12-23-2020, 11:53 AM
(12-22-2020, 10:49 PM)flofrog Wrote: It is nice to want to prepare us, confusedseeker, but you know, these implants have been regularly talked about for at least fifteen years.
Flofrog is correct. It goes back even farther than that.
That doesn't mean there is no truth to these covert possibilities of control, given the nature of this world at this time. Disinformation, as far as I can tell, is not linear. It is meant to confuse. There is much "insider" information. There is no way to tell which agendas are on the table, as they likely change and evolve with new technology.
The Q'uo quote above is a common-sense approach—educate yourself as far as possible using your intellect, and listen to your heart. In this way, you make your choices.