12-27-2009, 12:07 AM
Hi Kristy, welcome to the forum!
What a wonderful way to meet you, seeing your concern about the nature of love and life. You have obviously thought deeply about these questions. Thank you for the gift of sharing your questions and together exploring them in community.
How familiar are you with the L/L Research material? Most of it's available for free from the "Library" link at the top of the page.
From that page's Publications and Library tabs, Carla's "Law of One 101" and then "Wanderer's Handbook" might be good places to start. "Secrets of the UFO" puts Carla's and Don's background in context. Then the Ra books present Carla's, Don's, and Jim's experiences learning from Ra, in a rather dense way that makes more sense if you've read the other material.
Carla has a speech from 2005 at http://www.llresearch.org/speeches/speech_2005_0618.aspx that may be particularly useful to your current questions. Here is an excerpt but I recommend you read the whole thing:
As you can see from this excerpt, the Law of One has nothing to do with destroying your own individuality. As I understand it, it has to do with an awakening of love for yourself and for the portion of Creation that you interact with, moment to moment. Nobody is forced into any kind of merging.
The Law of One does say that when merging does occur, with "social memory complexes" beyond our current level of comprehension, the joining is entirely voluntary and welcomed by those who participate. They lose nothing of their own memories and free will in the process. However, we need not try to speculate or prepare for such eventual circumstances.
All we need to do now is to appreciate the Creator's love within our present experience. As Jesus said, "Love God and your neighbor;" love your neighbor and also love yourself.
As far as your points 1, 2, and 3: Perhaps it might help to think of yourself as a portion of God which has independent perception and free will, so that God could have a wider variety of experiences than were possible in infinite unity. Therefore, your own variety of perceptions and choices bless God with what God could not have experienced without you: the blessing of Kristy's unique life.
The Creator would not benefit from creating an aspect of Creator-ness that could Create her own thoughts, feelings, and decisions, only to obliterate and destroy all that the Creator had given separate existence! Therefore, don't puzzle about the metaphysical structure of your life; instead, focus first on the light and love within each moment.
(If you do want help figuring out the metaphysical structure of existence there are people here who can help you with that too... but they'll likely agree that the love within each moment is the main thing.)
What a wonderful way to meet you, seeing your concern about the nature of love and life. You have obviously thought deeply about these questions. Thank you for the gift of sharing your questions and together exploring them in community.
How familiar are you with the L/L Research material? Most of it's available for free from the "Library" link at the top of the page.
From that page's Publications and Library tabs, Carla's "Law of One 101" and then "Wanderer's Handbook" might be good places to start. "Secrets of the UFO" puts Carla's and Don's background in context. Then the Ra books present Carla's, Don's, and Jim's experiences learning from Ra, in a rather dense way that makes more sense if you've read the other material.
Carla has a speech from 2005 at http://www.llresearch.org/speeches/speech_2005_0618.aspx that may be particularly useful to your current questions. Here is an excerpt but I recommend you read the whole thing:
Quote:Far below the level of the conscious mind and its various details, we are all One, and we are One right from here, right from the heart. So [when] we can get into our open hearts, and live from there, we’re living in Heaven.
And this is what we came to do, not to force ourselves into heaven but to wake up from the planetary dream, to remember that we’re not here just to meet our loved one, to get married, to have children, to have a job, to retire, to enjoy our retirement and then to die and push up the daisies, but to be: to be the way flowers are in the field, the way stars are in the heavens, to be, substantially, spirit.
We are here because the Creator doesn’t have the right to make changes in the little parts of His universe that He created, like planets. We have that right. So we’re the hands of the Creator. We’re the voice of the Creator. And we have great guidance to help us hear the one infinite Creator.
The question is, can we remember to get back to that point within ourselves, beyond what to fix for dinner and whether we washed the toilet this week and so forth and to remember who we are and why we’re here.
The creation of the Father has a nature in which love is the essence of all things. So let’s look a little bit more into the creation of the Father because I don’t want to go off on some marshmallow cloud and just make us feel good, I’d like to get some actual substance talked about tonight.....
And in order for us to have complete free will, we had to drop a veil over our memory so that we didn’t any longer know for sure whether the Creator was real; whether we were real, as spirit. We had to waken within incarnation all by ourselves and choose to seek the light.
This is our great choice and our great chance. None of us does it well. None of us does it all the time. But every day you can wake up and say, “Today I am going to do my best to see the Creator in everybody and just keep my heart open no matter what happens to me.”
As you can see from this excerpt, the Law of One has nothing to do with destroying your own individuality. As I understand it, it has to do with an awakening of love for yourself and for the portion of Creation that you interact with, moment to moment. Nobody is forced into any kind of merging.
The Law of One does say that when merging does occur, with "social memory complexes" beyond our current level of comprehension, the joining is entirely voluntary and welcomed by those who participate. They lose nothing of their own memories and free will in the process. However, we need not try to speculate or prepare for such eventual circumstances.
All we need to do now is to appreciate the Creator's love within our present experience. As Jesus said, "Love God and your neighbor;" love your neighbor and also love yourself.
As far as your points 1, 2, and 3: Perhaps it might help to think of yourself as a portion of God which has independent perception and free will, so that God could have a wider variety of experiences than were possible in infinite unity. Therefore, your own variety of perceptions and choices bless God with what God could not have experienced without you: the blessing of Kristy's unique life.
The Creator would not benefit from creating an aspect of Creator-ness that could Create her own thoughts, feelings, and decisions, only to obliterate and destroy all that the Creator had given separate existence! Therefore, don't puzzle about the metaphysical structure of your life; instead, focus first on the light and love within each moment.
(If you do want help figuring out the metaphysical structure of existence there are people here who can help you with that too... but they'll likely agree that the love within each moment is the main thing.)