12-26-2009, 11:43 PM

What does it mean that we are "one", that there is only "one"? What does it mean that there is "only one of us here"?
I have looked at it three ways:
1. Let's say the sun is "God". The sun shoots out rays - the rays are a 'part' of God, but still separate 'entities'....individuals. Or...the ocean is "God" but each drop of water in that ocean is a part of God, yet an individual entity at the same time. Or...I am Creator (a mother), and each child of mine is a part of me (carries my cells, my genes, etc.) but is still a separate individual. Or, my body is "God", but each cell in my body, every organ, every drop of blood and every vein is an individual part of the whole, much like veggies are a part of tonight's soup...PART of the whole.
2. We are living in some sort of grand illusion..that nothing we experience here is real, but more like a dream. And dreams can feel very real. I actually had a lucid dream not long ago and when I finally realized I was in a dream, I decided to test it. I felt the air around me, breathed, tested the temperature, looked at my surroundings. A cliff appeared below me and I said, "If this is a dream, then let go of the rock (I was holding on) and you won't fall if you will it that way". The dream was SO real feeling, that I wasn't sure it wasn't reality, so I chickened out and didn't let go.
So I can really see how this could be a very realistic dream. But I absolutely can't stand this version of "one-ness". I don't want to not be "real". I don't want this to be a dream. I have been told by those who embrace this kind of one-ness, and the concept of this being a dream/illusion, that once we reach a point in our evolution where "we" wake up, we'll just meld back into ONE being...ONE ...literally. There is no "us". There is no "we". We're just ONE being...God, and there are no "god sparks", or "rays", or people or individuals or trees or flowers or beautiful things...NO-THING! Just consciousness/love. Period. BLECH!!!!! That sounds like eternal hell to me. I want to be perfectly happy, but I want to be happy in *surroundings*...in beauty, being an individual but also being a part of (offspring? child?) God/Universe/Creator, and share the love of the creator with other "parts". I hope I'm making sense.
3. The universe contains all of US, and therefore, even though we are all "individuals", we are still within the Universe (creator) and a part of "it", therefore we ARE God, just like my heart and lungs and all my guts ARE "me" - they make up "me".
I, thus far, have never been able to have this explained to me in a way that makes any sense, and like I said, people have their own way of believing it. What does the Law of One say about it? I've only read direct statements like "we are one", or "there is only one". But I can't find any real explanations that are clear enough. I have a hard time understanding things sometimes. I feel like I can't adequately move forward without having an understanding of this. I seriously have sobbed about it. I love the idea of being "one" in spirit and purpose...you know, a "unity", but I want to have this while still being a child of God and enjoying other children of God. I want to be an eternal, *individual* soul and enjoy other souls. I don't want to meld into a big entity and be just one entity, literally. I have felt guilty for having the desire to be an individual soul. I've had people tell me this is just my ego speaking.
I'd so very much love and appreciate some help in this area and some guidance. I feel like I'm going insane trying to understand this. Seriously...
Much love from Kristy