10-18-2015, 04:46 PM
"There are approximately 53 civilizations, comprising approximately 500 planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation."
The Earth is now in 4D and in due time will become an active member of the Confederation. To help move this member process along is the influx of 3D/4D double-body graduates and transplants ie from the 4D Quanta group that L/L channeled.
Given this influx and the octave overlap of outward/outgoing 3.8D and inward/incoming 4.1D, it would seem that it's prime time to have an increase of "strategic encounters" (CE3, CE4 and CE5) with the 53 civilization/500 planet Confederation.
CE3 is when an encounter is with visible occupants inside an ET craft.
CE4 involves the person being taken inside the ET craft.
CE5 involves direct communication between ET's and humans.
By direct communication is meant direct two-way communicating other than channeling. A face to face communication without middleman/channel.
I'm thinking of an updated scenario of the Spielberg movie "Close Encounters of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Kind" to help with the 4D integration and orientation process into the Confederation.
With that lofty goal in mind I scanned through old L/L transcripts to find out who some of these Confederation members are.
Philip of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays -- inner plane entity?
Deltron 4D group
Nona 4D group
Hatonn 4D group
Latwii 5D group
Oxal 4D group -- different from the 5D "Oxal from Arcturus"?
Kasara 4D group
Laitos 4D group
Orcas 4D group
L/Leema 5D group
Yadda inner plane entity
Monka 5D group -- Mars guardians who helped with the Martian transfer to Earth
Quanta 4D group -- newcomers to 4D who will make Earth their new home
Yom 5D group? -- science-focussed who became spiritual
Meta 4D group?
Amira inner plane entity
Ra 6D group
I assume that the 53 civilizations refer to SMC's, and so the 14 groups listed here is a small portion. There are 39 other SMC's unaccounted for.
Some other members may be Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians and the positive version of greys from Zeta Reticuli. 5D Bashar mentions being from a Galactic Confederation so what is their connection?
Other possible members are those with karmic ties to the transplanted races here on Earth ie Monka from Mars and the various ET guides of the 3D Denebian people and the other dozen or so races here.
In an CE4 and CE5 setting here are some questions that may be asked about the Confederation:
Of the 53 civilizations:
How many are 4D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 5D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 6D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
What are their histories, societal structures, philosophies and goals?
After the Terran 4D transition is complete will there be a restructuring and scale down of the Confederation? Will some Confederation members with karmic ties move on to help with the migration and resettling of the nongraduated 3D population? Will some of the Council of Nine and Guardians move on to supervise over these members and the respective 3D planets?
Will the Orion alliance follow this migration and move on to these resettled 3D planets to continue the polarity game?
What's the plan for the 4D Terrans? What kind of societal structures, philosophies and goals will the 4D Terrans pursue given there past 3D diversity?
Will some subgroups of this young SMC be allowed to explore and influence, if called upon, various nearby planetary systems with 3D life ie Alpha Centauri?
Will some also be allowed to follow and influence the migration of those they had karmic ties on 3D Earth?
How about interactions and influence with the 2D/3D life on Uranus and Neptune?
There are obviously many more pragmatic early 4D stage questions to ask at this present time of transition and I'm open to hearing other's input.
So for those with a sense of adventure ala Contact's Ellie Arroway,
is the transition ripe for more CE3, CE4 and CE5 experiences? Are there 3D/4D grads and 4D wanderers (ie Quanta) who are attuned and open to making this happen?
Does anyone here think they're a 3D/4D grad or 4D wanderer? What's your take?
The Earth is now in 4D and in due time will become an active member of the Confederation. To help move this member process along is the influx of 3D/4D double-body graduates and transplants ie from the 4D Quanta group that L/L channeled.
Given this influx and the octave overlap of outward/outgoing 3.8D and inward/incoming 4.1D, it would seem that it's prime time to have an increase of "strategic encounters" (CE3, CE4 and CE5) with the 53 civilization/500 planet Confederation.
CE3 is when an encounter is with visible occupants inside an ET craft.
CE4 involves the person being taken inside the ET craft.
CE5 involves direct communication between ET's and humans.
By direct communication is meant direct two-way communicating other than channeling. A face to face communication without middleman/channel.
I'm thinking of an updated scenario of the Spielberg movie "Close Encounters of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Kind" to help with the 4D integration and orientation process into the Confederation.
With that lofty goal in mind I scanned through old L/L transcripts to find out who some of these Confederation members are.
Philip of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays -- inner plane entity?
Deltron 4D group
Nona 4D group
Hatonn 4D group
Latwii 5D group
Oxal 4D group -- different from the 5D "Oxal from Arcturus"?
Kasara 4D group
Laitos 4D group
Orcas 4D group
L/Leema 5D group
Yadda inner plane entity
Monka 5D group -- Mars guardians who helped with the Martian transfer to Earth
Quanta 4D group -- newcomers to 4D who will make Earth their new home
Yom 5D group? -- science-focussed who became spiritual
Meta 4D group?
Amira inner plane entity
Ra 6D group
I assume that the 53 civilizations refer to SMC's, and so the 14 groups listed here is a small portion. There are 39 other SMC's unaccounted for.
Some other members may be Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians and the positive version of greys from Zeta Reticuli. 5D Bashar mentions being from a Galactic Confederation so what is their connection?
Other possible members are those with karmic ties to the transplanted races here on Earth ie Monka from Mars and the various ET guides of the 3D Denebian people and the other dozen or so races here.
In an CE4 and CE5 setting here are some questions that may be asked about the Confederation:
Of the 53 civilizations:
How many are 4D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 5D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 6D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
What are their histories, societal structures, philosophies and goals?
After the Terran 4D transition is complete will there be a restructuring and scale down of the Confederation? Will some Confederation members with karmic ties move on to help with the migration and resettling of the nongraduated 3D population? Will some of the Council of Nine and Guardians move on to supervise over these members and the respective 3D planets?
Will the Orion alliance follow this migration and move on to these resettled 3D planets to continue the polarity game?
What's the plan for the 4D Terrans? What kind of societal structures, philosophies and goals will the 4D Terrans pursue given there past 3D diversity?
Will some subgroups of this young SMC be allowed to explore and influence, if called upon, various nearby planetary systems with 3D life ie Alpha Centauri?
Will some also be allowed to follow and influence the migration of those they had karmic ties on 3D Earth?
How about interactions and influence with the 2D/3D life on Uranus and Neptune?
There are obviously many more pragmatic early 4D stage questions to ask at this present time of transition and I'm open to hearing other's input.
So for those with a sense of adventure ala Contact's Ellie Arroway,
is the transition ripe for more CE3, CE4 and CE5 experiences? Are there 3D/4D grads and 4D wanderers (ie Quanta) who are attuned and open to making this happen?
Does anyone here think they're a 3D/4D grad or 4D wanderer? What's your take?