05-21-2021, 04:37 AM
Quote:There are exponentially far more independent scientists (hundreds of THOUSANDS) obsessed with investigating and finding provable, repeatable data - than fearful faux-metaphysicists/conspiracy 'shock-jocks' with no scientific training who bought a computer, read a lot of other peoples ideas, mashed them all together in their thinking and set up a website.
The problem with as much as over 90% of scientific data today is that it is not truly repeatable. 'The statistic significance' concept (which is a human invention to get at least some, albeit illusionary, read publishable, gratification from experiments) arises from the only possible way science can mass produce 'results'. Gather data, produce statistics, analyze statistics to 'know how universe works'. There are problems in each stage, but the most critical issue arises already from the first point. Scientists and researchers assume the first two points at least are objective, but in truth none of them are. It is absolutely ignored that will and desire in collective and singular sense, for example, affect the results and measurements of each experiment. This produces confusing (to say the least) statistics where the analysis can be brought (consciously or unconsciously) to produce any angle to the results. In common science this leads often to lengthening of the analysis process, thus in increase of costs, which in turn puts pressure to the researcher to pick an angle and publish it 'as is' to not waste/lose further funding which is usually tied to published research (non-published research or so called 'table drawer' research does not exist). These facts make much of the research conducted today pretty much worthless; luckily there is still room for positive real innovations, because the scientific field is truly humongous (0.1% could easily produce world changing situations, but they don't arise from statistical analysis of previous results of statistical analysis). To me it is also interesting that there seems to be a link in mass hysteria and belief in statistics and manifestation of influenza like symptoms. Remember, even covid-19 manifests in body via mind distortions.
I grow weary of the focus points regarding this topic. In my mind there is too much intensity of focus worldwide in covid and wax issues, when to me it is of obvious nature that one draws these experiences to themselves via the distortions and blockages they have at the time. Taking or not taking the wax is no working. Having or not having 'herd immunity' is no working (whatever it even means in truth; and I have studied the topic in university). The fact that there is such a thick smokescreen created by these cov and wax issues to the collective mind is to me obviously dark influence. Even the naming activity around these 'viruses' and waxes just pollute the air further. Also, this whole topic around 'the mark of the beast' in wax is also blown out of proportions. In my understanding there is and has been myriad of 'marks' aka choises leading to spiritual degradation or halt in the process. If one chooses or is forced to become mercenary and kill people for money, is that not 'mark'? If one chooses to do 16 hour days to gain more funds to buy more materials to gain better social position and then transfer this ideology to their progeny ad infinitum, is this not an example of a long line of choosing 'mark'. If one saves animals or environment during the day and beats his wife and children in the evening, is this not the 'mark'? My view is that the 'sinkhole of indifference' and the so called mark is the same thing. If one chooses the wax, it is already embracing transhumanic view, whether one thinks its helpful towards others or the self. Similarly if one rejects the wax, because it could cause bodily degradation or because it is some 3D plan of the nagatives, is also embracing the body ID focus. To people here with greater than average awareness this issue might not 'drown them' completely, but it surely has shifted focus already closer to body ID. To me this pandemic seems no different as catalyst than a stick in the toe would. It rises from the certain mind's distortions and blockages and manifests as influenza like bodily primary catalyst. As secondary catalyst (e. g. when someone you know catches it) it is more complicated yellow ray issue but the principle is the same. This is my understanding.
PS: For the common unawakened non-wanderer would you think that the wax increases or lowers their potential for spiritual growth and evolution? Tip: 'Science, f*** yeah!'