01-14-2021, 08:07 PM
(01-14-2021, 04:39 PM)ada Wrote: I don't understand how the side effects of the vaccine can be any worse than the virus itself, especially if your body hadn't built any antibodies before getting sick.
The most side effects from the vaccine which I've read were things like dizziness/muscle pain/fatigue and in very minor cases allergic reactions. Which again, were nowhere near what the virus itself does.
I'd be more than glad to hear other's knowledge regarding this, perhaps I'm quite misinformed.
The latest Cassiopaea Session has this:
(L) Alright. Gaby was saying something about the Covid business...
(Gaby) So it seems to have changed a bit. There seems to be The Return of Covid. There were a few cases like those reported back in March, people with masses in the lungs, a sort of interstitial pneumonia, but they're happening to young people now. So I was wondering if this is the result of the new vaccination program? Even though it hasn’t started officially, there have been thousands already vaccinated; something like 40 thousand during the experimental phase.
(L) So, you're saying that there are some really bad cases of Covid, and you're wondering if that's due to those who have been vaccinated?
A: Most likely. But do not forget what is being done to the population in terms of terror and predisposed belief. Further, wearing masks creates a perfect breeding ground for mutations and intensification of the illness.
Q: (L) So people are being programmed to believe that they're gonna die. Also, their bodies are being poisoned by their own effluvia from wearing masks and by being turned into walking talking garbage dumps by re-breathing their own waste... It's like rats breed in garbage dumps, and viruses breed in physical-body garbage dumps. If you don’t take the trash out of your body properly, you become a contaminated dump ripe for all kinds of pathogens to move in and take over.
(Joe) There are several vaccines. Two of them are messenger RNA vaccines that have never been used on humans before. We know more or less what they do. I was just wondering if those mRNA vaccines are particularly dangerous for people as compared to the standard type?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Dangerous in terms of increasing the chances that people will get sick, or have some kind of... What's the danger from that kind of vaccine?
A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique. The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than Covid.
Q: (Joe) So is that the best bet then for a real plague? A real pandemic might come from the vaccine for Covid...
(L) A real, horrible pandemic might come from this vaccine interacting with the DNA of specific individuals. There may be a small percentage of them, but all it takes is one.
(Gaby) Or could it be more like... Ya know, it's the spike protein that is produced that is like HIV and also endogenous retroviruses that are already resident in our DNA that could be activated and behave like a Black Death. Or could it be something more like we'll be seeing a lot more cancer, for example?
A: Think something more like Black Death.
Q: (Gaby) Though certainly, we’ve already seen that COVID can amplify and accelerate already existing conditions. In another direction, we've been discussing on the forum about things we could take to protect us in case we have to be vaccinated. Will other people being vaccinated be a source of potential Black Death even if you don't get vaccinated?
(Joe) That was the idea. This mRNA vaccine causes your body to produce the spike protein from this coronavirus. Is it possible that within your body, that protein could be combined with some other more benign virus?
(Gaby) From what I understand, components of the spike protein are homologous to some of our endogenous retroviruses. They've found in our endogenous retroviruses even stuff that's similar to Ebola.
(L) In other words, sticking messenger RNA in a vaccine is a really, REALLY bad idea.
(Chu) And we wouldn't even need a cometary event to cause mass death on the planet?
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) This is a spike protein from an outside pathogen that your body doesn't make. Obviously your body defends against it.
(L) But your body could be retooled to make it in mass quantities and make it particularly virulent.
(Joe) Or to make some hybrid with some other virus in your body.
-> https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/ses...020.49951/