Robert: And can we get an idea of which are the most deadly vaccines and where have they been distributed, in which countries? And why does the second dose hurt so much? Is there a reason for that?
Anéeka: Yes, in itself there are the most deadly ones everywhere, it is not so much by countries. The oldest and youngest population will receive the worst doses on the global scale. Children to sterilize them and kill those who are in excess, the elderly for being useless. Those who they want to keep alive longer are young adults, but vaccinated to make them sick little by little and exploit them having to buy drugs to contain the symptoms of “diseases” that most will not associate with the vaccine they were given.
The worst places according to countries are Australia and New Zealand, Europe and North America, but I do not agree with this because of their needs to exterminate the Latin American, African and Asian population as well.
So they assign the type of vaccine to more specific populations, not necessarily to entire countries, but to areas within those countries. Depending on the demographics present in each place. And there are ethnic components in vaccines too, definitely YES.
As for pain, I have no information, but the second dose is basically a second shot to the head.
PCR tests serve to:
1.) Be an excuse to say people have Covid.
2.) Insert graphene and the nanotechnology it contains directly into the brain of the person.
3.) Extract DNA to catalog people.
4.) Insert chemicals of the same type as vaccine that do not require volume.
I am referring to the deep nasal ones, the ones that are “mild”, tongue or blood ones, are mostly an excuse. Or just as an excuse to say that you have COVID.
Robert: And what would you say to those people who say that increasing the frequency does not affect the vaccine?
Anéeka: Let them try that first being immune to drinking caustic soda using only the mind, and we will speak later. Do not be naive, the population in general will not be able to achieve that, to say that is criminal. Yes you can control that with your mind, in theory, but even Yázhi gets sick from food from time to time. Jesus is supposed to have had high frequency like no one else. So what about the Cross?
It´s just that people do not understand something basic and serious here. Just because they don't see deadly effects right away doesn't mean they won't later. There is no turning back, not even with Med Pod.
Gosia: And one thing Anéeka. I know we talked about it but it is still not clear to me and many people ask. Why in that supposed illness, flu or whatever, are there serious respiratory problems?
Anéeka: There always have been respiratory illnesses. Just that now they associate everything with Covid. There have always been “contagious” respiratory diseases. It's just relabelled. Other people associate other common diseases again as Covid, such as a large outbreak of “Covid” in Latin America that we follow from here, which affected an entire population, which again they classified as Covid... when from here we see that it was a simple Salmonellosis.
Gosia: Yes, I know that they catalogue other things as Covid. But they all report the respiratory problems. That is also the flu or what causes that?
Anéeka: Many great doctors against Covid say that all they did was relabel all respiratory diseases as Covid. I go further to say that they relabelled all contagious diseases as Covid, and even more, just using symptom clusters that can be associated as Covid being that they are generic symptoms.
Example association. It is common for a person to feel sick to their stomach, which causes dehydration with or without diarrhea, then that person goes to the doctor, and he or she will listen to their lungs and it will sound like a plastic bag moving, they will say that is Covid.
The doctor who is basically a criminal does not see that dehydration inflames the pulmonary membrane with the rubbing that swells and deflates, causing inflammation in the lung area and in some cases even the accumulation of intra pulmonary fluids. And the cause is not even respiratory, it is gastric.
Gosia: Thank you. In my Telegram group, many people give support to each other to “cleanse” themselves of vaccines. They give each other ideas etc. Others say that it is not possible to cleanse and I have also said it many times. What can you say about that? Is it worth the research they do on how to “cleanse themselves of vaccine poison”? We already know it is not cleansable but I would like to hear it again in your own words.
Anéeka: My opinion: if you give them the idea that the vaccine can be “cleansed” you are also giving them the idea of consenting to the vaccine and then cleansing themselves. So that concept is like supporting the Cabal. Because the sad truth is that there is no way to get clean from the vaccine.
Here it has been seen that the only way is with a genetic laboratory where they can isolate a cell or group of cells from the person, which has not yet been affected by the elements of the vaccine. From there create stem cells and basically rebuild the body from scratch by way of cloning it in a special medical pod.
This procedure is not simple, because it cannot even be in a normal medical pod, since that one reads and uses the cells that it does not see what to replace for, ending up copying and reproducing the genetically altered cells.
So we would have to either re-program or use Cloning Pod and then apply total immersion technology to pass the consciousness from one body to the other. Tremendous task and it is with technology from here.
Another problem is that the harmful genetic change occurs almost immediately after inoculation, as the vaccine material, the genetic reprogramming material, travels through the bloodstream and within minutes invades all the cells of the body, it will only take a few circulatory cycles to lodge in all the cells of the body of the inoculated person.
But my point here is that I feel strongly that one should not in any way promote the false concept that you can cleanse the vaccine because you cannot.
These almost esoteric cleanses have been used before against children's vaccines such as MMR, where they help to remove heavy metals, however I do not find them scientifically valid, and I am talking about Taygetan science, not human science.
Or in any case it is of a minimum help, if at all. So it is true that anything they do to help a vaccinated person is valid, but the sad objective reality is that the vaccinated people are already damaged for life and you cannot reverse that even with a normal Med Pod, only with the elaborate procedure described above.
About one, two or three doses of vaccines:
It is harmful and deadly from the first one. Other boosters will simply increase the amount of active substances, accelerating the process of body decay. That is to say, their harmful effects will take less time to manifest themselves. Inoculation is harmful at the level of genetic destruction with a single dose. That is why I insist that people do not get vaccinated, because the reality is that its effects are not reversible.
I fear that people will enter into the false hope or false idea that they can be inoculated to be cleansed later. Thus increasing the number of inoculants.
I have told you before that it is like a bullet in the head. It is that drastic. Just that people are unable to see it because it is not immediate like the bullet, but it is a degenerative process that can take even several years, but the effects will depend on each person.
People do not see it because it is not immediate. And when symptoms appear they will attribute them to other things, from the same sars-cov-19 another “variant” (justifying more inoculations) or to health problems that they do not relate to having been inoculated months or years ago. Including autoimmune processes, dementias, atrophies, nervous problems, collapse of the immune system, spontaneous myocardial attacks, cancers and so on, the list is endless.
If someone says we are catastrophic, I tell them the following:
Two people are talking to each other face to face, and one says to the other:
Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.
Person B.) I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.
Person B.) I respect your opinion but in my opinion I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Yet here it comes and it's going to hit you.
Person B.) Look, I respect your opinion and you respect mine and we'll all be happy, it's the right thing to do, okay?
Person A.) It's going to crush you imminently.
Person B.) That's just your opinion, don't be a catastrophist.
Same with the awakened ones screaming at others about inoculations. And then they want to know how to clean up after a bus ran over them.
Gosia: Thank you! That's what I needed. But one thing. Why doesn't the medical pod regenerate these vaccine-altered cells if the idea of the medical pod is exactly that - REGENERATION to the original pattern, the one on the etheric side? Do you mean that the cellular alteration produced by the vaccine also affects the etheric DNA pattern?
Anéeka: The Med Pod is still just a machine. It does not return the cells to what is their original etheric point but replaces individual cells. That is, the machine does not repair individual cells, it replaces them entirely with new ones.
The Pod must first take a healthy cell, form a DNA map of what the person is like, then replace the damaged cells in the body with new stem cells programmed to each point in the body by using a high-energy hologram of extremely high precision.
The problem is that the genetic change of the inoculated person alters each and every cell from minutes after the inoculation, therefore the Pod has no basis to regenerate these cells because it cannot differentiate a cell altered by the inoculation with the original code of that person.
So we would enter here the field of genetic engineering, to return the body to its original state, but unlike an accident for example, if 100% of the cells to be replaced in a body are damaged it is equivalent to a new body (cloning) and for that ideally a reliable sample of the original DNA of the affected person would be needed.
The problem with inoculation is that it changes the DNA base of each cell. It cannot then return to its original pattern because it is no longer in the cells. This causes a disparity between the body and the soul or Source signal in the inoculated person, causing them to not be compatible. And the more doses they have, the more the disparity between the body and its DNA and the person's frequency: which explains the behavioral changes, and dementias among inoculated people.
The return to the original pattern would occur generations after the alteration, at least one generation, but as I have told you, if people are sterilized with the inoculations, there will be no subsequent generations to regenerate the DNA.
Already in 5D an altered-inoculated person could have benefits by activating his/her DNA from 22 chromosomes 2 strands to 24 chromosomes 12 strands. However, this will take much longer, I am talking about 7 years which is the personal time it takes to replace all the cells in the human body (and this is speculating as we have no data to support this at this time). However, the harmful effects of the inoculations will destroy the person's body much sooner than 7 years, creating the inability to regenerate their DNA, even being in 5D.
Another problem is that even if it is re-activated, who knows what is re-activated since the damage to the body's DNA is all the body and all the DNA, creating for example the potential for serious alterations and birth defects in people having been brought into 5D by triggering unforeseen changes to the person's DNA caused by the inoculations.
Moreover: I assure you that if a person comes to me still alive with a bullet in the head, it will be more easily repaired in a Med Pod than an inoculated person. I'm just telling the truth. Sad but I can't give “hopium”. The Med Pod has no problem repairing bullets in the head, that's what it's for.
Gosia: What advice can we give then for people who are already vaccinated?
Anéeka: Look for ways to improve your health dramatically. Improve your general health. Little else can be done. Still some will be able to live for years after inoculation, if it was only one. That is its purpose, not to be immediate. It also depends on the controllers, whether or not they activate the graphene vaccines contain.
Gosia: Yes. I would say just try to improve your overall health as much as you can, and live life the best way you can. Because vaccinated or not, we should all live like this, as if it is our last day, because we will all die, and at any moment. So what to do? The same as any unvaccinated person would do. Be healthy, take care of your soul, and live life, whatever is left for all of us.
above video explained clearly why there's no cure for C19 vaccine in 3D. in 5D, there's a cure as described above. in higher dimension, there're other ways to cure or clone the body, but that's based on each one's 'contract'. one of Marina Jacobi's video explained this.
but all those cure are above 3D.
Anéeka: Yes, in itself there are the most deadly ones everywhere, it is not so much by countries. The oldest and youngest population will receive the worst doses on the global scale. Children to sterilize them and kill those who are in excess, the elderly for being useless. Those who they want to keep alive longer are young adults, but vaccinated to make them sick little by little and exploit them having to buy drugs to contain the symptoms of “diseases” that most will not associate with the vaccine they were given.
The worst places according to countries are Australia and New Zealand, Europe and North America, but I do not agree with this because of their needs to exterminate the Latin American, African and Asian population as well.
So they assign the type of vaccine to more specific populations, not necessarily to entire countries, but to areas within those countries. Depending on the demographics present in each place. And there are ethnic components in vaccines too, definitely YES.
As for pain, I have no information, but the second dose is basically a second shot to the head.
PCR tests serve to:
1.) Be an excuse to say people have Covid.
2.) Insert graphene and the nanotechnology it contains directly into the brain of the person.
3.) Extract DNA to catalog people.
4.) Insert chemicals of the same type as vaccine that do not require volume.
I am referring to the deep nasal ones, the ones that are “mild”, tongue or blood ones, are mostly an excuse. Or just as an excuse to say that you have COVID.
Robert: And what would you say to those people who say that increasing the frequency does not affect the vaccine?
Anéeka: Let them try that first being immune to drinking caustic soda using only the mind, and we will speak later. Do not be naive, the population in general will not be able to achieve that, to say that is criminal. Yes you can control that with your mind, in theory, but even Yázhi gets sick from food from time to time. Jesus is supposed to have had high frequency like no one else. So what about the Cross?
It´s just that people do not understand something basic and serious here. Just because they don't see deadly effects right away doesn't mean they won't later. There is no turning back, not even with Med Pod.
Gosia: And one thing Anéeka. I know we talked about it but it is still not clear to me and many people ask. Why in that supposed illness, flu or whatever, are there serious respiratory problems?
Anéeka: There always have been respiratory illnesses. Just that now they associate everything with Covid. There have always been “contagious” respiratory diseases. It's just relabelled. Other people associate other common diseases again as Covid, such as a large outbreak of “Covid” in Latin America that we follow from here, which affected an entire population, which again they classified as Covid... when from here we see that it was a simple Salmonellosis.
Gosia: Yes, I know that they catalogue other things as Covid. But they all report the respiratory problems. That is also the flu or what causes that?
Anéeka: Many great doctors against Covid say that all they did was relabel all respiratory diseases as Covid. I go further to say that they relabelled all contagious diseases as Covid, and even more, just using symptom clusters that can be associated as Covid being that they are generic symptoms.
Example association. It is common for a person to feel sick to their stomach, which causes dehydration with or without diarrhea, then that person goes to the doctor, and he or she will listen to their lungs and it will sound like a plastic bag moving, they will say that is Covid.
The doctor who is basically a criminal does not see that dehydration inflames the pulmonary membrane with the rubbing that swells and deflates, causing inflammation in the lung area and in some cases even the accumulation of intra pulmonary fluids. And the cause is not even respiratory, it is gastric.
Gosia: Thank you. In my Telegram group, many people give support to each other to “cleanse” themselves of vaccines. They give each other ideas etc. Others say that it is not possible to cleanse and I have also said it many times. What can you say about that? Is it worth the research they do on how to “cleanse themselves of vaccine poison”? We already know it is not cleansable but I would like to hear it again in your own words.
Anéeka: My opinion: if you give them the idea that the vaccine can be “cleansed” you are also giving them the idea of consenting to the vaccine and then cleansing themselves. So that concept is like supporting the Cabal. Because the sad truth is that there is no way to get clean from the vaccine.
Here it has been seen that the only way is with a genetic laboratory where they can isolate a cell or group of cells from the person, which has not yet been affected by the elements of the vaccine. From there create stem cells and basically rebuild the body from scratch by way of cloning it in a special medical pod.
This procedure is not simple, because it cannot even be in a normal medical pod, since that one reads and uses the cells that it does not see what to replace for, ending up copying and reproducing the genetically altered cells.
So we would have to either re-program or use Cloning Pod and then apply total immersion technology to pass the consciousness from one body to the other. Tremendous task and it is with technology from here.
Another problem is that the harmful genetic change occurs almost immediately after inoculation, as the vaccine material, the genetic reprogramming material, travels through the bloodstream and within minutes invades all the cells of the body, it will only take a few circulatory cycles to lodge in all the cells of the body of the inoculated person.
But my point here is that I feel strongly that one should not in any way promote the false concept that you can cleanse the vaccine because you cannot.
These almost esoteric cleanses have been used before against children's vaccines such as MMR, where they help to remove heavy metals, however I do not find them scientifically valid, and I am talking about Taygetan science, not human science.
Or in any case it is of a minimum help, if at all. So it is true that anything they do to help a vaccinated person is valid, but the sad objective reality is that the vaccinated people are already damaged for life and you cannot reverse that even with a normal Med Pod, only with the elaborate procedure described above.
About one, two or three doses of vaccines:
It is harmful and deadly from the first one. Other boosters will simply increase the amount of active substances, accelerating the process of body decay. That is to say, their harmful effects will take less time to manifest themselves. Inoculation is harmful at the level of genetic destruction with a single dose. That is why I insist that people do not get vaccinated, because the reality is that its effects are not reversible.
I fear that people will enter into the false hope or false idea that they can be inoculated to be cleansed later. Thus increasing the number of inoculants.
I have told you before that it is like a bullet in the head. It is that drastic. Just that people are unable to see it because it is not immediate like the bullet, but it is a degenerative process that can take even several years, but the effects will depend on each person.
People do not see it because it is not immediate. And when symptoms appear they will attribute them to other things, from the same sars-cov-19 another “variant” (justifying more inoculations) or to health problems that they do not relate to having been inoculated months or years ago. Including autoimmune processes, dementias, atrophies, nervous problems, collapse of the immune system, spontaneous myocardial attacks, cancers and so on, the list is endless.
If someone says we are catastrophic, I tell them the following:
Two people are talking to each other face to face, and one says to the other:
Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.
Person B.) I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.
Person B.) I respect your opinion but in my opinion I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Yet here it comes and it's going to hit you.
Person B.) Look, I respect your opinion and you respect mine and we'll all be happy, it's the right thing to do, okay?
Person A.) It's going to crush you imminently.
Person B.) That's just your opinion, don't be a catastrophist.
Same with the awakened ones screaming at others about inoculations. And then they want to know how to clean up after a bus ran over them.
Gosia: Thank you! That's what I needed. But one thing. Why doesn't the medical pod regenerate these vaccine-altered cells if the idea of the medical pod is exactly that - REGENERATION to the original pattern, the one on the etheric side? Do you mean that the cellular alteration produced by the vaccine also affects the etheric DNA pattern?
Anéeka: The Med Pod is still just a machine. It does not return the cells to what is their original etheric point but replaces individual cells. That is, the machine does not repair individual cells, it replaces them entirely with new ones.
The Pod must first take a healthy cell, form a DNA map of what the person is like, then replace the damaged cells in the body with new stem cells programmed to each point in the body by using a high-energy hologram of extremely high precision.
The problem is that the genetic change of the inoculated person alters each and every cell from minutes after the inoculation, therefore the Pod has no basis to regenerate these cells because it cannot differentiate a cell altered by the inoculation with the original code of that person.
So we would enter here the field of genetic engineering, to return the body to its original state, but unlike an accident for example, if 100% of the cells to be replaced in a body are damaged it is equivalent to a new body (cloning) and for that ideally a reliable sample of the original DNA of the affected person would be needed.
The problem with inoculation is that it changes the DNA base of each cell. It cannot then return to its original pattern because it is no longer in the cells. This causes a disparity between the body and the soul or Source signal in the inoculated person, causing them to not be compatible. And the more doses they have, the more the disparity between the body and its DNA and the person's frequency: which explains the behavioral changes, and dementias among inoculated people.
The return to the original pattern would occur generations after the alteration, at least one generation, but as I have told you, if people are sterilized with the inoculations, there will be no subsequent generations to regenerate the DNA.
Already in 5D an altered-inoculated person could have benefits by activating his/her DNA from 22 chromosomes 2 strands to 24 chromosomes 12 strands. However, this will take much longer, I am talking about 7 years which is the personal time it takes to replace all the cells in the human body (and this is speculating as we have no data to support this at this time). However, the harmful effects of the inoculations will destroy the person's body much sooner than 7 years, creating the inability to regenerate their DNA, even being in 5D.
Another problem is that even if it is re-activated, who knows what is re-activated since the damage to the body's DNA is all the body and all the DNA, creating for example the potential for serious alterations and birth defects in people having been brought into 5D by triggering unforeseen changes to the person's DNA caused by the inoculations.
Moreover: I assure you that if a person comes to me still alive with a bullet in the head, it will be more easily repaired in a Med Pod than an inoculated person. I'm just telling the truth. Sad but I can't give “hopium”. The Med Pod has no problem repairing bullets in the head, that's what it's for.
Gosia: What advice can we give then for people who are already vaccinated?
Anéeka: Look for ways to improve your health dramatically. Improve your general health. Little else can be done. Still some will be able to live for years after inoculation, if it was only one. That is its purpose, not to be immediate. It also depends on the controllers, whether or not they activate the graphene vaccines contain.
Gosia: Yes. I would say just try to improve your overall health as much as you can, and live life the best way you can. Because vaccinated or not, we should all live like this, as if it is our last day, because we will all die, and at any moment. So what to do? The same as any unvaccinated person would do. Be healthy, take care of your soul, and live life, whatever is left for all of us.
above video explained clearly why there's no cure for C19 vaccine in 3D. in 5D, there's a cure as described above. in higher dimension, there're other ways to cure or clone the body, but that's based on each one's 'contract'. one of Marina Jacobi's video explained this.
but all those cure are above 3D.