(04-29-2021, 02:27 PM)zedro Wrote: Alternative view of India: seems the death rate is matching the vaccination rate? Also again, media optics that we've seen performed here in North America where the performative fraud has been exposed (hospital stacking, fake accounts of overflowing ICUs, etc). So deaths are happening, but what are the real numbers/reasons? This isn't conspiracy wishfull thinking, there is alot of evidence that things are being manipulated to create more fear, which galvanizes ones viewpoint into unquestioning.
Precisely 4 months after waxinations in India began mass. Ivermectin and other methods dropped off the Corona sun sensitivity ascension symptom reaction/allergy, but then something happened.
And this something was not Corona precisely, since Corona has been hitting India since 2019. Or more precisely, ramping up since 2012 and the 1980s energy of 4th density light.
Due to the fact that some of these waxines are actually spread to other people and those populations can be infected by these waxines that spread like viruses, the genetic code of these injections is very peculiar. It is a computer model not an actual isolation of the so called Covid virus, because there is no specific Covid virus. It's just a Wuhan bio weapon Atlantean hybrid DNA splicing op. More explained here https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/bulle...ndoras-box
At this point, it is very difficult to determine whether the deaths are due to Corona ascension symptoms, the waxine disabling the immune system thus causing allergic reactions (death), or some other hybrid combination. In another 4 months time, people will know. Indians practicing Ayurvedic and Lemurian/Yoga practices already know. The shot is not a good thing for them.
If they have sun sensitivity, they need to produce Vitamin D and utilize AYurvedic practices. 4000 years of sustained human health and data results. Compared to the "modern STS science" stuff that everyone seems to respect more.
I think people can theorize that this is the Harvest period in action. So assuming that, be extra careful taking any unknown injections full of DNA/RNA material you have no idea what it does, during a period of time in which people without the DNA activation to go through ascension/Harvest/graduation, are getting problems. "problems" tm. If people want to take it, they can take it. If people don't want to take it, and you try to make them take it.... you going to have to face a couple of "obstacles" in your path. One of them being the Guardians, the other one being the Distortion of Free will, then karma, then the US military (loyalist factions). Since the mRNA waxxines cause an involuntary aura effect upon other humans, this is classified as "involuntary waxination". As a result, the Divine Counsel will and has authorized counter measures. This is no longer a "human decision" any more. Humans are still fighting or trying or arguing about it, yes, but the decision has been made for Direct Intervention. If not now then when? When everyone becomes zombies in the zombie apoc? Lol
Because the ultimate end goal is still Positive Harvest. This is not a theory any more from some alien channeling group calling itself Love Light. You are watching it happen in real time, 2020. End Game scenarios activated. All assets deployed. Complete world wide collapse/reset/regeneration/lockdowns. This is not some common day flu or corona cold virus every season. The Central Sun's rays will only increase in intensity as time goes on. NOt even the ET fleets can dampen it down forever.
The vestiges of this dark matrix is using the old mind control programs to continue to keep humanity in a state of constant perpetual fear of death and of other things, 3d constructs, to keep the vibrations too low and to make them susceptible to Ascension allergies. Against these forces of darkness who were abandoned by Heyl-El and other higher density negatives, you have the patriotic/loyalist US military, other nation's anti child trafficking forces, and a political alliance superseding old national rivalries, ET Galactic Confederation forces of the 4th density or late 3rd density, Agarthans of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th density, and other astral and ethereal forces siding with positive Earth harvest, such as the Dragon secret societies of Asia. The Rebel Alliance even. Vs the Empire of Darkness. You don't need tickets for this. You are in the show as well as watching the show, so enjoy the ride and make your Choices.
This is Harvest Season. How many will make it through, 1 billion? 3? Previously on Season Earth Final Conflict (heh), how many millions made it? Not many it seems. Maybe in the other 75k year mega cycle, a civilization equaled our own, but the US is the New Atlantis and the DNA splicing methods are indeed similar to if not even superior to Atlantean technologies. Many other countries have their own exotic tech specialties. Population wise we have likely exceeded Atlantis' Empire, even if all the other races are underground now a days. Personally, I was prepared for up to 90% failure ratio in the harvest. That means less than 1 billion would make it. So far, a few million fatalities, many of which are just going into reincarnation into 4th density bodies, does not worry me. This new mRNA super spreading involuntary wax thing worries me, yes, but that is only because I have not encountered it before. It is not something Divine power will fail to overcome.
My personal pov is likely very foreign or alien, thus incompatible with that of the rest of humanity. That is because knowing what I know, 90% reduction in the human race was a very high chance. The fact that it has not happened, is not due to luck. It does not matter how much the media control networks attempt to spread fear. They failed to achieve even a 30% fatality ratio in 2020. The game is up. Without Heyl-El's sixth density SMC directing matters, these humans have no idea what the yare doing any more.