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SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Strictly Law of One Material (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=2) +--- Thread: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? (/showthread.php?tid=721) Pages:
SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 12-26-2009 ![]() What does it mean that we are "one", that there is only "one"? What does it mean that there is "only one of us here"? I have looked at it three ways: 1. Let's say the sun is "God". The sun shoots out rays - the rays are a 'part' of God, but still separate 'entities'....individuals. Or...the ocean is "God" but each drop of water in that ocean is a part of God, yet an individual entity at the same time. Or...I am Creator (a mother), and each child of mine is a part of me (carries my cells, my genes, etc.) but is still a separate individual. Or, my body is "God", but each cell in my body, every organ, every drop of blood and every vein is an individual part of the whole, much like veggies are a part of tonight's soup...PART of the whole. 2. We are living in some sort of grand illusion..that nothing we experience here is real, but more like a dream. And dreams can feel very real. I actually had a lucid dream not long ago and when I finally realized I was in a dream, I decided to test it. I felt the air around me, breathed, tested the temperature, looked at my surroundings. A cliff appeared below me and I said, "If this is a dream, then let go of the rock (I was holding on) and you won't fall if you will it that way". The dream was SO real feeling, that I wasn't sure it wasn't reality, so I chickened out and didn't let go. So I can really see how this could be a very realistic dream. But I absolutely can't stand this version of "one-ness". I don't want to not be "real". I don't want this to be a dream. I have been told by those who embrace this kind of one-ness, and the concept of this being a dream/illusion, that once we reach a point in our evolution where "we" wake up, we'll just meld back into ONE being...ONE ...literally. There is no "us". There is no "we". We're just ONE being...God, and there are no "god sparks", or "rays", or people or individuals or trees or flowers or beautiful things...NO-THING! Just consciousness/love. Period. BLECH!!!!! That sounds like eternal hell to me. I want to be perfectly happy, but I want to be happy in *surroundings*...in beauty, being an individual but also being a part of (offspring? child?) God/Universe/Creator, and share the love of the creator with other "parts". I hope I'm making sense. 3. The universe contains all of US, and therefore, even though we are all "individuals", we are still within the Universe (creator) and a part of "it", therefore we ARE God, just like my heart and lungs and all my guts ARE "me" - they make up "me". I, thus far, have never been able to have this explained to me in a way that makes any sense, and like I said, people have their own way of believing it. What does the Law of One say about it? I've only read direct statements like "we are one", or "there is only one". But I can't find any real explanations that are clear enough. I have a hard time understanding things sometimes. I feel like I can't adequately move forward without having an understanding of this. I seriously have sobbed about it. I love the idea of being "one" in spirit and purpose...you know, a "unity", but I want to have this while still being a child of God and enjoying other children of God. I want to be an eternal, *individual* soul and enjoy other souls. I don't want to meld into a big entity and be just one entity, literally. I have felt guilty for having the desire to be an individual soul. I've had people tell me this is just my ego speaking. I'd so very much love and appreciate some help in this area and some guidance. I feel like I'm going insane trying to understand this. Seriously... Much love from Kristy RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-27-2009 Hi Kristy, welcome to the forum! What a wonderful way to meet you, seeing your concern about the nature of love and life. You have obviously thought deeply about these questions. Thank you for the gift of sharing your questions and together exploring them in community. How familiar are you with the L/L Research material? Most of it's available for free from the "Library" link at the top of the page. From that page's Publications and Library tabs, Carla's "Law of One 101" and then "Wanderer's Handbook" might be good places to start. "Secrets of the UFO" puts Carla's and Don's background in context. Then the Ra books present Carla's, Don's, and Jim's experiences learning from Ra, in a rather dense way that makes more sense if you've read the other material. Carla has a speech from 2005 at http://www.llresearch.org/speeches/speech_2005_0618.aspx that may be particularly useful to your current questions. Here is an excerpt but I recommend you read the whole thing: Quote:Far below the level of the conscious mind and its various details, we are all One, and we are One right from here, right from the heart. So [when] we can get into our open hearts, and live from there, we’re living in Heaven. As you can see from this excerpt, the Law of One has nothing to do with destroying your own individuality. As I understand it, it has to do with an awakening of love for yourself and for the portion of Creation that you interact with, moment to moment. Nobody is forced into any kind of merging. The Law of One does say that when merging does occur, with "social memory complexes" beyond our current level of comprehension, the joining is entirely voluntary and welcomed by those who participate. They lose nothing of their own memories and free will in the process. However, we need not try to speculate or prepare for such eventual circumstances. All we need to do now is to appreciate the Creator's love within our present experience. As Jesus said, "Love God and your neighbor;" love your neighbor and also love yourself. As far as your points 1, 2, and 3: Perhaps it might help to think of yourself as a portion of God which has independent perception and free will, so that God could have a wider variety of experiences than were possible in infinite unity. Therefore, your own variety of perceptions and choices bless God with what God could not have experienced without you: the blessing of Kristy's unique life. The Creator would not benefit from creating an aspect of Creator-ness that could Create her own thoughts, feelings, and decisions, only to obliterate and destroy all that the Creator had given separate existence! Therefore, don't puzzle about the metaphysical structure of your life; instead, focus first on the light and love within each moment. (If you do want help figuring out the metaphysical structure of existence there are people here who can help you with that too... but they'll likely agree that the love within each moment is the main thing.) RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Aaron - 12-27-2009 Questioner has said so many things that needed to be said here that I probably couldn't say. ![]() I'll say it in a very simple way. We are one spirit experiencing life through many, many, many different forms of matter. You are very closely aware of this portion of matter (Kristy) that's enlivened by spirit because the portion of matter has a mind that's able to think, and with that comes ego which identifies the boundaries of the self. In other words, you are closely aware of one point where consciousness and intelligence intersect. And it is because of this intelligence that says "This is a point where consciousness and I intersect." that the spiritual essence that you are is able to be aware of it. Does that make sense? Everything that makes you "you" is in the intelligence. So, when we eventually become a social memory complex, (I think that will be so far in the future that you and I won't live to see it.) the "you" will be carried and held within the complex and instead of being a single point where consciousness and intelligence intersect, you will be part of a "web" where mass consciousness intersects with many different tiny nodes of intelligence. So, as Questioner said, you won't be "forced to assimilate" and you won't lose any part of your identity, just as a single person doesn't lose their identity when they awaken. ![]() Darn... rambled on longer than I wanted. :-/ Haha well anyway, welcome to the forum. ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 12-27-2009 Hi Kristy, I hope I may be of help to you. I will answer each part of your understandings in, hopefully, a way which will make sense to you. (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: What does it mean that we are "one", that there is only "one"? What does it mean that there is "only one of us here"? Yes we are one. Think of each of us as a part of the prism of light which comes from the purest color of white light. Although there are but seven basic colors, across the prism of light are many trillions of minute variations on those seven basic colors. We are each one of those individual colors. We are therefore part of the original white light, for without it, we would not and could not exist. (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: I have looked at it three ways: This premise is correct and incorrect. Incorrect....The sun is not God. The sun is an extension of God, just as each of us are. We are the eyes which God learns about himself and experiences all. Correct... each is part of the whole, but not in the earthly sense as you understand it. (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: 2. We are living in some sort of grand illusion..that nothing we experience here is real, but more like a dream. This premise/theory is closest to "reality". Yes, this is an illusion, designed for us to learn/experience as to experience the darkness and the light in such a manner that we will come to a decision. This decision is which path we desire to take when we move forward through the next three densities. This is an important decision, because the next three densities take billions of years to complete. Though you may not understand it, and the illusion is designed so you do not, one of the purposes of our existence as a spirit is to further understand ourself. When I say ourself, I mean God, for we are God. In order to understand ourself, this is only part 3 of one level of infinite levels. When you blinked just now, it took more time than this entire lifetime that you think you are living, but are not. When you say you do not desire to become one with God again, you only say so because you see as if with blinders on. If you could see the whole picture, you would see that there is more beauty in what you do not see, for what you see is not real, and the reality is not seeing, but experiencing. In experiencing, we remove distortion from ourselves, and become closer to being pure white light again. Pure white light is love and wisdom, and although you do not understand it now, becoming one with this is the most powerful thing in creation. If you understand love for your children, think about those times when you have felt love on the level of bringing tears to your eyes, sobbing uncontrollably in joy. Multiply that by infinity and you may begin to understand we are at the bottom of the scale of understanding of what "pure love" is. We only begin to understand it, for in this illusion, the purpose is not to learn about love. Our purpose is to make a choice. (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: 3. The universe contains all of US, and therefore, even though we are all "individuals", we are still within the Universe (creator) and a part of "it", therefore we ARE God, just like my heart and lungs and all my guts ARE "me" - they make up "me". Although generally correct, I must note that you seem to have a difficult time being able to break free from the understanding that this "physical" self is real, for you like to describe your understandings as in comparability towards the physical self. The physical self in this illusion is as important to our experience as your car is to you. It is a mode of transportation, a means to move from point a to b. We experience in this illusion with the help of these vehicles, our bodies. They are nothing more than that as your car is, for when one is done, the next one is acquired. (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: I, thus far, have never been able to have this explained to me in a way that makes any sense, and like I said, people have their own way of believing it. What does the Law of One say about it? I've only read direct statements like "we are one", or "there is only one". But I can't find any real explanations that are clear enough. I have a hard time understanding things sometimes. I feel like I can't adequately move forward without having an understanding of this. I seriously have sobbed about it. I love the idea of being "one" in spirit and purpose...you know, a "unity", but I want to have this while still being a child of God and enjoying other children of God. I want to be an eternal, *individual* soul and enjoy other souls. I don't want to meld into a big entity and be just one entity, literally. I have felt guilty for having the desire to be an individual soul. I've had people tell me this is just my ego speaking. The Law of One is the law of creation. Yes, it may be difficult to understand, but that is part of the illusion. How does one grasp what it is like in Borneo if one has never seen Borneo. How does one grasp the creatures at the bottom f the sea if they have never been to the bottom of the sea. Do not think too hard on this. That will not make you understand it. In order to understand it, you must turn inward, for inside of you are ALL the answers. Having this forum here is nice, kind of a wind to help blow us in the right direction, but ultimately, we are the captains of our own experience. Do not fret if you wish to continue here, for if that is your desire, it shall be so. There is no wrong or right in truth, and in your hear that truth is revealed. When your current incarnate experience is finished, you will make the choice of what you desire to do. No one or thing forces you to do anything you do not wish to do. If I were to offer advice, it would be to not worry about this. Relax, play with your children, spend time smelling the flowers, doing things you enjoy. Love life. The rest will come to you when it is the right time ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Purple Dragon - 12-27-2009 From a Trekkie view ![]() L&l PD RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - litllady - 12-27-2009 We all come from ONE place...we all return to ONE place... Energy in...energy out...energy is infinite. To me, infinite is a one, a single, a monad of all monads. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Monica - 12-27-2009 We are currently watching Nassim Haramein's video, Crossing the Event Horizon and are absolutely amazed at how this cutting-edge research confirms the Law of One! Nassim explains why we are all One, not just in esoteric terms, but in scientific terms. He mentions the Oneness aspect in this brief overview. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - zenmaster - 12-28-2009 (12-26-2009, 11:43 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: But I absolutely can't stand this version of "one-ness". I don't want to not be "real". I don't want this to be a dream. I have been told by those who embrace this kind of one-ness, and the concept of this being a dream/illusion, that once we reach a point in our evolution where "we" wake up, we'll just meld back into ONE being...ONE ...literally. There is no "us". There is no "we". We're just ONE being...God, and there are no "god sparks", or "rays", or people or individuals or trees or flowers or beautiful things...NO-THING! Just consciousness/love. Period. BLECH!!!!!You will be assimilated Kristy! Individualism is overrated anyway. Accept that you are merely a drop returning to a great ocean of love that exists in a void. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Ole - 12-28-2009 Quote:We are currently watching Nassim Haramein's video, Crossing the Event Horizon and are absolutely amazed at how this cutting-edge research confirms the Law of One! Interestingly, Haramein and Wilcock have met. That could lead to Haramein reading the Ra material (if he hasn't already). RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 12-28-2009 Hello all... I first wanted to thank every single one of you for giving me your thoughts/feelings/insights on my query, and I would certainly welcome many more! It just expands my understanding all the more. Your help has been invaluable!! If I may, I'd love to address certain comments you all have made, so I shall do so now: (12-27-2009, 12:07 AM)Questioner Wrote: How familiar are you with the L/L Research material? Most of it's available for free from the "Library" link at the top of the page. (12-27-2009, 01:54 AM)Aaron Wrote: I'll say it in a very simple way. We are one spirit experiencing life through many, many, many different forms of matter. (12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Yes we are one. Think of each of us as a part of the prism of light which comes from the purest color of white light. Although there are but seven basic colors, across the prism of light are many trillions of minute variations on those seven basic colors. We are each one of those individual colors. We are therefore part of the original white light, for without it, we would not and could not exist. (12-27-2009, 05:12 PM)Purple Dragon Wrote: From a Trekkie view (12-27-2009, 10:22 PM)litllady Wrote: We all come from ONE place...we all return to ONE place... (12-27-2009, 11:00 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: We are currently watching Nassim Haramein's video, [url=http://theresonanceproject.org/]Crossing the Event Horizon (12-28-2009, 02:57 AM)zenmaster Wrote: You will be assimilated Kristy! Individualism is overrated anyway. Accept that you are merely a drop returning to a great ocean of love that exists in a void. Whew...I think I got it all. Sorry it was a long book! Again, I am so thankful for all of you. I am so new to this and I hope you will have patience with me. I feel this is where I am supposed to be - that the LOO didn't come to me by accident. I can't get enough of it. I send you all my intense and heart-felt love. xoxoxoxoxoxo ~Kristy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 12-29-2009 Quote:The 4th density is one of your own choosing, so if you wish to fly, it will be so. If you wish to walk, it will be so. Do not worry; it will be anything other than boring!(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Yes we are one. Think of each of us as a part of the prism of light which comes from the purest color of white light. Although there are but seven basic colors, across the prism of light are many trillions of minute variations on those seven basic colors. We are each one of those individual colors. We are therefore part of the original white light, for without it, we would not and could not exist.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: ***Okay, so we're 'part' of it (like my children are 'part' of me) but also still individuals? I guess I'm trying to find out if I can still do things...fly, see and feel beauty, serve, contribute, sing, dance, play, etc. etc. The thought of just floating around in a love cloud sounds boring and even hellish to me because I'm not 'doing' anything. Of course, I realize have VERY limited perception and understanding here in 3D! Quote:In modern quantum physics, we see that all matter as we know it is only actually made up about 5% mass, and the rest of the space is empty. So... ok yes we have mass, but very little. Yes, this is like a hologram, and these physical bodies are not us, for we are spirits, and through the densities we use different vehicles (bodies). These vehicles (bodies) are as important as your last car. It is important to take care of them, but when the time comes for a newer one because the old one wore out, it is simply time for a new one.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: This premise/theory is closest to "reality". Yes, this is an illusion, designed for us to learn/experience as to experience the darkness and the light in such a manner that we will come to a decision.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Okay, by "illusion", do you mean to say that this flesh and this body I have is not real at all? Like a hologram or something? Or a figment of somebody's imagination? It sure feels real. Are you saying that the air I breathe, the flowers I smell, the children I raise, etc., are all just 'nothing'? I still don't understand "illusion"? Is it a metaphor or literal? *sniff* Quote:The third density is the shortest of all densities at 75,000 years, and is, compared to the rest, very intense. The first and second combined may take a few billion years. The 4th density only takes 7.5 million years, the 5th 75 million years, and then the 6th takes close to three billion years. This is, of course, assuming the most harmonious path is taken.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: This decision is which path we desire to take when we move forward through the next three densities. This is an important decision, because the next three densities take billions of years to complete.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** BBBBBBBB-BBBBB-B-I-L-L-I-O-N-S???!!! geeez, I hope they're better places than this 3D malarkey! And do you mean 'each' density takes billions, or all of them combined? Quote:Would the school student, if they were to simply play and enjoy the time in school with their friends, and that knew they would graduate if they did no work, do any work? We are students here in this density and we are here to do work. If we understood that we are unity and loved beyond doubt, we would not strive to do the work. This is so because of an evolution of the process. Previous Logos did not use the veil, and thus the 3rd density took much much much longer than it does with the veil.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Though you may not understand it, and the illusion is designed so you do not,(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** What purpose is served in my not being able to understand anything? Quote:I do not and cannot speak for God, as my understanding is limited. Even our elder brothers do not know all. We are each only of the knowledge of our own octave, but are aware of other octaves, the infinity of creation.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: In order to understand ourself, this is only part 3 of one level of infinite levels.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Infinite ...infinite?? Whoooah... wowowow.... As in infinite, as in never ending? Is this another way of saying that God will never fully understand itself? Is this because God is ever 'expanding' or something? Quote:This illusion is built in space time, whereby space has three dimensions and time has a single linear dimension. Though time appears to be flowing like a river, this is an illusion. Outside of the illusion is time/space, whereby time has 3 dimensions and space is linear. Movement is thought based, and time can be navigated just as we navigate this world we think we inhabit. In this manner, one can travel forward or backward or sideways in time, seeing the future, past, and lateral time lines as one desires, but only at one particular point in space. I know it sounds paradoxical, but all of infinity can take but a split second, just as a split second is all of eternity.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: When you blinked just now, it took more time than this entire lifetime that you think you are living, but are not.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Can you explain what you mean by this? Why did it take that long? Why did I perceive it as a split second? And what do you mean I'm not living this life that I think I'm living? Quote:Rest assured you will not only have more things to do, but you may enjoy them far more immensely than what you can imagine. Consider if you will that some day you might be a sun that provides love and light for your billions of children, or that you may in time become a Logos, giving birth to and providing love and light for trillions of stars that give birth to billions of children. The possibilities are endless...(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: When you say you do not desire to become one with God again, you only say so because you see as if with blinders on.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Actually, I desire to become "one" again with God, but only in the sense that I want to join God in oneness of thought and purpose. Like my thoughts and purposes mirror God's thoughts and purposes. In other words, I become "Godly"...? But if becoming one means melting into a pot full of spirits and floating around blissfully for eternity, that sounds like the pits. Quote:There will always be interaction, no matter what your perception of it is at this point in this illusion. You will never be mindless.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: If you could see the whole picture, you would see that there is more beauty in what you do not see, for what you see is not real, and the reality is not seeing, but experiencing. In experiencing, we remove distortion from ourselves(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: ***Doesn't Ra define 'distortion' as anything that suggests duality or individuality? And experiencing...this is what I WANT. That is why I fear going into a God melting pot. I feel like I'll just 'feel' stuff...and not experience it. I would liken it to being able to read about a vacation to Hawaii, and even look at pictures, compared to being able to really go to Hawaii. And I love to interact with others. Perhaps I'm not understand 'oneness', but I always pictured 'oneness' in this mode of thinking (LOO or ACIM) as being literally 'one' entity with no individuality whatsoever, therefore I have nobody to interact with. Quote:No forgiveness required. I explained awakening in your other thread. If I may give a brief outline of the densities though a single octave,specifically the one in which we are in.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: for in this illusion, the purpose is not to learn about love. Our purpose is to make a choice.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** and others say that our purpose is to remember who we are. And others say that we are here to wake up. And others say other things. I am so confused. Forgive me! 1) Earth wind fire water 2) Living matter and life, bacteria, viruis, plants, trees, animals. 3) Conscious self aware entities - make the choice to sts or stos 4) Gaining love - of self or of other-selves - beginning of social complex 5) Gaining light (wisdom) of self or other-selves - refining of social complex 6) Combining love and light - in which sts change polarity and becomes stos 7) Seeking Oneness with the One Creator Quote:Understood(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Although generally correct, I must note that you seem to have a difficult time being able to break free from the understanding that this "physical" self is real, for you like to describe your understandings as in comparability towards the physical self.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Actually, I dropped that belief about seven years ago. What I mean is, I used to (as a very staunch Mormon) believe that this body was going to last for eternity. Sure, it would die and rot at some point, but then God would resurrect this SAME body and I'd have it for all eternity, in a perfect form of course. But it'd still be flesh...but not have blood (a "Godly" liquid would flow through it, I was taught). I used the examples pertaining to bodies, etc., because I couldn't think of anything else to use that would best describe what I was trying to portray. ;o) Quote:You don't actually see your children, or you, as you each and one truly are. You only see the physical manifestation of such in bipedal ape bodies. The spirit is the true form, and someday you WILL see them as they truly are, for love can transverse time and space, and will. If your children were born after 16 Aug, 1987, it is perhaps they that will be waiting for you.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: The physical self in this illusion is as important to our experience as your car is to you. It is a mode of transportation, a means to move from point a to b.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: So after all this 3D is said and done, I couldn't care less about the body that housed "Kristy"?....or even "Kristy" for that matter? One thing that makes me sad about this is that I like being Kristy (except for my perceived faults, of course) and most especially because I love my children...who they are, what they look like, their personalities, their soft cheeks and sweet kisses, etc. The thought of never seeing "them" again as who they "are"....(((weep weep weep))) Quote:When you connect, you will know. This is unexplainable.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: In order to understand it, you must turn inward, for inside of you are ALL the answers.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *What do you mean by 'inside' me? Can this 'inside' be acquired via meditation? I meditate now (didn't start very long ago) but I still feel/learn nothing to my knowledge. How long does it take before we connect? (12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: When your current incarnate experience is finished, you will make the choice of what you desire to do. No one or thing forces you to do anything you do not wish to do. (12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: *** Well, my personal choice would be to never, ever, ever, ever (say that a trillion times) come to 3D life again (unless I came as an angel or an ascended master to help out the folks here or elsewhere). I feel like I've absolutely had enough of it after this incarnation. So, from what I've read, we have to qualify through STO. What if I didn't do either STO or STS, but was just stagnant? How does choice fit into things when we have to qualify for something? What if you decided at the last minute (literally) that you want to go to 4D but hadn't qualified?There are other threads which detail the requirments for ascension, thus I will not go into it here. Quote:Fear is a choice that you make. Again, there are other threads which detail this in more detail, so I shall leave it to you to seek those out.(12-27-2009, 02:39 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: Relax, play with your children, spend time smelling the flowers, doing things you enjoy. Love life.(12-28-2009, 07:59 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: I definitely do that, but lately I've been doing it more like someone who has a fatal disease. I find myself fearing "losing" my husband and children at graduation time, so I feel like a dying person who only has so much time before they die. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-29-2009 Kristy, I'm glad you enjoy the reading material. And my goodness you are full of questions! ![]() I recommend that while studying the Law of One, you explore its own terms, concepts, and definitions, without trying to evaluate them in terms of other approaches to spirituality. For example, you referred to what other sources said about the nature of God, of free will, of Mormon doctrine, of harps & clouds in heaven after this life, and so on. Those other sources may well inspire you and bring you a life of joy, peace, wisdom, love, balance and success beyond what the Law of One could offer you. That is certainly possible! However, if you try to mix and match them all at once, you'll find that it's difficult to appreciate what each has to offer. Steak is wonderful, ice cream is wonderful, steak ice cream with BBQ sauce, butterscotch and broccoli all at once, is not wonderful! L/L Research has material spanning decades. Carla's summary of this material runs to hundreds of pages. I'll try to give you a very concise overview of what we're talking about here but this may take several installments. I may be mistaken about some or even much of this, if so, chances are excellent that others will help you with a more accurate and useful explanation. Let's start with the biggest picture. The Law of One material says that the One Creator desired to have a broader range of experience than infinite unity. Therefore, the Creator decided to have individual parts that had their own consciousness. This provides the Creator with a variety of experiences and perceptions that contrast with infinite unity. We are in the midst of the Creator's exploration of what it could be like to have variety and differences, rather than total unity. God's free will is that portions of God have their own experiences and exercise their own free will. Ra refers to this variety of experiences as "distortions." That word can cause some confusion, because Ra does not mean that there is anything inherently negative or unworthy about these distortions. They are, however, distortions from the ultimate unity that the Creator experienced before this universe began, and which Ra expects the Creator will experience again after this universe ends. However, Ra refers to the beginning and ending of the universe as mysterious to comprehend, even at Ra's level. Therefore Ra doesn't speculate that much about these matters. Each of the earlier, more fundamental, closer to the Creator distortions explored the nature of Creation by further creating subdivisions which have their own consciousness. Through this process, galaxies were created, each having their own consciousness. Within galaxies, stars were created, each having their own consciousness. Each of these stars are a sub-creator or Logos in their own right, creating planets that in many cases support living creators with their own consciousness. Our own Sun, itself a Logos, created several planets including our present Earth. On this earth, we each experience our individual consciousness as we move around with our bodies. In our galaxy, some stars had created circumstances for individual creatures who were completely aware of all these spiritual activities. These creatures had a great sense of unity, because they were fully aware of their unified existence as components of a greater sub-creator who in turn was part of the One Creator exploring itself. However, they had rather stagnant lives because they knew that the ups and downs of their physical existences were not any challenge to their spiritual existence. Our own star, our Sun, experimented with a technique that would provide an opportunity for its creatures to have a very intensified opportunity for spiritual growth and development. This technique is to place a veil that prevents conscious awareness of the whole spiritual situation. With the veil in place, individual creatures identify with their bodies and fear their destruction when the body's life ends. Fearing that this separation might mean ultimate death, yet also fearing that merging might also mean the death of their individual essence, there is good reason to explore whether there might be something more than this life. This exploration can lead us to re-discover our greater unity with the whole spiritual situation, growing in love and appreciation on the positive path, or growing in desire to manipulate circumstances to our own advantage at the expense of others, on the negative path. The veil cannot be surpassed by logically tracing through evidence. The situation on Earth is deliberately set up so that we must use faith to choose what we believe. If we choose to believe that this life is all there is, or if we choose to believe that there is something more, either way it's an act of faith without enough evidence to force a conclusion. We each have to make a choice about the meaning and purpose of our own lives. We are in the midst of our Sun's exploration of how the veil intensifies opportunities for free will discovery of faith. This answers about half of the questions you've raised so far. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - litllady - 12-29-2009 Hello again ![]() There are some videos that I particularly loved when I was trying to figure some of the same things out. Course what helps one understand might not help another...so only take what resonates with you always. Our perception of what 'life' is and what 'existence' is ...is very limited to what we know through human experiences, human language, human thoughts...but quantum physics is helping us along the way, in our newly evolving understanding of God, the world, reality, and possibilities. So I share these only as a 'mabey' to help...not sure they will. Interesting nothing less..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a-kLYerQl8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-S3c1U4FPA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irDe7fGiQQ4&feature=related You are much more then just an individual...you are an observer...(watch all of the next video to see why being an observer is important) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc Threw that last one in just for fun My best Lynette RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 12-29-2009 (12-29-2009, 02:19 AM)Questioner Wrote: ...my goodness you are full of questions! Littlady said: "There are some videos that I particularly loved when I was trying to figure some of the same things out. " *** Lynnette, thank you thank you thank you for sending me these links. They are very helpful and insightful! This board is the greatest!!! I feel so supported. I hope I don't annoy people by my many questions. I read and read, but interacting with other "me's" (hehe) is much more effective in helping me grasp things. I appreciate all of you!! Lotsa lotsa lotsa lotsa luv, Kristy RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-29-2009 (12-29-2009, 09:50 PM)kristy1111 Wrote:(12-29-2009, 02:19 AM)Questioner Wrote: ...my goodness you are full of questions!*** Alas, one of my "flaws" as they've been called. Nah, around here it's an endearing quality. ![]() Quote:Actually, I was just trying to give you all an example of where my roots were so you could get an idea of how I was conditioned. Fair enough, that's helpful. Quote:Universe...ending?? I thought all God's creations are infinite and that energy can't be destroyed. I guess if the universe 'ends', then we do, too? As I mentioned, this isn't discussed that much in the Law of One material. But my impression is that Ra thinks that ultimately, all of the differences and "distortions" may ultimately reunite, with all of God learning and understanding all of those experiences. If this happens, nothing would be lost in the ultimate "group hug." Quote:Wouldn't that make the sun our "God", since it is our creator? Did the sun create us from thought and will? (and to think of all the times I've cursed the sun...I hate being hot because it has produced really bad intense physical reactions). This is a big subject. I'll provide another post discussing what the Law of One material says about the process of creation and the densities. Quote:Quote:The veil...THIS greatly eased my mind! I have been searching all my life thus far, trying to "find God", and getting more and more upset, feeling more betrayed, ABANDONED by God, because God seemed to be such a mystery and I couldn't figure out why God would allow his children to be so confused, and not let us know who he is. (he/she/it/they). Soooo, that's all part of the grand plan. How brilliant! Makes total sense! Isn't that a really positive idea to explore? Quote: wow...athiests are actually exercising faith and they don't even know it. ;o) My step dad is an athiest (so he says) but he could never prove the non-existence of God. Yes. Faith is what you choose to believe, and act as though it's true, when there is not enough evidence for logic to certainly prove something. The Law of One material says that we cannot prove or disprove God, or the rest of the Law of One material. Quote:THANK YOOOOOU, Questioner! You have been so kind to write all this out for me, and help me understand so much more. I appreciate it SO much! I look very much forward to the next installment. *hint hint* ((big grins)) It really is a delight for me and I'm so glad it's helpful for you. Quote:Big love, Back atcha babe! ![]() Quote:This board is the greatest!!! I feel so supported. I hope I don't annoy people by my many questions. I read and read, but interacting with other "me's" (hehe) is much more effective in helping me grasp things. I appreciate all of you!! That's why I like to spend so much time here. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - kristy1111 - 12-29-2009 and here I sit...waiting patiently ((cough cough)) ![]() ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-29-2009 Hahaha! I don't type that fast. I'll probably have it in a day or two unless I really get on a roll tonight, but I hate to have to tell ya, that looks unlikely right now. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - creationist - 12-30-2009 I found it really helpful to look at http://lawofone.info/ and go through their categories, based on what interest you at the current moment. I especially liked the Positive Path category =) RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Sacred Fool - 12-30-2009 Just a quick thought... Oneness is cumbersome as a concept, but is simple as an experience. Does the latter flow from the former? Probably not. The experience flows from self knowledge. Therefore, talk is far less valuable than self-experience...which ultimately leads to the experience of Oneness. Questioning (rational inquiry) is useful, but it's really a poor substitute for being. Being is intensified by increased polarization (i.e., desire to know the one Creatrix). RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 12-30-2009 And yet, as lately I have been contemplating where I am on my path of this incarnate experience, and feel I have come to simply move so much closer to being unity because of my ravenous consumption of written materials which I have read over the past several months of my awakening. I fully understand Kristi's thirst for understanding, for I was also thirsty. I am now not thirsty, but simply am the water, or at the very least least, am sitting in it up to my neck ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Questioner - 12-30-2009 (12-30-2009, 10:35 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: And yet, as lately I have been contemplating where I am on my path of this incarnate experience, and feel I have come to simply move so much closer to being unity because of my ravenous consumption of written materials which I have read over the past several months of my awakening. I fully understand Kristi's thirst for understanding, for I was also thirsty. That's true for me too. I found that the concepts I use in my thought process are very influential on my emotional state of being, and on my experiences. The Law of One concepts have revolutionized my thought and that revolution is slowly extending to the rest of my being. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Aaron - 12-30-2009 Oh so many questions! I'll try to answer as best I can while still trying to stay on topic... Quote:***One spirit? Does that mean that we aren't individual souls? I've read many times that we "each" individually have souls that live for infinity. What does LOO say about it? Here's a thought. What if, as a spirit, we are literally identified to other spirits by our position in space at the time? I don't think that it's possible to assign any sort of 3D logic to our deeper Being. But the LOO material says that as we approach 7th, we turn back and look at all our incarnational experience. So that must mean that our spiritual essence has some sort of identification! Quote:*** What powers this mind? I mean, is it an offshoot of a blended consciousness, or is it just a tool that is used, and then passes away like a withering flower? The mind is what creates and nourishes the brain, and the brain is what creates and nourishes the mind. Together, they accelerate consciousness. You could say that the mind and brain, being representatives of yin (essence) and yang (form) respectfully, depend on eachother. You power this mind! The word mind has a lot of meaning in zen, and it's way too much to go into here. But I'll say that everything has mind, but you have brain. Quote:*** So what is meant by a 'web'. If one looks at a real spider's web, we see that it is 'one' web, but has lots of strings that attach to each other. So are you saying we are individuals for infinity, but somehow are attached (perhaps by having the same type of thinking and serving?) Like mating: Two creatures join together in the literal sense and are 'one', for the joint purpose of creating, but they are also still individuals. (very rough example). We are infinitely individual, but infinitely one. If you think of your soul as a timeless being, then it's entirely possible that you could be manifested physically in more than one place, because your soul wouldn't follow the time we experience in this density. Therefore, we are individual from the beginning of time until the end of time, and we are one "before and after" time is manifest. Or I could say that we gain individual experience wherever time is, and we are the One giving the opportunity for experience wherever time is not. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Ali Quadir - 12-30-2009 I'll add my two cents to the treasure trove. Oneness is knowing who you are. It's as simple as that. There is what you call the dream, and there is the dreamer. We are the dreamer. Forms are by their definition finite. But the ideal from which they were born, which they strive to express and to which they will return is eternal. All ways of looking at it are equal, all ways of looking at it are themselves born from the infinite in which they have always existed. Manifesting because their time has come. You may call the infinite the sun, god, infinite intelligence. It is not these ideas but it gave birth to them and they strive to express it. It's ok to switch paradigms, they describe the same thing and we're interested in the things not the paradigms. Do not feel guilt for expressing individuality. It's what we came to do because it was time to manifest. We are finite, tomorrow we will be different from today, ever changing manifesting and navigating ideals. It is the great work. It is ever changing, and expression moves as we guide it by choosing our expression. Expression is thus guided by the one. Sometimes it feels as if we're going to get wiped out by the intensity of the experience. And it is a big ocean so it can get intense. But this isn't the first ride. Kinda by even getting to this point means we've been doing it for a while. In 3d the view is limited, but the immediate is usually pretty clear. The next step tends to present itself. In a mixture of thoughts feelings and we follow our dancing partner blindly pretty often and with satisfying results. This isn't about beginning to do it, this is about perfecting the synchronicity. The physical universe is an expression of an ideal, this ideal is karmic in nature, karma is a direct expression of this ideal. The karmic expression of yourself is sometimes called your light body. It is like the film in the projector. An infinite source of light or consciousness comes from the central sun, your soul, or God. We tend to describe souls as God shards. And this is a correct description. But it's holographic in nature, it is always the whole thing, as such undividable. The karmic body transmutes consciousness into consciousness perceiving, and the perception that is created is what we could call the physical mental and emotional worlds. They are tightly integrated and really just one world which is neither of it's descriptors but again the ideal from which they are formed. If it feels like a valuable part of you is temporary, it is templated into your essence, you can recreate it and will do so when the next step leads you there. Remember that it's the undividable you that's guiding the next step. It knows what to do because it is like the soul who looks back at the end of existence unto all that ever happened, knows all and offers guidance to all parts of it. But that's just a description based heavily on the concept of time. I would suggest that it is the essence of life the one being communicating with all it's parts, so that all parts may synchronize and be alive as an expression of themselves but also an expression of this greater being. In the same way you cause the synchronicity between your physical cells. The three ways to look at them you suggest are all valid and as all concepts go limited. They are an expression of the ideal, but don't always match as you yourself demonstrate by not being able to stand certain implications you associate with number two. Remember that it's just a part of the whole. You're seeing the bit there without an aspect you correctly require to be there. Therefore you can't stand the alternative. As long as it's purpose of showing a limited view on the ideal is met this is still a valuable insight. And you gained a clear understanding of what you need to be there albeit through an indirect route. Your knowing is greater than you can rationalize in alternatives right now that's all. Keep adding bits of the puzzle and it might happen rationally, if not it's still known, and it can be perceived intuitively emotionally or even through the physical. Don't put limits on it. You'll only end up limiting yourself. I hope that wasn't too metaphysical, I've just seen avatar, I'm still a little in the clouds. ![]() RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - transiten - 12-30-2009 As i think it is important what words we are using for our concept of "God" f.i. I must say i am somewhat disturbed by the still in these "emancipated" era persistent use of the patriarchal "Father" as the One Creator. It reminds me of the Old greeks trying to prove that the male was the "creator" of the child by inserting his seed into the empty vessel of the woman. That was before the egg was discovered ![]() transiten RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Ali Quadir - 12-31-2009 For what it's worth transiten, I've stopped seeing god as a Father archetype in my puberty. Jesus used the words father and mother.. Mother was carefully removed from the bible, but you still see it used in the gospel of Magdalene. The two words had different meanings. Mother was the earth component, the clay which is formed by the father is the sky component who is energy without form. Man happens when the two touch. By no means if I use the word God do I mean the archetypal old man with the beard in the clouds. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - transiten - 12-31-2009 (12-31-2009, 05:15 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: For what it's worth transiten, I've stopped seeing god as a Father archetype in my puberty. Ali! "God" is OK with me, but "Father" not, unless combined with "Mother". I'm a musiscian and languageteacher (french) and i consider sound carrying "meaning". Yesterday i heard a very interesting analysis of the role of Joseph and the concept of "Virgin" Mary...Why is Joseph denied true fathership and Mary supposed to have given birth without intercourse? This has had a hughe impact on the "absent father" and the Whore/Madonnacomplex spread among the traditional religions. The fullmoon is INCREDIBLE shining through my window. It's "the blue moon" and also the month with two fullmoons. Also there are 13 fullmoons a year, coinciding with the female period. 13 is the wholy number, Jesus was nr 13 among 12 disciples, Ophiucus is the 13:th sign not used in traditional western astrology, in the Celtic tradition nr 13 was the wholy godess. The female principle is now being restored, there must be balance between heaven and earth within every human being. 13 is my lucky number ![]() transiten RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Ole - 12-31-2009 Fractals are a good metaphor for oneness. Look at images of fractal patterns and see how the whole - in a holographic way - repeats in the "parts". Each part is unique, yet contains the whole. A fractal is infinite and one, yet infinitely diverse. Each part is connected to each other part of the entire fractal. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - seejay21 - 12-31-2009 (12-31-2009, 12:02 PM)transiten Wrote:(12-31-2009, 05:15 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: For what it's worth transiten, I've stopped seeing god as a Father archetype in my puberty. In my opinion the female principle isn't being "restored". At what point did man take the female principle away so that it is now being restored? When was it lost? I think that the balance between man and woman has always been. In fact, there is a male and female in every one of us, inside our True Self, in perfect balance, opposing and attracting. There is only one Truth. RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - transiten - 12-31-2009 Hello seejay In my opinion the female principle has been severly supressed in men an exaggerated in women which has led to an imbalance and repression of women since the female characteristics have been considred as "weak" To me it's a mystery that you have not noticed ![]() The partial lunar eclipse tonight occurs in the sign of cancer the "nurturing" sign. As moon rules cancer the female principle is symbolically darkened. transiten RE: SO confused - what does 'oneness' really mean??? - Peregrinus - 12-31-2009 Perhaps in the rest of the world this is true, but in North America women are as capable of being (expletives removed) as men. |