12-01-2021, 04:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2021, 04:57 PM by LeiwoUnion.)
(12-01-2021, 01:49 PM)Patrick Wrote: Zedro, you equate judging information as being the same as applying said judgment on those who believed the information?
That could explain why you think I'm dangerous and judgmental.
Perfection does exist. It may not be possible to manifest it, but I think trying is worthwhile. It exists within Unity, within true Oneness. Wanting to ever become a better channel of that state is worthwhile in my opinion. And certainly not dangerous.
There isn't much else I can say. Our way of seeing things and our understanding is too much at odds it seems to me.
But I am not here to promote vaccination whatever anyone can think. There is a lot of promotion of anti-vaccination and I guessed it would be worthwhile to present the other side of that particular coin. But now I think it would be better if you were left alone posting anti-vaccination stuff for each others. Anything else just results in disharmony. This latest spout was initiated by a post of yours to which it would have been better if I had not answered and instead left this thread become the echo chamber it wishes to be.
Oh Patrick, you seem to try so hard to not slip to judgement yourself. Maybe you try too hard altogether, or maybe not hard enough, who can say? This thread wishes nothing for it is a thread. Yet, this thread is One, complete whole and perfect, is it not? Echo chamber is a hall of mirrors where one can test one's discernment capabilities. Echo chamber may also be resonating with truth here and there, illuminating the place. Add in falsity and the place is still illuminated; light always wins over shadow as shadow is non-beingness. Discussion does not result in disharmony, disagreeing does not result in disharmony, not even disharmony itself result in disharmony. The only way to experience disharmony is to create disharmony within oneself by oneself. Why would you want this? You experience disharmony away from here, and also being here.
Aiming for perfection is a fool's errand; it would be similar to say 'I will drink the oceans empty'. You may start doing it and use up your whole life trying to drink the oceans empty never losing your vision of the ultimate goal. However, the only thing achieved like this is missing the journey itself. The so called perfection is a symptom, not a goal. This is how the fool turns into the hero, instead of staying a fool. One day one just suddenly realizes perfection was achieved by not achieving it, and it vanishes. This is also why it is said 'before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water' and not 'before enlightenment chop little sticks carry water, after enlightenment chop logs carry wine'. Within true oneness one is equally infinitely perfect, and infinitely non-perfect, so the concept of perfection in itself is non-existent as it demands duality. Why aim towards something that exists only in your own distorted mind with such vigor?