07-07-2021, 09:10 AM
(07-06-2021, 10:12 PM)ada Wrote: ...What is the point in making belief in such crazy theories? It's so unhealthy for the mind that worrying about the body isn't even in the right balance. You worry about the body, but in the process you harm the mind, to protect..what?
I would say that, as with all catalysts, there is something to learn in this.
A bit like many here learned after 2012 when the world did not end, the system did not crash and they realized they had to continue living their "modern" lives as before. Many internally wish that something (anything) big would happen, so that they no longer have to continue in their current circumstances.
If a big disruption arrives then they are ready for that (or they think they are), but they are often not ready to continue the status quo when nothing "much" happens.
So then they secretly "hope" something big would happen to get the Earth out of the status quo and move things along. But that is simply not how the nature of catalysts works. We are living in the NOW and if you are not happy here and NOW, then the "future" is not going to fix this for you.
We all have to find a way to be happy here and now. It's the only place and time we can do it.
"...where you put your energy, where you put your mind, is vitally central to your experience. If you begin with an act of faith and say, “I think life is this way and I’m going to live as if it were this way,” then you cast yourself into the midair of faith having no proof of anything but the simple feeling, the knowing, that all truly is well and that the universe does make sense. It is not meaningless, and you are not alone. You are loved, you are needed, you are full of purpose, and you simply need to let go of any preconceived notions as to how that works and simply engage in life to the best of your ability..." ~ Q'uo
So personally, I think life is this way... All is well always and vaccines are good and the virus will go away and a "new" normal will arrive for the better for all. So that is exactly what I am going to experience.
I wish to see you all in this same happy experience, but that is everyone's own choice to make.
It is a choice to be made completely and utterly on Faith alone, because this current illusion is not showing you this, you have to have Faith that it is indeed this way, whatever the illusion is showing you. And so it will... because we are each extremely powerful beings.