03-20-2021, 12:10 PM
(03-19-2021, 04:28 PM)unity100 Wrote:(03-08-2021, 05:53 PM)Ohr Ein Sof Wrote: You could choose not to vaccinate, truthfully. They did completely skip the animal trials so we are their animal trials FYI.
That's false. Dont propagate false information.
Quote:It does take more than a decade to produce a vaccination generally. I mean if those two things donot make one nervous and think twice, I am not sure if anything would do the trick.
It doesnt. Again, dont propagate false information as if it was truth. Holy cow.
(03-09-2021, 03:44 AM)Ymarsakar Wrote: "If they manufacture an illness, why not take the manufactured cure that is also provided."
Generally speaking, this setup is called a con, a scam, or a high level deception trick.
Even if it was so, it wouldnt matter: You would eventually die from 'manufactured' disease. Because it doesnt matter whether a disease was manufactured or natural. A disease is a disease.
Beyond that, the nonsensical, childish concept that 'there is one world elite that plans all the things' is just inapplicable: If there is one establishment that manufactures a disease and drops it in another country to harm them, the other countries dont want to get harmed, so they produce their cures. That would be the same case if Nazi Germany survived, dropped a biological weapon somewhere in the form of a disease, and every other country in the world rushed to produce cures for that.
Quote:The reason for the STS is not to create negative harvest in general. It is to keep people in the Wheel of Karma, reincarnating as recycled batteries
No such thing - Negative entities need negatively harvestable entities to increase their power. Random 3d entities being reincarnated into a 3d planet does nothing to provide any such result. Moreover, the lower the level of an entity, the more despicable/lowly that entity for the negatively harvested entities. So much that early negative 6d entities cut most contact with outside world, as Ra explains.
There is no benefit in random death and chaos in direction of negative harvest. Much better to create a religious cult, a fascist organization or similar constructs to propagate negative polarity and try increasing negatively harvestable leaders while polarizing the believers or followers negatively.
Quote:Neither socialism nor capitalism will be necessary in 4.5 density, because both are incomplete systems born of an STS civilization and world
So, socialism is born of a negative sts civilization and world, and yet people will have to share even their memories in 4d.
Thats contradiction.
Each and every positive entity listed as wanderers in Ra material had philosophical inclination towards more equality, whereas some positively polarized 3d entities like Einstein and the actual wanderer Martin Luther King were outright Socialist.
(03-09-2021, 07:16 PM)Louisabell Wrote: I wonder what would make an organisation classed as STS in third density. Are we talking about a pharmaceutical company?
Just like how a lot of conservatives, especially in modern US discourse, seem to call anything they dont like 'socialism' or 'communism', many spiritualist people seem to be doing the same by labeling anything they dont like 'STS'. That seems to be basically it.
(03-10-2021, 09:12 PM)Ymarsakar Wrote: Did Patrick say that about the nukes awhile ago? I can't recall any more.
But if so, that would make it twice I've highlighted Quo's channeling and how it contradicted what people here claimed the Confederation sources were saying.
The narrative, in the beginning at least, was that the threat of STS wax/virus was fearmongering.
But Q'uo literally spells out the bio weapon intent behind SARS/others. Population reduction is the answer chosen by the Confederation, not by conspiracy seekers here.
Then afterwards, the narrative shifted to "well, it's still okay even if the intent is negative, because we can heal or it won't affect us".
But again, "Q'uo" mentions how the mind body spirit can be disintegrated. What does disintegration mean? It means you lose your data and spiritual experience, being recycled back to 1st or 2nd density. The light codes, the Divine coding, that connects mind body spirit together is the DNA, even the 'junk' DNA.
It needs to be reminded that conscious channeling is not reliable as the method of channeling used for Ra material, and the conscious channelers' personal biases and subconscious has great effect on what they end up translating. So, everyone should take conscious channeling with a truckload of salt.
(03-11-2021, 08:15 AM)Patrick Wrote: I am not saying that a nuclear explosion is not allowed. I am saying that destroying the template of en entity is not allowed. Your physical body is destroyed but the helpers protects the entity.
Losing a MBS complex because of a nuclear weapon never happened. There is no need to fear this.
Sorry to disrupt that comfortable perception, but the spirits of those who died in last two nuclear explosions on this planet were saved only with specific intervention from certain confederation sources, and by permission of the council. It is not an automatic process, leaving aside that its not a spiritual law, and no kind of information was given on whether it was done for earlier nuclear wars on this planet or Maldek.
So its probably a one time situation which was done with the initiative of certain confederation entities and permission of the council. Which means that entities are pretty much free to destroy each other's existence in this universe using nuclear weapons.
Meaning that people of this planet, especially spiritual seekers, should not be childish as to expect that no matter whatever happens, someone will just come and remove the uncomfortable consequences, like preventing a nuclear war or saving those who die in a nuclear war next time.
The logos provides tools for the experience, and the rest is up to the entities, as explained in the material.
First, fear is an evolutionary tool that is created to prevent entities from doing things which they should not be doing. Like randomly throwing themselves off of a cliff. Or, consciously throwing themselves off of a cliff. Or, accidentally falling down a cliff while being careless and irresponsable. You dont intellectually and consciously know not to touch a burning stove and re-calculate your behaviors based on that knowledge every few seconds to avoid doing such dangerous things - you subconsciously avoid them by using the instinct which was created through the mechanism of fear you had.
Its not something that should be repressed - like any other emotion. Someone who has no fear is not someone who is brave. S/he is someone debilitated, psychologically disabled or foolish.
Bravery is doing the right thing or the thing that needs to be done despite fear.
That said...
People, especially spiritual seekers need to realize that the time of childhood is over, since this world is now in early 4d, and its time to stop putting faith in the fragments of beliefs in earlier religions, like the semitic religions, especially Christian religion which has a built-in 'getting saved' concept. In which all the believers need to do is to just believe, and everything will be 'just alright' because an external entity will come save them from all their troubles without them having to take any action other than believing.
As you can see, when that is put into everyday wordage, it sounds very childish and irresponsible. You dont need to do anything but just put your faith in this and that abstract belief that has no actual confirmation, and someone else will just fix your problems for you.
Spiritual evolution doesnt work that way. Nobody can advance on his/her spiritual path without taking responsibility and action in the direction s/he wants to follow. There is no exception to this, no special chosen person, race, people, religious or cultural flock or group.
The only way to go forward is to take responsibility, take action and walk forward. Not sit and believe and not have fear.
"Believing that it will just be okay" wont help the virus. "Not believing" that it exists wont help it either. Avoiding the vaccine because "it is based on fear" (whatever on earth that means) will definitely not help.
That's no different than 'not believing in fear' and wandering around a cliff's edge, believing that everything will 'just be okay' because you 'dont give in to fear' and you believe that some spiritual entity or entities will 'just' fix your problems for you, and then falling off the cliff to discover that you have broken most of your bones and have to go through an arduous process of healing.
You may fall off the cliff. You may not. But its foolish to wander around the cliff with that mindset. Its as simple as that.
In between something bad happening with, 1 in 1,5 million chance...
...or 1 in 60 chance...
...not choosing the former is just being a fool. The former is someone's chance from dying from covid vaccine, whereas the latter is the chance of dying from covid. Give or take a few percent.
That's the summary of the vaccine situation.
[quote]People, especially spiritual seekers need to realize that the time of childhood is over, since this world is now in early 4d, and its time to stop putting faith in the fragments of beliefs in earlier religions, like the semitic religions, especially Christian religion which has a built-in 'getting saved' concept. In which all the believers need to do is to just believe, and everything will be 'just alright' because an external entity will come save them from all their troubles without them having to take any action other than believing./quote]
Well, now that you have said something about growing up as spiritual seekers and still behaving as children is over; I feel that the entire world has listened to your very realistic words and is now blossoming with Life! The only thing left to do is to scream it from the roof tops and you are all set.
There are no time limits to seeking and now is the time to practice that compassionate 4th density light in which you are speaking of. People are on their own spiraling line of light according to their own intelligence, knowledge, their own biases, their own dysfunctions and distortions. There is nothing another can do to make another seeker progress faster and iterating it doesn't make it happen faster either.
The world has not moved to 4th density but rather the "earth" is 4th density positive vibration. If it were in 4th density we would all be dead as she would be in 3rd density potentiation.
Regarding STS: We are here to discover our own truth. There truly are no mistakes; misunderstandings, yes. We are limited in various ways (language, true knowledge, etc..) therefore, people will get confused or remain confused about what a true STS individual would look like as far as personality and mental makeup. And for those of us that have a decent grasp will keep talking those points until enough area within this topic has been covered. Even you, I doubt really knows what a true 3rd, 4th or 5th density STS looks like in it's personality traits and habits or the framework of it's mind, because you are a positive seeker and only have the vastness of knowledge that your imagination contains regarding this topic.