03-09-2021, 10:10 AM
(03-09-2021, 08:34 AM)David_1 Wrote: Suppose the primary purpose of the maxxines is to reduce the population. (This was likely one reason for creating the mirus.) Then signs of their effects probably would not show up for three to six months. There are quite a few examples of deaths within hours or days, but the percentage is small, so logic would say most would overlook them.
The longer term intended effects might include sterility so that producing offspring will not be possible. Or the effects might include sufficient DNA modifications that physical death occurs earlier than would be normal.
Is it possible that a major goal is reducing the spiritual connection to the positive by offering fear and subjugation to those who choose not to take maxxines?
We do not know the answers.
I will say yes the orion negatives are trying to take as many entities as possible towards negative 4th density, remember Ra said that at one point (I don't know where sorry) that if a planet was conquered by the orion group and who would therefore be part of the empire, then free will would be restored and a massive landing (with their ships for example) would be possible.
Remember that their main objectives are: enslavement and enslavement of others ... Now, this is precisely the plans of the new world order with the old schwab in mind.
Make no mistake my friends, their Machiavellian plans are well underway and nothing seems to stop them for the moment hence my questioning on the confederation oriented positively and their hypothetical come to the aid. You are of course free to believe it, to take the vaccine ect, to believe in this pseudo pandemic, to think that the 5g, the curfews and the closing of businesses and mass unemployment are just bullshit and conspiracy theories, I have enough knowledge to tell me that all this stinks for miles and that we are going to go through difficult times.