(05-05-2021, 02:06 PM)Waxing Prophetic Wrote: ...the number of people who died WITH covid (those with comorbidities) vs. the number of people who died OF covid (those battling ONLY covid)?...
I don't know for Unity, but personally I would look at meta analyses to get that type of information.
Such as this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7524446/
Where they calculated a worldwide IFR of 0.68%.
But they also say this:
Quote:...However, due to very high heterogeneity in the meta-analysis, it is difficult to know if this represents a completely unbiased point estimate. It is likely that, due to age and perhaps underlying comorbidities in the population, different places will experience different IFRs due to the disease. Given issues with mortality recording, it is also likely that this represents an underestimate of the true IFR figure. More research looking at age-stratified IFR is urgently needed to inform policymaking on this front...