"Why is this brand new risky treatment being pushed to the population by the power elite? It’s plain as day to see something is not right."
Until humanity at large undergoes a near death crisis, to obtain yogic attainments, they need several ego deaths, to let go of their institutions and so forth.
Just like a con man trying to do a 3 game monty fraud to steal people's money, the positive uses this as a teaching experience in discernment and forgiveness/compassion. The con man is trying to take people's money with the game. The positive saint is trying to convert the heart of the con man and to forgive the con man, in playing the game.
But to win the game, people will just have to stop playing. In other words, each individual is receiving a different test, according to their imbalanced chakras.
This will only accelerate in the years to come, until people hit high and low on the rollercoaster multiple times.
That is the only way the general population "can wake up". Any kind of government disclosure or media saying stuff, is only a surface band aid. If people hope to graduate the Harvest, they will need to do a lot of work. Several life times compressed in a single life time, if they are going to make it past the Solar Flash Event.
"I went from borderline Atheist/nihilist to...."wow, there is definitely something else going on here.""
Just wait and see, 2021 advent of Golden Age.
Of course, many people will think the sky is falling or Luke is falling to his death from high above. The cycles are repeating faster and faster. To compress things as time is short.
I am planning on even more amazing stuff, if you think the current stuff is something.
Until humanity at large undergoes a near death crisis, to obtain yogic attainments, they need several ego deaths, to let go of their institutions and so forth.
Just like a con man trying to do a 3 game monty fraud to steal people's money, the positive uses this as a teaching experience in discernment and forgiveness/compassion. The con man is trying to take people's money with the game. The positive saint is trying to convert the heart of the con man and to forgive the con man, in playing the game.
But to win the game, people will just have to stop playing. In other words, each individual is receiving a different test, according to their imbalanced chakras.
This will only accelerate in the years to come, until people hit high and low on the rollercoaster multiple times.
That is the only way the general population "can wake up". Any kind of government disclosure or media saying stuff, is only a surface band aid. If people hope to graduate the Harvest, they will need to do a lot of work. Several life times compressed in a single life time, if they are going to make it past the Solar Flash Event.
"I went from borderline Atheist/nihilist to...."wow, there is definitely something else going on here.""
Just wait and see, 2021 advent of Golden Age.
Of course, many people will think the sky is falling or Luke is falling to his death from high above. The cycles are repeating faster and faster. To compress things as time is short.
I am planning on even more amazing stuff, if you think the current stuff is something.