01-15-2021, 10:38 AM
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: I'm actually willing to ask the opposing questions.
That's fine. However, do you want answers that appeal to you or whatever answers there might be? This is because when you stand behind a closed belief system (such as poetically expressed by Pink Floyd's The Wall albums) you don't really open up to new ideas besides the ones that already reinforce your current biases.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Who are these supposedly "Elite", are they people just like you and me?
This "Elite" can be summarized as the Earth-farm current owners/managers/breeders. They are comprised of beings who wish to control, exert dominion over, subjugate other beings much like in a Ponzi scheme, though instead of financial funds, the currency is the livestock (mostly human's) emotions and lives.
There is the 3D-level hierarchy and the 4D, alien-level hierarchy. The 3D is comprised of mostly humans and/or probes or thought-forms that come from 4D, such as explained by Ra.
Quote:12.18 Questioner: Are there any Confederation or Orion entities living upon the Earth and operating visibly among us in our society at this time?
Ra: I am Ra. There are no entities of either group walking among you at this time. However, the crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding, shall we say. The first type is the thought-form; the second, a kind of robot.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: How and what exactly are they trying to implement?
Maximum control and manipulation in order to fulfill their self-centered agenda.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Do we currently have such technological means to hide it in a vaccine?
You wouldn't even imagine the current technological development of human beings. So, yes.
Since, of course, they are assisted by STS aliens (the so-called Orion Crusaders, in Ra terms) on 4D, which has certain temporal "advantages" in comparison to a native 3D standpoint, they are pretty much reasonably well served in terms of tech. However, and this is the cause of the human Elite downfall, because of their ridiculously short lifespan in comparison to 4D beings, they have no grand temporal vision, so they are easily manipulated by aliens who give them crumbles and junk in exchange for cooperation to a fate that will ultimately destroy humankind; unless things change.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Who is actually working on the vaccine?
Multiple sources, both STS and STO oriented. However, the big plays and advances are mostly STS centered. After all, they haven't been working throughout millennia on this planet for nothing.
It's a funny thing, though, to see the STS structure slowly collapsing due to internal divergences, most often caused by greed and the so-called wishful (or narrow) thinking. And it's not like they weren't warned.
Another amusing thing is seeing humans and aliens thinking each part got the upper hand on the counterpart.
It's like WWII between Nazi Germany and USSR: each of the parts making a treaty with the counterpart yet with the latent intent to double-cross their counterpart. Humans are at disadvantage on this matter, though, as the 4D aliens can jump back and forth in time and influence both directly and indirectly the outcome of certain events and timelines.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Are they normal people like you and me?
Well, it depends on how you define normal. The human so-called "elite" have a carefully planned genetic breeding in order to maximize their lineage, or bloodline, abilities, and/or potential.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Why are they trying to control us, or to what do they want to control us in to?
Because the Harvest is going to be a big cosmic event in which there will actually be a transition on a global scale to 4D. Why do you think Revelations, or Apocalypse, was written? Although corrupted throughout the ages, it has a part of the truth contained within. There are numerous books, series, movies, shows, and many more media pieces written based on this event.
They want humankind to be mindless slaves as much as drones are subservient to queens in insect colonies. As a contingency plan, they are preparing some type of take-over contingent in case there is resistance. Why do you think there are countless references to apocalyptic stuff, mutant human beings (such as X-Men), aliens (such as Superman or even Goku, which share a common root-story), time travel (such as in Marvel Universe, for instance with Loki and Thanos)? The list goes on. It is a form to slowly get the masses used to phenomena that supersede the 3D reality.
The Orion Crusaders are like Spanish Conquistadores. They had spent a great and long deal of care and planning in their efforts to overcome and dominate Earth. This has happened since the Edenic fall and humankind's modulation of their genetic potential.
The thing is, human beings have so wonderfully designed body-machines — besides Earth's marvelous designed nature — that a total wipe-out would be a waste. This is why more subtle, covert control tactics and methods are underway.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: What exactly do they want to gain that isn't already in their hands?
As above, so below. Human beings may eat fruits and meat to nurture their bodies. The same principle applies to 4D beings, just on a larger scale. Sum that with the material resources Earth possesses, such as gold, and you see why they're interested in this planet.
In the way things currently are, human beings aren't so willingly servile as they should be, so in order to maximize the success rate of a takeover, there is this slow, almost spider-like weaving work. Because of this, these control methods are thought to be implemented. It's amusing to see backfire after backfire occurring, though.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Where are they?
Well, everywhere. Earth is their claimed planet, after all. It's like their turf.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Are there representatives from the same "controlling agenda group"?
Of course. In all types of media, in technology, and in every other gadget human beings use. The factions that form the STS conglomerate aren't homogeneous though, and they have multiple interests that sometimes conflict. After all, they are their own weakness.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Are they stationed in every country and scheme together? How?
Absolutely. They either have direct access or indirect access to every country on Earth, and they often use political events and other distractions to turn away the attention of the masses to the implementation of their agenda. However, as it was mentioned before, they aren't totally cohesive, and, naturally, their interests diverge primarily due to greed and lack of trust, as they're like a scalded cat that had to survive in the past without completely trusting one another, and now they reap the fruits of their previously sown seeds: mistrust, a narrow view of things and a colossal hubris.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: It's possible to over-complicate these things with our own imagination and metaphysical knowledge, but most humans at the top of the hierarchy are quite consciously unaware and indulged with material power. They don't even get along.
The opposite may also be true: it's possible to over-simplify these things with our own imagination and metaphysical knowledge.
However, I wouldn't judge the humans at the top of the hierarchy as you did. That would be too underestimating. They haven't got there — or stayed there — for mere luck. They possess a great deal of cunning and skill, and they really excel at their specialties; although their people have been misled and keep being lost due to their desire for knowledge (on their own terms though, which narrows down their thinking so as to not collaborate with an open heart with other human beings, which they perceive as expendable livestock for their endeavors).
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: What do I supposedly understand from the metaphysical that connects to our physical?
Well first and foremost, earth is in a process, meaning, the people are still in a process. Therefore such metaphysical STS hierarchy cannot exist.
Well, that is one way to look at it. You're free to think this world is a fairy tail, a honeycomb brimming with delicious and really attractive honey. Isn't that the optimal slave-cage? Isn't that form of slavery the most efficient: one which the shackled ones aren't even aware of their chains?
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Earth is protected and quarantined, meaning no outside sources can actively manipulate the populace thought to a large degree.
Guess from whom Earth is being protected? That's right — from every STO alien race out there. Humanity is "the bad guys" in the vicinity of the solar system, by the way. Why do you think people got quarantined here on Earth lately? Due to a virus. That's what humanity currently limit itself to be: a virus. Humanity consumes and destroys life, such as the STS centered mentality does; and this Earth quarantine only exists to protect humans from infecting other planets with their nefarious self-centered existence.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: Earth is already vibrating in 4th density STO, that means love, that means service, that means truth, that means acceptance.
That's really something, isn't it? Yet, human beings are still massively at 3D frequency consciousness, because of their short-sighted conscience. Which means, by the way, that the STS dudes are doing a good job at keeping people oblivious to what's really happening.
See things as they are: there is very, very, very little TRUE truth, love, and acceptance on Earth right now. The very little that there is, is still self-centered and comes mostly from a place of service to self.
(01-15-2021, 08:54 AM)ada Wrote: I understand and I value what we as spiritual seeks do when times are norm, but what is happening right now is not the norm. So it is now that we should focus on trust and not doubt, on love and not fear, on good people and not the "elite".
You may focus on your good crops and ignore the weeds. That's fine. They'll still take your garden.
You don't neglect serious business like this. You fight with your whole being against it if you wish to be of service to others.