02-09-2017, 05:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2017, 08:02 PM by Coordinate_Apotheosis.)
Hey Jeremy, thank you for all of your thoughts so far...I want to try and be of aid in return.
I want to talk about the way I view emotions. As someone who is subject to some intense forms of them, I've had some time to reflect on them in both memory and meditation.
Emotions are scientifically thought to be an occurrence of the brain sending out neurotransmitters, and hence a phenomenon of the body. I personally experience them as extensions of the physical brain however. By that all I mean is the energetic system of the body is the first one to incite the emotional response, specifically at the orange chakra auric body, the emotional auric body.
EDIT: I gave an incomplete explanation... I should add, the green ray is the beginning to this emotional response process, the orange ray is the last one in this process but physically appears to be the first. This is because it gets the first 'physical' response after the red ray, but energetically, the metaphysical processes have already been working to inform the physical from green ray. (I feel the study looking for free will that showed the brain makes a decision 7 seconds before we are consciously aware of it, is actually proof of the energetic system responding first, free will comes not from the brain, the brain just allows it to be manifested through it.)
This response is essentially created in two major ways.
Reaction to Thought or Spoken Work
Reaction to Action
This means you are correct mostly in your view that thoughts are a manner of emotional control, specifically, the ability to abstain from letting emotions carry your thoughts away, and the ability to direct your thoughts as you desire them to be while enthralled in those emotions.
I find viewing emotions in my mind is like watching waves rippling outwards from the human body, and washing over everything around the human body. Similarly, others emotional waves effect our body just as ours effect theirs. This is one reason in my mind why others unconsciously recognize when another is emotional in some manner, whether depressed, angry, happy, or something more or less, it shows in a variety of ways, including by the energy we give off, and how others pick up on that energy.
Just like a sound vibration such as the beat of our heart might echo outwardly from our body albeit a heartbeat doesn't get far, not like it's electromagnetic field, but this beat that sends out periodic waves pretty much mimics what an emotional output from the body might appear to the surrounding area.
I'm aware that energetically there are...globules, formations, of constructs of emotional denseness or rigidity or other psychological markers to major blockages. The book Hands of Light covers some of it decently, but I found it lacked the specificity of various types of blockages and how their appearances and forms could be psychologically linked to their cause.
Regardless, I find that such a thing as emotional maturity exists. As someone who has been greatly immature emotionally, I think I can soundly speak as a hypocrite that it is pretty vital to take time to truly sit with an emotion, and as Led Zeppelin says, to be a rock, and not to roll. To sit with it and not get caught up in it's turmoil. To become a part of the storm rather than a bystander within it. To be as the eye of the storm of that emotion, and to be still inside of it.
The book Three Pillars of Zen really greatly helped me understand the...Imagery of the mental clarity of the mind. And look at that, it's no longer free to read in full length online
Basically, the mind is a reflecting pool of water, thoughts and emotions create ripples in our reflecting pool and distort the imagery of the Truth that is reflected off of it. The most vital part of meditation is the training of the mind to not only remain silent in times that it is required to be so, but it is also very vital to discover how to acquire a clarity from the denseness of thoughts found in emotions, and a clarity within the emotion itself. A type of clarity that is, to be as still water before the raging storm. To sit and let the waves pass over and through you, and to not attach to them as they do so, to be transparent, to allow them to be as they are, and to be as you are in return, still and clear, focused like the careful gaze of eye over magnifying glass, to observe without response, to be without reaction, to reflect from the deepest depths and heights of your mind your personal truth.
Emotions are sort of like, energetic weather patterns of the mind. They very well can be almost forecasted, we all know some days when we are very aware that we'll be emotional on those days and take steps to counteract any severities that might come of this. One of my days is November 25th, I make it a point to just make that day a very lazy, boring, uninteresting day, to avoid the rampant emotions going on inside of me during that day from breaking out and driving me crazy. It takes everything I have to sit with those feelings and not lose my mind and clarity to them, and I still fail, very often.
Maybe tomorrow I will be happier, it'll be a Friday, I'll try to be with a friend or two, fill out some applications to follow up on Monday. Or maybe I'll wake up depressed and be in too much of a swamp of swirling blues to do anything but turn on a video game and wonder if the rest of my life will be of me playing video games all alone. Who knows where the road leads, we can figure if there's clouds in the distance, we can expect rain down the path.
I however personally found back in 2014 during my 'spiritual awakening' that emotion is more than any of these things. That they are at the core, a... primary property of energies that build the foundation for society to function upon. Without them we cannot form complex harmonies and disharmonies among ourselves. There is no potential for love or hate, for catalyst in the form of emotional responses to ensue, driving karma, driving the human individual, driving for polarization.
Emotions are linked to our personal power, to be lost in our emotions is to be lost in our power. To have runaway emotions is to have a lack of control over your own personal power (simplified to control of your own thoughts and emotions). To be overwhelmed in emotion is to as before, lack control of that personal power. Not control in that it needs to be contained or managed, but controlled in that one need control their self while inundated with thoughts and emotions they may not find desirable in the moment, and still manage to withdraw joy from themselves through this self control.
I find the concept of the negative use of the orange ray can be applied positively quite well, to use emotion as a tool and not just a consequence of the human condition. As the example goes, to hone hatred like a blade, or in a positive light, to dull the incision of critical judgment to a mere gentle poke, or to cultivate the belly-tickling joys of laughter into an integral part of the self. We all have our personal laugh that resounds uniquely from ourselves. Is this not a vibration of the unique tone energetically of the emotions being experienced?
I think Emotions are belonging to the entire complex. In the energetic system, each chakra contains within it every other chakra, mimicking the formation of our octave of densities. This allows for spirit in green ray to know emotion, this allows for mind in orange ray to know of clarity, this allows body in yellow ray to know of maturity and responsibility. For each portion to know itself and experience parts of it's other extended portions.
You might one day experience an emotion you won't have any clue what it is. How do you depict an unfamiliar emotion? Seems hard to imagine.
I view a good example as the sudden overwhelming surprise of how clear and pure love can feel as a good example of describing 'bliss', a emotion that when I experienced it I could only describe the sensation as 'positive', in that I did not realize the feeling itself was bliss.
In a similar vein, the first time I ever experienced rage, I thought I was literally losing my mind, my thoughts were racing that fast. In retrospect I'd describe the emotion as 'negative', in that I could not make sense of its sensations as anything more than unpleasant miseries.
In both experiences, maintaining clarity was almost like the sensation of pulling one's self out of the bubble of an emotion, and existing on it's surface looking in rather than within it looking out, seeing through it from outside of it, rather than from the inside. To be an observer of the hurricane of rage outside of it's being (as the stillness of this storm's eye was still far too intense for me), to remain clearheaded and unattached to the lulling gentle breeze of caressing energy that was the emotion bliss.
I now understand emotions as emerging from spirit, or the green chakra, informing the yellow chakra through the release of neurotransmitters creating a physical sensation, then the sensation itself manifesting through the orange chakra informed by the green chakra. I also attribute Orange Ray to Mind, Yellow Ray to Body, and Green Ray to Spirit of the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex, with the Indigo Ray being the Higher Self portion of the experiential existence.
In this sense, the green ray, or astral body is the catalytic inciter of emotional response. It baths the yellow ray in a physical reflexive response autonomous to the conscious will, and molds the orange ray into formulas and constructions of energies.
The orange ray emotional auric body is essentially the green ray astral auric body, what happens in one effects the other.
Just some different perspectives you can consider.
I'm pretty tired, I'm pulling an all nighter so my thoughts are already a bit hazy so I apologize if this post is unclear in some aspects.
I want to talk about the way I view emotions. As someone who is subject to some intense forms of them, I've had some time to reflect on them in both memory and meditation.
Emotions are scientifically thought to be an occurrence of the brain sending out neurotransmitters, and hence a phenomenon of the body. I personally experience them as extensions of the physical brain however. By that all I mean is the energetic system of the body is the first one to incite the emotional response, specifically at the orange chakra auric body, the emotional auric body.
EDIT: I gave an incomplete explanation... I should add, the green ray is the beginning to this emotional response process, the orange ray is the last one in this process but physically appears to be the first. This is because it gets the first 'physical' response after the red ray, but energetically, the metaphysical processes have already been working to inform the physical from green ray. (I feel the study looking for free will that showed the brain makes a decision 7 seconds before we are consciously aware of it, is actually proof of the energetic system responding first, free will comes not from the brain, the brain just allows it to be manifested through it.)
This response is essentially created in two major ways.
Reaction to Thought or Spoken Work
Reaction to Action
This means you are correct mostly in your view that thoughts are a manner of emotional control, specifically, the ability to abstain from letting emotions carry your thoughts away, and the ability to direct your thoughts as you desire them to be while enthralled in those emotions.
I find viewing emotions in my mind is like watching waves rippling outwards from the human body, and washing over everything around the human body. Similarly, others emotional waves effect our body just as ours effect theirs. This is one reason in my mind why others unconsciously recognize when another is emotional in some manner, whether depressed, angry, happy, or something more or less, it shows in a variety of ways, including by the energy we give off, and how others pick up on that energy.
Just like a sound vibration such as the beat of our heart might echo outwardly from our body albeit a heartbeat doesn't get far, not like it's electromagnetic field, but this beat that sends out periodic waves pretty much mimics what an emotional output from the body might appear to the surrounding area.
I'm aware that energetically there are...globules, formations, of constructs of emotional denseness or rigidity or other psychological markers to major blockages. The book Hands of Light covers some of it decently, but I found it lacked the specificity of various types of blockages and how their appearances and forms could be psychologically linked to their cause.
Regardless, I find that such a thing as emotional maturity exists. As someone who has been greatly immature emotionally, I think I can soundly speak as a hypocrite that it is pretty vital to take time to truly sit with an emotion, and as Led Zeppelin says, to be a rock, and not to roll. To sit with it and not get caught up in it's turmoil. To become a part of the storm rather than a bystander within it. To be as the eye of the storm of that emotion, and to be still inside of it.
The book Three Pillars of Zen really greatly helped me understand the...Imagery of the mental clarity of the mind. And look at that, it's no longer free to read in full length online

Basically, the mind is a reflecting pool of water, thoughts and emotions create ripples in our reflecting pool and distort the imagery of the Truth that is reflected off of it. The most vital part of meditation is the training of the mind to not only remain silent in times that it is required to be so, but it is also very vital to discover how to acquire a clarity from the denseness of thoughts found in emotions, and a clarity within the emotion itself. A type of clarity that is, to be as still water before the raging storm. To sit and let the waves pass over and through you, and to not attach to them as they do so, to be transparent, to allow them to be as they are, and to be as you are in return, still and clear, focused like the careful gaze of eye over magnifying glass, to observe without response, to be without reaction, to reflect from the deepest depths and heights of your mind your personal truth.
Emotions are sort of like, energetic weather patterns of the mind. They very well can be almost forecasted, we all know some days when we are very aware that we'll be emotional on those days and take steps to counteract any severities that might come of this. One of my days is November 25th, I make it a point to just make that day a very lazy, boring, uninteresting day, to avoid the rampant emotions going on inside of me during that day from breaking out and driving me crazy. It takes everything I have to sit with those feelings and not lose my mind and clarity to them, and I still fail, very often.
Maybe tomorrow I will be happier, it'll be a Friday, I'll try to be with a friend or two, fill out some applications to follow up on Monday. Or maybe I'll wake up depressed and be in too much of a swamp of swirling blues to do anything but turn on a video game and wonder if the rest of my life will be of me playing video games all alone. Who knows where the road leads, we can figure if there's clouds in the distance, we can expect rain down the path.
I however personally found back in 2014 during my 'spiritual awakening' that emotion is more than any of these things. That they are at the core, a... primary property of energies that build the foundation for society to function upon. Without them we cannot form complex harmonies and disharmonies among ourselves. There is no potential for love or hate, for catalyst in the form of emotional responses to ensue, driving karma, driving the human individual, driving for polarization.
Emotions are linked to our personal power, to be lost in our emotions is to be lost in our power. To have runaway emotions is to have a lack of control over your own personal power (simplified to control of your own thoughts and emotions). To be overwhelmed in emotion is to as before, lack control of that personal power. Not control in that it needs to be contained or managed, but controlled in that one need control their self while inundated with thoughts and emotions they may not find desirable in the moment, and still manage to withdraw joy from themselves through this self control.
I find the concept of the negative use of the orange ray can be applied positively quite well, to use emotion as a tool and not just a consequence of the human condition. As the example goes, to hone hatred like a blade, or in a positive light, to dull the incision of critical judgment to a mere gentle poke, or to cultivate the belly-tickling joys of laughter into an integral part of the self. We all have our personal laugh that resounds uniquely from ourselves. Is this not a vibration of the unique tone energetically of the emotions being experienced?
I think Emotions are belonging to the entire complex. In the energetic system, each chakra contains within it every other chakra, mimicking the formation of our octave of densities. This allows for spirit in green ray to know emotion, this allows for mind in orange ray to know of clarity, this allows body in yellow ray to know of maturity and responsibility. For each portion to know itself and experience parts of it's other extended portions.
You might one day experience an emotion you won't have any clue what it is. How do you depict an unfamiliar emotion? Seems hard to imagine.
I view a good example as the sudden overwhelming surprise of how clear and pure love can feel as a good example of describing 'bliss', a emotion that when I experienced it I could only describe the sensation as 'positive', in that I did not realize the feeling itself was bliss.
In a similar vein, the first time I ever experienced rage, I thought I was literally losing my mind, my thoughts were racing that fast. In retrospect I'd describe the emotion as 'negative', in that I could not make sense of its sensations as anything more than unpleasant miseries.
In both experiences, maintaining clarity was almost like the sensation of pulling one's self out of the bubble of an emotion, and existing on it's surface looking in rather than within it looking out, seeing through it from outside of it, rather than from the inside. To be an observer of the hurricane of rage outside of it's being (as the stillness of this storm's eye was still far too intense for me), to remain clearheaded and unattached to the lulling gentle breeze of caressing energy that was the emotion bliss.
I now understand emotions as emerging from spirit, or the green chakra, informing the yellow chakra through the release of neurotransmitters creating a physical sensation, then the sensation itself manifesting through the orange chakra informed by the green chakra. I also attribute Orange Ray to Mind, Yellow Ray to Body, and Green Ray to Spirit of the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex, with the Indigo Ray being the Higher Self portion of the experiential existence.
In this sense, the green ray, or astral body is the catalytic inciter of emotional response. It baths the yellow ray in a physical reflexive response autonomous to the conscious will, and molds the orange ray into formulas and constructions of energies.
The orange ray emotional auric body is essentially the green ray astral auric body, what happens in one effects the other.
Just some different perspectives you can consider.
I'm pretty tired, I'm pulling an all nighter so my thoughts are already a bit hazy so I apologize if this post is unclear in some aspects.