the website, as the library multisites continues to roll out. Since the last BW entry, we’ve launched multisites for Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified, Spanish, Farsi (Persian, also its debut on the site at language #23!), Turkish, Russian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Czech, Serbian, Romanian, and Hungarian. We’re five away from completing the first launch of the multisites, including Hebrew, Korean, Swedish, French, and Arabic, those of Ra making their social memory complex debut in three of those languages.
This is so exciting and dream-come-true-like. Thank you to Sean, Terry, Gabriel, Meysam, Hakan, Catherine, Margarita, Kirilina, Erik, Vojta and Romi, Sheyla, Dejan, Horia, and Laszlo(!) for the languages completed in this journal entry; and Erez and the team, Sienna, Lana, Misha, Jochen, and B.(!) for the languages soon to come. The work could not be completed without the gift of service from these volunteer translators, and awesome people.
We reached out a couple months ago to the translators responsible for the then-multisites to see if they wanted to share their feelings, but we then put that on pause in favor of waiting for the project to be completed, and to assemble all the translators’ thoughts at that time.
Website work presently
The multisite has been a massive and complex undertaking. Most of the work on the website has been directed there. The whole team held a brainstorming meeting to co-think about laying the foundation for user accounts and authentication on the website. We are trying to build and experiment with new functionalities, like user accounts, tagging, an updated seeker map, and various ways of interacting with the transcripts, making LLResearch.org closer and closer to a digital library.
Translations Published
Our dedicated translators continued their steadfast work in making the Confederation’s philosophy available all over the world.
- Spanish – 34 new conscious channeling transcripts
- German – 10 new conscious channeling transcripts
- Russian – 3 new conscious channeling transcripts
- Polish – 31 new conscious channeling transcripts
- Greek – 1 new conscious channeling transcript
- Hungarian – Updated versions of the Law of One Books 1, 2, and 3
- Sessions 1 through up to 40 (in some languages, less) of Ra Contact sessions in nine languages.
- And the first printed Ra Contact of the Hungarian translation of Volume 1! Not sold through our store but linked to from this page
Coming soon: Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Hebrew Ra Contact. It is very exciting.
And received from the Vietnamese publisher, Brand Skybooks, who had formally secured the Vietnamese-language rights to 101, printed copies of a Vietnamese Living the Law of One 101. We added a page in our online store linking to the book where it can be purchased from the publisher in Vietnam.
Translators, working with:
In no particular order:
- Spanish 1: Received from Gabriel the Spanish translations of the 106 RC sessions! Along with pieces for review and editing of the Spanish multisite for its launch. Thank you, Gabriel!
- Spanish 2: A season for the Spanish language, two new translators were onboarded, Vanesa and Claudio, and they in turn were introduced to each other and Octavio and Maite, the group forming a team to help coordinate and track their independent efforts to translate the Transcript Library, of which Octavio has been the most prolific. Their spirit in connecting to support one another in commonly held service-to-others is inspiring. Thank you, everyone! [French is the language for the most L/L Research book translations, Spanish already is or will soon be the language for the most L/L Research transcripts. And love will be the language of all the transcripts. Corny? Maybe. True? Yes.]
- Spanish 3: Out of the blue arrived a Spanish translation of Carla’s Living the Law of One 101, this the fruit one of Tatiana, a young translator encouraged by her uncle. Thank you, Tatiana!
- Korean: Received from Sienna a completed Volume 1 of TRC! – Ra’s entrance into Korean. It’s been a long journey that began with her first outreach in September, 2021, with various plot twists (discussed in previous entries). Thank you, Sienna!
- Portuguese: And from Edgard, received the first ever Ra Contact sessions in Portuguese! Along with various rounds of work to co-navigate a tangle of translation collaborations. Thank you, Edgard!
- Russian: Worked with Margarita on various translation questions and gratefully received her review and edits of the Russian multisite in order to launch. Her depth and complexity of thought impresses. Also, in the world of translations, received her review of L/L’s onboarding process for new translators along with some suggestions for applying some metrics to help we unilingual entities to evaluate the prospective translator’s facility with the language. Gave it a trial run, appreciated the results, and integrated the metrics. Also received brilliant essays on the squaring/doubling effect and the 1.16 ratio. Thank you, Margarita!
- Turkish: Worked with Nihal, the Turkish translator who had embarked upon a project to translate AWH a few years ago before life intervened, with various questions of projects and ideas. Connected him with Hakan, the translator who independently took up the Turkish translation of the same book, upon which they formed a collaboration! Which always redounds to the benefit of the translation and the book. And from Hakan, received the needed material to create a Turkish multisite, along with a follow-up review and edits. Thank you, Hakan! Thank you, Nihal!
- Polish: Dialogued with the energetic Lena, the facilitator of the Polish study group and lead and member of a Polish group that launched a Polish website for study of the Confederation material that is undergoing renovation right now. Thought we might meet in Berlin but her schedule didn’t support it.
- Serbian: Received from Sheyla the needed pieces to launch the Serbian multisite, along with review and edits. Such a motivated soul, that one. 🙂 We’re looking forward to seeing her in Prague. And dialogued with Dejan on some questions in his ongoing efforts to bring Ra into Serbian. Thank you, Sheyla and Dejan!
- Hebrew: Worked with Erez, the lead of the large Hebrew translation team currently working on TRC. Received from them all the needed content for the Hebrew multsite minus TRC itself, and was introduced to the new lead, Jonathan. They are reviewing the first couple dozen sessions, after which we can get them published to the website for the first time. Thank you Erez, Jonathan, Alina, and the whole team!
- Romanian: Received from Horia all the needed material for the Romanian multisite, along with a review and edit. He’s been such a pleasure to work with for these years now. And after having entered into agreement with Jochen, who was able to get the Romanian TRC into print, we added a page in the Translations section of the online store for a Romanian Volume 1 of TRC. Thank you, Horia!
- Bulgarian: Received new TRC sessions from Kirilina, who reliably gives us a smile if not a laugh, and worked with her on various questions. Along with, as is a theme in this section, received all the needed material + review + edit to launch the Bulgarian multisite. Thank you, Kirilina!
- French: Worked with Misha and Jochen on the French multisite. Their work continues as they intend to see the French multisite completed by this summer. Thank you, Misha and Jochen!
- German: In addition to receiving Jochen’s regularly quarterly reports, he was able to find some time to return to one of his original loves in terms of the Confederation material: translating transcripts. It’s been a long time, but he was able to complete eight or so German translations. Thank you, Jochen! We are greatly looking forward to seeing this friend in Berlin.
- Greek: The Greek multisite was published in the time period of the last entry, but in this one we received transcripts in Greek from Vasilis, and the first ever Ra Contact sessions in Greek! Got to work on publishing those sessions, but realized that an internal gap in communication stymied the publication of the Greek Ra Contact page. Got that ball rolling again for a hopefully soon launch of Ra in the language of the OG Western philosophers. Thank you, Vasilis and Vassilis!
- Multisite work: Thank you Vojta and Romi (Czech), Erik (Dutch), Lana and Klas (Swedish), and anyone else we may have missed for your work on your respective language’s multisites in this period!
- Arabic: After a not easy 2.5-year journey of dedicated on/off work from the heart of the one known as B., we received the first ever Ra in Arabic! The entire Volume 1, a thing of immense beauty. Thank you so much, B.!
It is a small thing (but big in our hearts) to celebrate this entrance of Ra into Arabic alongside the other intensive, dedicated, labor-of-love translation work as part of a global effort to the lighten the planetary vibration. Many, many around the planet contribute to this global effort, each in their own way, and we of L/L Research, a network of volunteers included, are of the philosophical distortions. This translation work increases the light available to this third-density illusion by reaching and helping to open hearts in need in a transmission of pure empowerment.
In their email delivering his work, B. shared a bit of their journey with translation, something we imagine a multitude of translators can relate to:
B.: As you already know through our previous email exchanges, I faced several obstacles and challenges during the course of the translation process. The length of the book and the depth of the concepts required a significant amount of time and effort; something that was quite difficult to sustain, given my personal circumstances. Additionally, the book’s complex spiritual and philosophical themes required careful consideration and research to ensure that the essence of the original text was accurately conveyed in the translation.
Despite these challenges, I have done my very best to make sure that the translation is faithful to the original work, and I have strived to preserve Ra’s unique voice throughout the material.
Throughout this experience, I have gained valuable insights into the translation process and have honed my skills as a translator. This experience has given me an opportunity to go deep into Ra’s messages and allowed me to learn much more than if I had only read it a few times. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked on such an important and meaningful project.
I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to both of you for your help throughout the translation process. Your guidance and support were invaluable, and I appreciate the time and effort that you both have put along the way. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with you, and I look forward to continuing our project. Thank you for entrusting me with this work, and for your unwavering commitment to help make this world shine brighter.
Law of One Podcast
We have managed to meet to record a couple of Law of One Podcasts in these last months, including:
- Episode 106 on adepthood
- Episode 107 where we introduce the extended team—including Trisha, Daniel, and Joanna—to the listeners.
Check it out on our Podcast page.
Both the Spring and Summer editions of Light/Lines went out since the last report, sharing some of the recent inspirational channelings along with some updates on L/L operations and services. You can subscribe to the newsletter and check out all previous editions on our Newsletter page.
Interviews and Podcasts
Thanks to the Seattle Law of One Study Group, facilitated by Jonathan Tong, we (primarily Jim) remained busy meeting for Q&As, along with a few other podcasts and interviews thrown into the mix:
- Austin, Gary, and Trisha’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, February 18th
- Jim’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, March 4th
- Jim’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, April 1st
- Jim, Gary, and Austin’s interview with Brian Scott, April 13th
- Jim’s Q&A with Daniel Hodapp, April 16th
- Jim’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, May 7th
- Austin, Gary, and Trisha’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, May 20th
- Jim’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, June 3rd
- Jim’s Live Q&A with the Heartland Law of One Group, June 11th
- Jim on the Soul Focused Group podcast, June 12th
- Jim on the Soul Focused Group podcast, June 26th
- Jim’s Live Q&A with Jonathan Tong, July 1st
As part of our continuing project to offer the material in various media, we are excited to announce the publishing of our seventh audiobook: A Channeling Handbook. Carla L. Rueckert wrote this book as a primer to the art of channeling, exploring topics important for seekers interested in learning how to become channels. Lovingly narrated by L/L Research’s Jim McCarty, the audiobook of A Channeling Handbook is available through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. It can be listened to for free via Audible’s free trial program.
The audiobook for A Book of Days is currently in the works and should be available soon
Prison Ministry
Continued the teamwork of running the prison ministry, including and especially thanks to the dedicated volunteers who have continued their loving service even though life circumstances have made it difficult. Over the last four months we sent out 24 books and 40 letters to incarcerated seekers who have reached out to us.
102 Editing
As Jim has been publishing his revisions to Living the Law of One 102 to his Camelot Journal, Joanna and Austin continued reviewing and editing. Since we started, we have been able to envision a more cohesive outline for the first 3 chapters, which will help to make the overall book have more of a clear and organized focus.
Seeker Ministry
Joanna writes: Our team continues the wonderful service of replying to the many emails we receive from fellow seekers all around the world. The diversity that exists within the human experience is often manifest in the colorful assortment of the many questions, personal stories, needs, requests, prayers, suggestions, and heart-opening sentiments of gratitude that have been expressed by the many beautiful souls whom we have been blessed to connect with. We have great appreciation for the opportunities for service and learning that each email offers.
While some seekers have expressed their surprise to receive a response from us, it has always been our goal to offer a thoughtful response to every seeker (of the human variety—spambots excluded). However, the response may not always be immediate and may be a bit delayed given the small size of our team. We are not Ra or Q’uo—nor do we identify as mystical gurus—but we do strive to offer our best to each seeker who reaches out to us, making sure to encourage them to always trust their own inner knowing if they do not resonate with what we’ve shared. After all, we are just fellow bozos on this mystical bus…
Brown Notebook
If you are unfamiliar with the origin story of L/L Research, and if you are actually reading this, in 1961 Don Elkins was introduced to a folder of typewritten transcripts of UFO-contact channeling that was occurring up in Detroit. Upon consuming the material, he remarked that this was the “glue that brought it [his research] all together.” Because the folder it was delivered in was brown, it became, creatively, The Brown Notebook.
Earlier this year, Jim received a surprise and stunning gift: reams of additional, previously unseen transcripts of channeling from the Detroit Group. Along with a brief autobiography written by Walt Rogers himself, the seed of the Detroit Group. Wow.
We got this all digitized and over to Linda H., one of our friends and wife of Morris, an L/L board member, who volunteered to cross-check the scans against the printed original to produce Word docs of the material. She is presently making great progress and, fingers crossed, we hope to be able to publish the material to the website by year’s end.
Had lots of work with Joshua, the facilitator of the Reading the Law of One online study group, who also happens to be the owner of a 3D printer that he uses to create shapes of sacred geometry for his Etsy page. Skilled in the ways of 3D design and printing, we’ve been collaborating with him to help create a small pyramid to place beneath the head or body that conforms to the ratio Ra indicated was ideal for the energizing third spiral, along with collaboration on a pyramid large enough to sit inside of that can be assembled and disassembled with ease. He’s been fantastic to work with, not to mention patient.
Study Groups
To our Study Group Directory we added:
Czech: Česká překadatelská a studijní skupina
Italian: Meditazioni Collettive per il pianeta Terra
Finnish: The Neljäs Tiheys Project [Fourth Density]
And a Hebrew YouTube Study Channel
Trish and Gary had the opportunity to visit in-person and sit in on the Chicago Law of One Study Group’s meeting over a March weekend and spend some much cherished time with the kindred souls of Greg, Peggy, and Stephanie during the weekend. For the Sunday morning study group session, they began with a check-in portion to give everyone the space to share what was up for them. They then dug into the material, playing the audiobook version question by question (the first Gary had seen that) , stopping the playback for discussion and questions. They held a positive, mutually supportive, welcoming atmosphere. Trish and Gary loved their time with the group.
And Jim, Austin, and Gary had the pleasure of connecting with a Hindi-language Law of One study group who operate online but whose main facilitators are based in Mumbai. What an experience! One notices and revels in the cultural differences, but perhaps the most remarkable thing was the common spirit, the same we see from the mostly Western seekers who come through L/L’s doors for gatherings. Law of One students share a mutual intelligibility in orientation, perspective, and heart, generally speaking, whatever their cultural background and distortions thereof.
Healing Retreats
One of our longtime friends and present board members, Beatriz, has spent a lifetime conducting what she calls Miracle of Self-Healing retreats. She conducts these as an adjunct to her primary healing practice, which centers on working one-on-one with individuals. She’s been doing this for decades on her own and helping people from around the world. While we’ve been aware of her work, it’s been mostly off our radar.
As Trisha reported in a previous Blogworthy Report, in January, Jim, Austin, Gary, Trish, Suzanna, and a few other loved ones met in Louisville to experience one of Beatriz’s healing retreats over the course of a weekend. It was a profound experience for us. Subsequently, we realized that we wanted the readership also to have access to the same benefit. The existing events that L/L Research hosts can and often do serve as containers for healing and transformation, per our own experience and that of much testimony, but almost by environmental happenstance in the good fortune that some particular attendees might heal a particular issue. L/L Research does not offer a focused container dedicated to healing the self, specifically, in a collective setting that amplifies the work of the individual.
So, Gary, Trish, and Austin got together and reached out to Beatriz to ask if she might be open to L/L Research—in its traditional non-proselytizing, non-sensationalizing style—promoting her work by simply alerting the readership to her healing retreats via its communication channels.
Upon receiving her consent, we held a meeting with the board sans Beatriz to navigate the question of whether this would present a conflict of interest for her or the organization. After intensive discussion, and expert consultation from a local organization that supports and guides other non-profit organizations, the board concluded that L/L’s promotion of “The Miracle of Self-Healing” retreats would not lead to exploitation of her role for self-gain, come at the expense of the mission, or otherwise interfere with her duties to the organization. On the contrary, it would be fully in alignment with the mission, amplifying the organization’s ability to simply help people.
Moreover, Beatriz would be conducting and filling her workshops regardless of whether they were promoted to the L/L Research readership, L/L’s promotion would simply open the door to the L/L readership to benefit from this work. Though Beatriz offered to donate all proceeds above cost from the events to L/L Research, there would, the Board concluded, be no exchange of money in either direction—from Beatriz to L/L and vice versa. She would continue to operate her workshops completely independently with otherwise no management from the organization. We then looped Beatriz in, and we enthusiastically laid the groundwork for sharing her work with the readership.
Event Production
Three in-person events this year have been designed and worked toward. At this point, one of them, the Homecoming Gathering (mentioned above), is complete. We now look forward to three more, the next one being in 1.5 weeks! Holy crap.
Prague: Lots of collaboration, coordination, and communication with our friends Emilly and Vojta to get the third iteration of the Prague Law of One Gathering up and running. As this is Vojta’s third go at it, he’s refined his system quite well, but there are ever tons of decisions to make and actions to take.
Berlin: Much less intensively, as this is a day-long event, and being managed mostly by Daniel Hodapp with support from Jochen Blumenthal, collaborated with Daniel and Jochen to announce and launch the free Berlin event: A Spiritual Day with L/L Research, with us receiving the registrations from attendees. Many thanks to Daniel for seeding, facilitating, and primarily funding this event!
Coming Home: If you follow our ramblings through this journal or newsletters (Gatherings or Light/Lines), you may have seen that we were in search of a new venue to hold the Coming Home to a New Earth Gathering, specifically a venue on the west coast, as L/L Research has never held a gathering west of Louisville. What an effort. Over thirty venues contacted and communicated with. Many thanks to our dear friend of the Chicago LOO study group, Greg Holden, for pitching in some of the legwork with Trish!
After a few rounds of missed connections and heartache, signed a contract with Seabeck Conference Center to hold our 2023 Coming Home to a New Earth Gathering west of Seattle! Wow! It is a big new adventure for us, and for our collaborators from Asheville with whom we launched this series in 2018, BJ Harden Jones and Aaron Maret, and a new collaborator, Stephanie Anderson of the Chicago LOO Study Group.
The event filled up a couple months ago, and it seems to have succeeded in its purpose of opening up a whole new region of the country to these gatherings, as the majority are from the western half of the US.
Among the many tasks both mundane and spiritual needed for this event, this is a retreat setting so we have to manage all the lodging reservations, of which there are many types and different ways to book (single vs. double occupancy), all of which needed built into the registration process, communicated and tracked properly, etc. It was the most complex operation we’ve yet had with an event, and the EM managed it all.
Gaia TV
The Gaia TV series on channeling that we were helping aired, and Gaia invited Jim to participate in a watch party for the episode where the Law of One was most prominently featured. Unfortunately, Gaia has not uploaded the watch party for general viewership, but if you’d like to check out the series you can do so here.
Microsoft Migration
L/L Research’s digital workspace and workflow has been ever-evolving over the years, with a trajectory towards efficiency and consolidation, particularly after the recent pandemic quarantine pushed us towards a work-from-home model. The demands and complexity of L/L’s workload have increased at a commensurate rate. The more solidly that we live in the digital world, the more apparent it is becoming that a consolidated, adaptable, long-term digital workflow will be necessary. Microsoft’s services seem like the most promising prospect, so research and testing was done to migrate most services over to the Microsoft ecosystem. Now just for some time and space to open up to successfully execute the migration.
We’ll leave off the usual “Nuts & Bolts” and the “Social Media/Printed Book Sharing of the Confederation’s Message” and just throw in a couple more here.
We held our annual AGM (Annual General Meeting) with the board in February, which went well and provided a good venue for reviewing the year that was, looking forward to the year and the work to come, ensure alignment and agreement, and be open for discussion and questions.
And work got underway to perform the final editing of the TAW (Tilting at Windmills) video interviews by splicing in relevant imagery (for instance, if Carla and Jim are talking about the Ra contact, then inserting Ra contact photos), but the workload sidelined that project for the moment. Really, really hoping to return to it after the Prague Law of One Gathering.
One Thousand Seven Hundred Transcripts
While there is not any particular virtue in a large number, it might serve as a small measure of consistency, stability, and perseverance in service. In this case, we published the 1,700th channeling transcript to the library website. Of that, 1,518 are in the English Transcript Library, and another 85 in the English practice and intensive sessions.
The great bulk of that library is Carla’s channeling, followed by Jim’s. And in addition to that, there are the translations. A quick check-in reveals the following quantities of non-Ra transcripts for the languages in the top eight for numbers of transcripts:
Spanish 189
Chinese Traditional 146
German 105
French 90
Russian 79
Romanian 60
Chinese Simplified 48
Polish 43
(Spanish is growing rapidly thanks to the team mentioned above, particularly Octavio, but there are many many transcripts in Chinese waiting until we can update the system so that Sean and Terry can publish directly.)
Many moons ago in a time before our generation, Don had a vision to amass information of this nature, thinking that its quantity over time (that should be a formula) would be its own form of evidence.
To Don Elkins: We, following Carla and Jim, and presently alongside Jim, will continue fulfilling that essential mission, ever keeping the eye upon the horizon for whatever bold new adventure may call. Though we have a long ways to go to reach Carla’s adepthood in channeling, if even possible, and Jim’s effortless stability and confidence.
This experiment will be particularly interesting if it continues to produce the same essential message in the same essential voice through the voices of generations beyond our own.
The size of this library also motivates us to continue the project to make it more accessible, searchable, interactive, and useable for those interested in mining its Confederation-inspired gems for inspiration and resource upon their spiritual journeys. Big updates are coming for the library site.
Also, because Daniel is a wizard, he was able to provide answers to a few questions about word counts. For your trivia nights.
- There are approximately 5,979,931 words in the English transcripts.
ChatGPT, feast your digital eyes on that,
- In 2022, L/L channeled ~100,354 words.
- Adding translation transcripts (minus Ra Contact sessions) the total words is around 8,600,579.
This pertains to total words in channeled transcripts. No books, interviews, podcasts, articles, etc.
Homecoming Gathering 2023, by Trisha Bean
Trisha: As was mentioned above, we recently held our Homecoming gathering in Louisville, Kentucky. This was a weekend of many firsts. It was the first time we had held this particular gathering in the spring, as we usually try for Labor Day weekend. It was the first time in about ten years that we utilized catering services for the gathering’s meals (as Gary mentioned above). And it was the first time in my 10+ years of attending Homecomings that I was not in the kitchen the whole time. (Which I must stress I had voluntarily and happily – no, joyfully! – done for all of those years. Those who know me know how much I love being house-mom and showing my love through my cooking. It was bittersweet to let that part of my role go.)
Aside from the changes to timing and production, the event went off without any major difficulties! I think we counted only two real hiccups, and both were out of our hands. (I’m looking at you, local restaurant. 😊)
Four things really made this event run as smoothly as JIF peanut butter.
First, we were blessed with early onsite production help. Fellow L/L team member Joanna and dear friends Stephanie and Ken arrived a few days in advance to assist with all manner of tasks. And that time, though very busy and productive, was filled with deep connecting and, of course, lots of laughter. Our first night all together, we shared bits about our life story, connected over shared interests, and even made friendship bracelets. It was basically summer camp minus the calls home to Mom, the capture-the-flag tournament, and the accumulation of bug bites. (Well, maybe there were some bug bites, but it’s humid here in Kentucky this time of year. So it kind of comes with the territory.)
Thank you, Joanna, for taking time away from your family to help us. Your insight and warm presence were so beneficial. Thank you, Stephanie, for making the trip to join us. Your experience and care for inclusion were incredibly potent. Thank you, Ken, for driving down to Louisville TWICE over the course of three days. Your desire to serve and ability to relate openly with others were such a gift.
Second, we had so much support from local and semi-local attendees. Several helped us with airport pick-ups, errand running, weekend housekeeping needs, and other tasks. The way you all showed up and offered your service to others was so monumental and appreciated. Words cannot describe. Thank you, fellow attendees, for assisting in this process and helping us make sure all were taken care of.
Third, I had THEE best home crew I could have asked for. Gary, Austin, and Jim have years of experience producing these events, and I was always in awe of their support to step in whenever needed. Thank you, Austin, for helping produce this event. You offer a unique perspective with incredible grace, of which I am immensely appreciative. Thank you, Jim, for opening up your home and creating an outdoor feast-for-the-eyes with your impeccably manicured gardens. And special thank you to Gary, whose wisdom was paramount to the successful production of Homecoming. Over many years he has been primarily responsible for the design and production of these events that he and the team have continued to refine every year. Because of his work, I was easily able to use and build upon his systems. Seriously, Gary, thank you for helping me produce and manage this event. I hope I made you proud, and I look forward to growing into this event manager role through your guidance.
Four, the souls who gathered for this event were imperative to the crystallization of the environment. Each of you came into the gathering with your own gifts. Each of you shared yourself and your light with the larger group. And each of you made this event the highly focused manifestation of love that, I have to believe, heals the planet on the cosmic scale. Thank you, everyone.
As we put away the chairs, divvied up the leftovers, and bade farewell to spiritual family – old and new, I was left with a profound feeling of gratitude and excitement. It is connections and moments like these that inspire faith, renew hope, and soothe the spirit. Like a little glimpse into what fourth density could potentially be, the sun set on this weekend with a replenished desire to make events like these more accessible and more frequent. It is through relationships and ties like these that the better world we strive for becomes more realized.
The heart is filled with so much joy and appreciation. Thank you, all.
Next year’s Homecoming goal: interdimensional contact. 😊
Five-Day Meditation Retreat
Gary: A few may recall that I underwent a 10-day silent meditation retreat in 2022. Schedule + finances wouldn’t permit the same this year, so I made an experiment of a five-day at-home silent meditation retreat in the spring. I chronicled that experience in my journal at SpiritComplex.com.
(If some human or AI entity should read this years from now, it is the series that begins with “Intro: Silent Meditation Retreat, 2023.”)
Mt Katahdin, Summer Solstice, and 20 Years
G. Bean: Trisha and I try to squeak in one big adventure per year if we can, typically a roadtrip, and usually in the American West where our hearts belong, geographically speaking. The big sky. Open roads. Vast landscapes. Mountains. And especially the national parks. Our beings just vibrate with joy out there. This year we chose a corner of the country which had never seen our feet: the New England area; specifically, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
In mid-June, we hit the road with someone who has become a dear friend and sister, Stephanie Anderson. (We met Stephanie at the 2022 Coming Home Gathering in Asheville—subsequent to which she and a couple other Chicagoans she met there [Greg and Peggy, who are also dear souls] formed the Chicago Law of One Study Group. As Chicago is about a 5-hour drive from Louisville, and a 1.25-hour flight, Stephanie has made multiple trips to Louisville to spend weekends with Trish and me and to attend the public meditations. Stephanie is an educator, improviser, and storyteller who has a passion for connecting individuals to their own power and authenticity through play, laughter, and self-reflection.)
Vermont: Our shared roadtrip included a day in northeast Ohio with my brother, his wife, our young niece and nephew, and our shared Law of One friend Ken Wendt. From there it was to Vermont where we spent a few days with our mutual beloved friend, Suzanna Miller, meeting also her partner Darryl (who clearly adores her). We hiked a nearby mountain, held an afternoon meditation with a focus on (non-physical) energy transfer, enjoyed a pizza from her homemade pizza oven, had lots of great heart-connecting conversations, and gratefully explored her paintings. It was magical. And we got to meet moderator extraordinaire and runner of the Law of One forums, Patrick in person, finally! His energy is as kind, gentle, and true as it has been over email and Zoom these years.
Among the various gifts that have spontaneously emerged for Suzanna over the years, she awoke a dormant and, in our opinion, highly skillful painter, evidenced in the painting that she surprise-gifted Trish and me with. (See bottom of post.) Also, we saw more solar panels in Vermont than we have in all our visits combined to sun-soaked southern Arizona. Incredible what a difference in culture, and thus politics, can do.
New Hampshire: On our next stop, we visited Sarah—one of my best friends from high school who grew up just a couple houses down from me and who used to kick all the neighborhood guys’ asses in sports—and her wife Anne in New Hampshire. We hadn’t seen each other since ’99, I think. It was a great time of reconnecting and making new connections. Steph, Trish, and I had a sense that there was a deeper reason for the visit, too. We held what I believe was their first silent meditation with them. What guests we were! 🙂
Maine: From there, we spent a day and half in Portland, Maine, stopping at a lighthouse, going on a non-whale-watching tour for four hours in the Atlantic, enjoying the rocky northern shores of the east coast in summer, before Stephanie flew home as planned, leaving the remainder of the trip for Trish and me. Next stop, Mt Katahdin!
Mt Katahdin is a 5,269 feet (1,606m) peak in central Maine that also forms the northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail. If unfamiliar, the Appalachian Trail is a 2,189-mile (3,522-km) footpath that runs from Mt Springer, Georgia at the southern end, to Mt Katahdin, Maine at the northern end. For “thru-hikers”—those who complete the trail from start to finish in one go—I think it takes anywhere from 3 – 6 months! We’ve long held romantic ideas about hiking the whole thing, but outside of the impossibility of six free months, there is the even harder reality of being showerless and stinking to high heaven for six months.
But, Mt Katahdin called to us. The route we took to the summit was an 8.8-mile (14.1km) out-and-back hike featuring a 4.4-mile ascent of a ~4,000ft elevation gain (1,219m), and the same back down, including about a mile over a path-less, steeply graded boulder field that involved scrambling on all fours moving at a snail’s pace at times, particularly on the precarious way down. This mountain showed us how much conditioning we’ve lost to the life in front of the computer! We started at 9:40am and finished at about 8:00pm. The final couple miles were a slugfest of putting one foot in front of the other.
But we were so grateful to the mountain, the often blue sky and radiant sun, and the magnificence of the panoramic views of gorgeous wilderness Maine from the peak. And the single room-temp locally crafted beer waiting for us at the campsite. It was a dream to be able to touch that iconic and unassuming wooden sandwich board with the word KATAHDIN across its top.
Trish and I reached the peak of Mt Katahdin on June 21st. Incidentally, this was also the summer solstice and the 20th anniversary of June 21, 2003—the day when I moved to Louisville, KY to live with Carla & Jim in service to them and to L/L Research.

🙇♂️🙇♀️ <– Gary and Trish bowing, a lot