05-08-2021, 09:08 AM
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Due to the fact that some of these waxines are actually spread to other people and those populations can be infected by these waxines that spread like viruses, the genetic code of these injections is very peculiar. It is a computer model not an actual isolation of the so called Covid virus, because there is no specific Covid virus...
I am sorry my friend, but this is simply not what is happening. It does no good putting our heads in the sand like that.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...Indians practicing Ayurvedic and Lemurian/Yoga practices already know. The shot is not a good thing for them.
Sadhguru: "Top priority for vaccination should be accorded to high-risk population groups such as frontline workers, elderly, and marginalized workers among others..."
Just highlighting that there are prominent spiritual teachers out there that are in full support of vaccination.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: I think people can theorize that this is the Harvest period in action. So assuming that, be extra careful taking any unknown injections full of DNA/RNA material you have no idea what it does...
We should stop eating food then ? This would be the obvious vector of choice for STS to change us. These vaccines are much too looked at by all to be a good choice. STS is cleverer than that.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: ...during a period of time in which people without the DNA activation to go through ascension/Harvest/graduation, are getting problems. "problems" tm. If people want to take it, they can take it. If people don't want to take it, and you try to make them take it.... you going to have to face a couple of "obstacles" in your path. One of them being the Guardians, the other one being the Distortion of Free will, then karma, then the US military (loyalist factions). Since the mRNA waxxines cause an involuntary aura effect upon other humans, this is classified as "involuntary waxination". As a result, the Divine Counsel will and has authorized counter measures. This is no longer a "human decision" any more. Humans are still fighting or trying or arguing about it, yes, but the decision has been made for Direct Intervention. If not now then when? When everyone becomes zombies in the zombie apoc? Lol
Our DNA has nothing to do with the harvest. Choices such as taking a vaccine or not has nothing to do with the harvest.
Our choices on how we treat each others and how we treat our selves is what is relevant.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Because the ultimate end goal is still Positive Harvest. This is not a theory any more from some alien channeling group calling itself Love Light. You are watching it happen in real time, 2020. End Game scenarios activated. All assets deployed. Complete world wide collapse/reset/regeneration/lockdowns. This is not some common day flu or corona cold virus every season. The Central Sun's rays will only increase in intensity as time goes on. NOt even the ET fleets can dampen it down forever.
The Confederation has mentioned that the harvest has started in the middle of the previous century and will take a good while to unfold.
This current crisis is just one happening. There will be other external catalysts. There is nothing particularly special about this one.
But the harvest happens within. What is happening outside is not all that important.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: This is Harvest Season. How many will make it through, 1 billion? 3? Previously on Season Earth Final Conflict (heh), how many millions made it? Not many it seems. Maybe in the other 75k year mega cycle, a civilization equaled our own, but the US is the New Atlantis and the DNA splicing methods are indeed similar to if not even superior to Atlantean technologies. Many other countries have their own exotic tech specialties. Population wise we have likely exceeded Atlantis' Empire, even if all the other races are underground now a days. Personally, I was prepared for up to 90% failure ratio in the harvest. That means less than 1 billion would make it. So far, a few million fatalities, many of which are just going into reincarnation into 4th density bodies, does not worry me. This new mRNA super spreading involuntary wax thing worries me, yes, but that is only because I have not encountered it before. It is not something Divine power will fail to overcome.
There is no need to fear this. There is nothing to overcome in those vaccines. It is vaccination that is overcoming this pandemic. It is vaccination that is resolving this societal catalyst.
(05-07-2021, 10:20 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: My personal pov is likely very foreign or alien, thus incompatible with that of the rest of humanity. That is because knowing what I know, 90% reduction in the human race was a very high chance. The fact that it has not happened, is not due to luck. It does not matter how much the media control networks attempt to spread fear. They failed to achieve even a 30% fatality ratio in 2020. The game is up. Without Heyl-El's sixth density SMC directing matters, these humans have no idea what the yare doing any more.
So then maybe we should not help spread fear ourselves?
All this disinformation regarding vaccination is a great source of fear in our world at the moment. Helping spread the disinformation is just helping spread more fear.