12-06-2021, 11:48 AM
(12-06-2021, 05:27 AM)Margan Wrote: You know I am more „against“ than in favor of it
But I have been thinking, especially about those who are seemingly forced into taking it at this point in time and space – it could even be a karmic thing. You know like those souls have been forcing others in previous lives.
As said before, I think we are all in this here to get liberated and karma relieved.
And should it be indeed so that there is no „way out“ of this and you have to get the jab – well just get it, pray for it to serve the highest and best good and if you want, (mentally) tell those who force you „that is your karma to deal with in the future“
I agree that if an individual is forced into being vaccinated against their own wishes, then the best thing to do is optimize the situation by not buying into the fear and continuing to focus on health. That doesn't even mean you have to flip and now believe the vaccination was good, only that your attitude is always to remain in health no matter what is thrown at you (pollution, toxic media, unclean water, and so on).
(12-06-2021, 05:27 AM)Margan Wrote: A Vedanta teacher who has said many intelligent things (some of them I resonate not so much, but this was good imo) – he said „well if you indeed took the jab or have to take it – instead of worrying so much about any physical consequences or harm it might have – use the time consciously and always remind yourself THAT YOU ARE NOT THIS BODY and thus use it to transcend the worldly illusions“
which I think it boils down to
I see the danger in some of us, who are extremely health conscious (not excluding myself here) – the body becomes some kind of big attachment and we only want to give it the best foods and supplements. Let us not forget that we don't own this body, we have to give it up one day, no matter how healthy we might have lived.
I do not agree with this teacher, and all who say "you are not your body." I see what they mean, but I think they go too far in dismissing part of what a human is here in this density (mind-body-spirit complex). The body may be temporary in the larger scheme of things, but we are caretakers of that gift (a physical vehicle in which to traverse a lifetime in this density).
I think this idea is a block for some who polarize STO. STS individuals are the ones who attach to the body I think. One can be STO and honor the body for what it is while here, and care for it with compassion and wisdom just as one cares for one's home or one's children (who are also not owned and must be let go at some point).
(12-06-2021, 05:27 AM)Margan Wrote: We are only temporary guests here on this planet and also – the majority „beats“ the minority.
This may be true in the sense of survival of a species, but personally I don't agree with it. I feel the individual is just as important as the many. What an individual adds to the world is unique in every case. I don't want to obtuse about this idea, so I will add that it is more devastating in scale to see a thousand people die at once (by a bomb for instance) than one person, but that thousand-person group is still a group of individuals.
Being a guest here, from my perspective, you ("you" in the general sense meaning anyone) respect the place you are visiting. Not infringing upon free will, in my mind, of the culture you are visiting does not mean you have to be a slave to that culture or allow that culture to harm you. There is a responsibility to self as well as others. The way I see it is to balance the two with respect for both.
(12-06-2021, 05:27 AM)Margan Wrote: Which I see in my country also – most of people believe the story about pandemic and the vaccine as the only way out.
So who are we to expect that this narrative will change any time soon?
„the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few“ wasn't that a Star Trek quote
or „if you cant beat them, join them“
I don't think the narratives will change. They may fade away as many have done before, which I imagine to be the best-case scenario.
Personally I would never join something because I couldn't beat it. I am not out to fight either, but when it comes to my body, which I am caretaker of, I will defend my right to choose. I do not agree with the EU of these vaccines. In addition, I have never taken a flu shot or any other medical procedure I don't agree with. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time. And because I have brought this up, I still see no convincing evidence that I am harming anyone else by not complying.
I realize that I am likely flaming the fires here, and I am speaking generally, not specifically to call your comments out, Margan