11-13-2021, 09:08 AM
Everything in 3D is always the same spiritual test. We are presented with catalysts, none of which has any importance in and of itself, and the test is how we react to all those catalysts. There is Love in the moment, will we see it? We are not here to fix anything, we are here to find out if we can manage to love this planet as it is, warts and all.
Regarding vaccination, from the bottom of the rabbit hole it might seem impossible to find where the Love is in this. But from where I am standing it is obvious to me. First, I do not believe even one iota of all that is said against vaccination. I see it as a true healing modality. So of course that makes it very easy for me to see it very positively and with Love.
On the other hand, where I put my efforts at the moment is into seeing where the Love is in this whole anti-vaccination movement. I see some of it, like people wanting to protect others from what they believe is a grave threat, I can see the Love there. But I have a lot of work to do still in that regard.
I guess that if everyone is really wishing to find Love in everything, no matter where we stand, we are all going to find each others and meet in the middle somehow.
Regarding vaccination, from the bottom of the rabbit hole it might seem impossible to find where the Love is in this. But from where I am standing it is obvious to me. First, I do not believe even one iota of all that is said against vaccination. I see it as a true healing modality. So of course that makes it very easy for me to see it very positively and with Love.
On the other hand, where I put my efforts at the moment is into seeing where the Love is in this whole anti-vaccination movement. I see some of it, like people wanting to protect others from what they believe is a grave threat, I can see the Love there. But I have a lot of work to do still in that regard.
I guess that if everyone is really wishing to find Love in everything, no matter where we stand, we are all going to find each others and meet in the middle somehow.