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Getting to know our Confederation - 4Dsunrise - 10-18-2015

"There are approximately 53 civilizations, comprising approximately 500 planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation."

The Earth is now in 4D and in due time will become an active member of the Confederation. To help move this member process along is the influx of 3D/4D double-body graduates and transplants ie from the 4D Quanta group that L/L channeled.

Given this influx and the octave overlap of outward/outgoing 3.8D and inward/incoming 4.1D, it would seem that it's prime time to have an increase of "strategic encounters" (CE3, CE4 and CE5) with the 53 civilization/500 planet Confederation.

CE3 is when an encounter is with visible occupants inside an ET craft. 
CE4 involves the person being taken inside the ET craft.
CE5 involves direct communication between ET's and humans.

By direct communication is meant direct two-way communicating other than channeling. A face to face communication without middleman/channel.

I'm thinking of an updated scenario of the Spielberg movie "Close Encounters of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Kind" to help with the 4D integration and orientation process into the Confederation.

With that lofty goal in mind I scanned through old L/L transcripts to find out who some of these Confederation members are.

Philip of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays -- inner plane entity?
Deltron 4D group
Nona 4D group
Hatonn 4D group
Latwii 5D group
Oxal 4D group -- different from the 5D "Oxal from Arcturus"?
Kasara 4D group
Laitos 4D group
Orcas 4D group
L/Leema 5D group
Yadda inner plane entity
Monka 5D group -- Mars guardians who helped with the Martian transfer to Earth
Quanta 4D group -- newcomers to 4D who will make Earth their new home
Yom 5D group? --  science-focussed who became spiritual
Meta 4D group?
Amira inner plane entity
Ra 6D group

I assume that the 53 civilizations refer to SMC's, and so the 14 groups listed here is a small portion. There are 39 other SMC's unaccounted for. 

Some other members may be Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians and the positive version of greys from Zeta Reticuli. 5D Bashar mentions being from a Galactic Confederation so what is their connection?

Other possible members are those with karmic ties to the transplanted races here on Earth ie Monka from Mars and the various ET guides of the 3D Denebian people and the other dozen or so races here.

In an CE4 and CE5 setting here are some questions that may be asked about the Confederation:

Of the 53 civilizations:
How many are 4D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 5D civilizations and what are their star system origins?
How many are 6D civilizations and what are their star system origins?

What are their histories, societal structures, philosophies and goals? 

After the Terran 4D transition is complete will there be a restructuring and scale down of the Confederation? Will some Confederation members with karmic ties move on to help with the migration and resettling of the nongraduated 3D population? Will some of the Council of Nine and Guardians move on to supervise over these members and the respective 3D planets?

Will the Orion alliance follow this migration and move on to these resettled 3D planets to continue the polarity game? 

What's the plan for the 4D Terrans? What kind of societal structures, philosophies and goals will the 4D Terrans pursue given there past 3D diversity? 

Will some subgroups of this young SMC be allowed to explore and influence, if called upon, various nearby planetary systems with 3D life ie Alpha Centauri?  

Will some also be allowed to follow and influence the migration of those they had karmic ties on 3D Earth?

How about interactions and influence with the 2D/3D life on Uranus and Neptune? 

There are obviously many more pragmatic early 4D stage questions to ask at this present time of transition and I'm open to hearing other's input.

So for those with a sense of adventure ala Contact's Ellie Arroway,
is the transition ripe for more CE3, CE4 and CE5 experiences? Are there 3D/4D grads and 4D wanderers (ie Quanta) who are attuned and open to making this happen?

Does anyone here think they're a 3D/4D grad or 4D wanderer? What's your take?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - 4Dsunrise - 10-27-2015

Quote:There are obviously many more pragmatic early 4D stage questions to ask at this present time of transition and I'm open to hearing other's input.

I'll throw a few pragmatic questions out there.

L/L channel questions have been usually of three categories -- transient and trivial, permanent and profound, or somewhere in between. Pragmatic or practical questions should be somewhere in between as relatively transient and relatively profound.

Pragmatic personal questions to ask an ET group in a CE5 scenario would be:

Am I a member of your ET group? If so, of what stage of evolution or density are we?
As a member of our group do I have certain goals to pursue related to the group?
Are there other members from our group that are incarnate which I can meet and work with? 
Are we meant to coordinate with incarnate members from other Confederation ET groups?

Pragmatic general questions to ask an ET group in a CE5 scenario would be:

What's the status of the harvest? Are we close to critical mass per L/Leema's quote in the session of June 15, 1986 saying that "The critical mass for achieving 4D as a group is nearly reached...360 million at that time harvested and a ten percent of total population is needed to entrain vibrations to 4D levels"?

How close are we now to that ten percent? We're at over 7 billion so near 700 million? Does that include the 4D immigrants ie Quanta?

What's the status of the venting of negative energy of the planet? Are we now over the worst of this or are we headed for a crescendo of venting?
Are there other related planetary 4D transition shifts to be aware of?
Any updates as to the quarantine and time lateral situation? Is the veiling process coming to an end?

What's the Orion alliance status? Are the 5D members preparing the 4D members to stand down and focus on their post-harvest mission?

What 4D SMC's are planning to settle on the planet? Quanta and who else?
Do they need to go through the incarnation process or are they already entering the inner planes to then immigrate in their natural forms when 4D conditions are vibrationally compatible?
What's the approximate population of these 4D immigrants and will they help the early 4D SMC become stable and flourish while going through a "cruciform" phase?

What's the general status of the 4D hybrid double-body incarnates? Of what age range are they and are they being assisted by older wanderers? If not is there a support network that we can form to help them through their adjustment?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - AnthroHeart - 10-27-2015

May the Confederation protect me from the Christian "God". Whom is probably another social memory complex.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - 4Dsunrise - 11-01-2015

Quote:May the Confederation protect me from the Christian "God". Whom is probably another social memory complex.

Hey Gemini,

I'll take a shot and say that this is about the Old Testament "God" and goes to the question of the negative Yahweh group and the positive Mars guiding Yahweh group back in the days. 

And from a L/L session there's this.

Quote:The entity Yahweh is not from Arcturus, but rather, as all angelic entities are, is part of the energy involved in your sun body.

So Confederation Yahweh is an inner plane angelic entity or group rather than a SMC. Since they have Sun body origins I would think some connection to the Guardians. They should be included to the list in the OP.

What do you think of the questions in post #2? Can you add a few more relevant Q's relating to early 4D?

What's your take of the potential of CE5 communication as 4D vibrations become more entrained? Do you see yourself on a beach in Pensacola talking to a parental figure ala Ellie Arroway?  :-)

Kidding aside, it would seem that a Contact scenario would be a doable 4D experience for some here and for 4D grads, if that's part of their plan.

Thanks for your input.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - sequoyah - 11-24-2015

Quetzalcoatl 6

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-24-2015

There's parts of me that do think I'm a 3D/4D Body and a 4D Wanderer, I mean...  I love my clothes so much I feel bad washing them in burning hot water.

I fit the description of a 4D Wanderer so its possible.  I could also be 5D if the various Blue themed Spiritual like dreams I've had across my life say anything about that.

I too would like to learn more about the Confederation.

Is the Orion Empire associated with the Confederation?  Could they be added or is the Confederation Strictly STO oriented members?  They say they're of Service to the OIC, they don't specify the service type though.

...Can we ask Quo for a Memberlist of the Confederation??  Considering they're various members as One, it might seem funny to them all as one as we sit here guessing the individuals when the 6D Smc's see it as all the same regardless.

Its funny a bit Smile

Pre-edit: good job whoever added the word filter to autocorrect acronyms, I wrote Smc after 6D Tongue
Pre-edit-edit: -facepalm- -tried to acronym social memory complex, didn't work- lol

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-24-2015

Lol The Orion Empire is specifically opposed to the Confederation. If you believe the Ra Material then the Orion is an STS polarized group and the Confederation is STO polarized. Definitely not in cahoots.

Also, remember that in 4D and up there is much less need or attachment to names. So even if they could numerate the entities, there would likely not be many names.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-24-2015

Hey, every soul has a name, it wouldn't be too much to say most entities who come in contact with entities like us (label dependent) would have some context as to how to handle us.

How does a timeless entity even go about performing conflict?

And why does being opposed mean they don't still operate together in the background, exchanging info and such as to how to move forward, in a manner that helps both sides while also maintaining the battle of polarity in a controlled but loose sense?
Like, Romulans and Klingons working together politically, still enemies, but with common ground and working together towards a similar goal or with hopes of a specific outcome.

Or is that just laughable?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-24-2015

Sure, maybe possible. Just not how Ra describes the situation. I am not saying Ra is right or wrong or whatever, this is just the forum where I discuss the Ra Material.

The conflict is only in 3D and 4D because in 5D both sides gain the wisdom to see the folly of the 'war'. Rather they are distinct due to conditions of polarization. They are not after the same end game until 6D where unity is explored but Ra has suggested there are very few negative 6D entities due to the difficulty of both wanting to control the free will of others and needing to accept others as the self and so worthy of free will.

It's not that entities don't have identities, they just don't all choose names. Why should they? For your convenience? I think there are lots of entities which operate without the slightest leaning or need to attend to our forms of identification. However, everything has a vibration which could potentially be translated in to a name, but again, more for your convenience than theirs.

Why do we need names to talk to eachother? So you know 'who' you are talking to? So you can take that person and distinguish them from other people because otherwise they have no individual identity? I like names, I think they are nifty and powerful connections, but I also think that ultimately the 'true name' of an entity will never be a 'word' in the sense that we know it. Just imo.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-25-2015

I can agree.

Its just like how Ra doesn't actually have a name, its for our sake they identify as such.

I think identities are closer to energy signatures.  A name is just that in a further distortion.  I mean, what's East?  Red?  Water?

Information.  Inform'ed manifest'ation.

I know Ra says such but do they say all? Do we know?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Minyatur - 11-25-2015

(11-25-2015, 09:51 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I can agree.

Its just like how Ra doesn't actually have a name, its for our sake they identify as such.

I think identities are closer to energy signatures.  A name is just that in a further distortion.  I mean, what's East?  Red?  Water?

Information.  Inform'ed manifest'ation.

I know Ra says such but do they say all? Do we know?

Ra defined Hebrew and Sanskrit as being resonant with Creation, don't remember that being said for english.

So in my view east, red and water have little connection to what they refer to other than an associative one.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-25-2015

While the resonant sounds of sanskrit and hebrew are less distorted identifier signatures of specific informed aspects of being, its really not fair to compare them to English Words.  The etymology of the words alone tells of their butchered means of being put together, and even holds underlying social bias in the very etymological origins of words.

Do you seriously think Water, distorted Water is any less sacred than its Pure Undistorted variant?   Assuming they are at that point even in/distinguishable within our reality.

When I say One Infinite Creator does Another here me, or only I?

When I call Quo, does Quo hear me, or everything associating to that identifier?

Lets figure this out haha!  Does an distorted identifier still also ping its pure undistorted version when referenced? Does calling to me also make every part that identifies as I under my identity respond too?

Is it passive or need be activated or 'done' a certain way to be passive or active?

-Throws out 17kabajiltrillion questions-

Aion, where did it say in 5D the conflict of war ends?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-25-2015

(11-25-2015, 01:16 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: While the resonant sounds of sanskrit and hebrew are less distorted identifier signatures of specific informed aspects of being, its really not fair to compare them to English Words.  The etymology of the words alone tells of their butchered means of being put together, and even holds underlying social bias in the very etymological origins of words.

Do you seriously think Water, distorted Water is any less sacred than its Pure Undistorted variant?   Assuming they are at that point even in/distinguishable within our reality.

When I say One Infinite Creator does Another here me, or only I?

When I call Quo, does Quo hear me, or everything associating to that identifier?

Lets figure this out haha!  Does an distorted identifier still also ping its pure undistorted version when referenced? Does calling to me also make every part that identifies as I under my identity respond too?

Is it passive or need be activated or 'done' a certain way to be passive or active?

-Throws out 17kabajiltrillion questions-

Aion, where did it say in 5D the conflict of war ends?

Well, Ra does say how even though they are the Creator 'yet, we are still Ra'. Ra says that the vibration of Ra is their identity. Think then that the word Ra has a particular energy signature and it is this signature of Vibration which is Ra's true identity, not the 'word'.

Quote:25.9 Questioner: Then I am assuming this is the most effective density for this work. Would this density— an entity of this density— be more effective for this type of work than, say, an entity of density five or six?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own which, lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle. Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

Quote:25.10 Questioner: Am I correct in assuming, then, that fourth density on both sides of the, of both the Orion and the Confederation sides are in this battle, and that the densities fifth and sixth on the Orion side do not engage in this? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question as this entity’s energies are low.

It is partially correct. Fifth- and sixth-density entities positive would not take part in this battle. Fifth-density negative would not take part in this battle. Thus, the fourth density of both orientations join in this conflict.

May we ask for a few short questions before we close?

Note that if you follow Ra's words carefully they seem to suggest there are no negative 6D entities which is interesting because many people since encountering the Ra Material has insisted there *must* be, so I've always found that interesting.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Minyatur - 11-25-2015

(11-25-2015, 02:26 PM)Aion Wrote: Note that if you follow Ra's words carefully they seem to suggest there are no negative 6D entities which is interesting because many people since encountering the Ra Material has insisted there *must* be, so I've always found that interesting.

Can be seen as a background of experiences more than what one currently is in it's awareness as a 6D being.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Minyatur - 11-25-2015

(11-25-2015, 01:16 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: While the resonant sounds of sanskrit and hebrew are less distorted identifier signatures of specific informed aspects of being, its really not fair to compare them to English Words.  The etymology of the words alone tells of their butchered means of being put together, and even holds underlying social bias in the very etymological origins of words.

Do you seriously think Water, distorted Water is any less sacred than its Pure Undistorted variant?   Assuming they are at that point even in/distinguishable within our reality.

When I say One Infinite Creator does Another here me, or only I?

When I call Quo, does Quo hear me, or everything associating to that identifier?

Lets figure this out haha!  Does an distorted identifier still also ping its pure undistorted version when referenced? Does calling to me also make every part that identifies as I under my identity respond too?

Is it passive or need be activated or 'done' a certain way to be passive or active?

-Throws out 17kabajiltrillion questions-

Aion, where did it say in 5D the conflict of war ends?

You can also think of these things without pronouncing verbally/mentally a word.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-25-2015

A non vibrated sound complex could be a thought?

I find it interesting that Ra says 5D doesn't fight, while dealing with a sts 5D entity fighting the sto group.

Another interesting contradiction.

Aion I think people believe in 6D neg beings because Ra mentions what they're like.  I think in 6D a neg being and aa positive being are only differentiated by the natural Ways/Laws of Creation plus their own intents.

I wonder what a 6D neg being looks like versus 6D positive.
In our space/time.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-26-2015

They describe the difficulty of Fifth Density Negative moving in to Sixth and they claim they do not know of a single case where it has been possible to retain negative polarity. If you have quotes correct me if I'm wrong.

They mention Sixth density negative, but only at the very beginning of 6D and being wise the negative entity invariably chooses to release the difference and reorient, becoming aware of its positive higher self.

I think you are mistaking the thought-war for efforts in polarization. The fifth density entity wasn't fighting them, it was attempting to polarize through infringement of free will. Not the same thing, imo, but I guess for most people anything which seems conflict appears to be 'fighting'.

It says that fifth density doesn't partake in the thought-war, it doesn't say they don't still make efforts towards control. The fifth density negatives still control the 4D and 3D negatives and attempt to repolarize the positive.

I don't believe 'negative' 6D entities exist, and I have met many claiming so. There is no polarity in 6D, the whole idea is self-defeating. There are very early 6D, barely out of 5D entities who attempt to retain their polarity.

Quote:36.12 Questioner: Let me take as an example the one you said was called Himmler. We are assuming from this that his higher self was of sixth density and it was stated that Himmler had selected the negative path. Would his higher self then dwell in a sixth-density negative type of situation? Could you expand on this concept?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no [negative] beings which have attained the Oversoul manifestation, which is the honor/duty of the mind/body/spirit complex totality of late sixth density, as you would term it in your time measurements. These negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes have a difficulty which to our knowledge has never been overcome, for after fifth-density graduation wisdom is available but must be matched with an equal amount of love. This love/light is very, very difficult to achieve in unity when following the negative path and during the earlier part of the sixth density, society complexes of the negative orientation will choose to release the potential and leap into the sixth-density positive.

Therefore, the Oversoul which makes its understanding available to all who are ready for such aid is towards the positive. However, the free will of the individual is paramount, and any guidance given by the higher self may be seen in either the positive or negative polarity depending upon the choice of a mind/body/spirit complex.

Not saying it isn't actually possible, just saying that Ra said this.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

Retain means there was/is.  Thats enough to say there were/are.

Why is Ra Sto polarizing towards 7D if theres no polarity in 6D?

I don't see much difference in conflict, fight, and war.  Polarizing causes war via conflict of interests.  Fighting is the basis of War being ennacted, infringement comes from conflict, fighting, and war.

A 5D entity basically declared a battle to the death with a group trying to help the world via a 6D contact, using their own bodies as fuel and antennae to be silenced with conflict.  Kind of sounds like 5D entities still clearly understand and utilize their war experience to get their way.

You see tomatoo, I see tamatoo, you say potatoo, I say potahtoo.

I see a declaration of war.  You see, just doing the game of polarity.

I see no difference in those two though.  They inevitably merge at some point to doing the same things with similar intents.

My views differ from the Ra Material in places lol

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-26-2015

You don't polarize towards 7D, polarization is most meaningful in 3D, refined in the love of 4D, then graduation to 5D requires at least a certain degree of wisdom, graduation to 6D requires unifying and balancing that wisdom with the love/light developed in 4D in order to move in to the density of unity where there is no longer polarity in the sense of service to others and service to self. At least that's how I understand Ra's progression.

I don't think you get what I mean by retained, or quite have the same view of the progression through densities. That's fair.

You realize that you yourself are also expressing a conflictive attitude, to much irony?

That is fine if your view differs, so does mine, but in this forum I discuss using the Ra Material.

However, just because you see something doesn't make it so. A crucial point of the perception, in my opinion.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - APeacefulWarrior - 11-26-2015

Ra even specifically stated in 64.6 that he was seeking to move beyond polarity itself and that it didn't really relate to his own continuing development:

Quote:We seek now without polarity. Thus we do not invoke any power from without, for our search has become internalized as we become light/love and love/light. These are the balances we seek, the balances between compassion and wisdom which more and more allow our understanding of experience to be informed that we may come closer to the unity with the One Creator which we so joyfully seek.

Your rituals at your level of progress contain the concept of polarization and this is most central at your particular space/time.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

I'm not really in the mood to hunt through the 90-106 sessions atm but I swear Ra remarks about how they have their own polarity they raise to become what that quote says, closer to unified l/l.

Which also bugged me via literally that quote apw.

I'm not conflicting with you. I'm discussing, if you sense conflict it is all your own.

I discuss the Ra Material too, but it seems I'm the only one noticing many contradictions.  Or maybe I'm recalling later sessions in my memory wrongly.

But beyond that, I question the accuracy of the Material pertaining to other channeled info when used together.

Maybe one day I'll start a thread pointing them out so people can help me rectify if it is contradicting or one of those 'same difference' contexts where I just have the ideals and concepts skewed.

So please feel free to 'argue' with me, you're all More informed than I so I enjoy the exchanges Smile
I'm not arguing, or at least I don't intend to sound that way.

I can agree 5D+ stops warring or participating in war, I don't think that means they stop participating in war-like behavior.  Its Wiser to pick and choose battles than to take on the Universe maybe.

Random question, am I the only one who refers to Ra as a She?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-26-2015

Well yeah, comparing materials will always reveal contradictions. However, I think you also find whatever you are looking for.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

But doesn't that apply to everyone?

So what's the point of objectivity then?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-26-2015

Depends what you mean by objectivity.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

Er.  Uh.  Uerghhu...In a context of being the antonym to subjective???

Objectivity as to Subjectivity?  Not, 'I object', but, 'Objective reasoning'.

Obviously we see what we're looking for if you believe that's how reality works.

Kinda like the Law of Attraction doesn't work if you don't believe in it in terms of consciously utilizing it. Just doing it to try won't be as noticeable in effect versus doing it for a major purpose or reason, like wanting to be of Service to Others consistently.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Parsons - 11-26-2015

@The idea of no 6D negative entities, that was my initial perception as well during my first few read-throughs of the Material. Upon joining this community, I noticed the general perception was there were 6D negative entities, although extremely few. The idea struck me as very interesting and over the years I eventually forgot my first impression. 

I suppose there are some small disadvantages to being in such a community as perceptions/dogmas tend converge, whether they have explicit support in the material or not.

I now reconsider those negative entities in the very earliest 6D to really be just in the 5D-6D transitional period and not 6D proper. Based on what Ra shared about 6D, that puzzle piece fits much better.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

I keep wanting to say, "But Lucifer is 6D neg" but that info comes from the Hidden_Hand dialogue on the ATS forum so I can't say its proper.

In a creation of infinity, is there none of anything?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Aion - 11-26-2015

(11-26-2015, 06:11 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Er.  Uh.  Uerghhu...In a context of being the antonym to subjective???

Objectivity as to Subjectivity?  Not, 'I object', but, 'Objective reasoning'.

Obviously we see what we're looking for if you believe that's how reality works.

Kinda like the Law of Attraction doesn't work if you don't believe in it in terms of consciously utilizing it.  Just doing it to try won't be as noticeable in effect versus doing it for a major purpose or reason, like wanting to be of Service to Others consistently.

How about we just consider two directions of focus that consciousness engages in. Internal, pertaining to time/space, subjective planes, and then there is external, pertaining to space/time, objective planes.

Do you notice a dissonance when the internal doesn't seem to match the external?

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - The_Tired_Philosopher - 11-26-2015

I'm a bit imbalanced in focus, do you think I'm a good person to ask that? Tongue

I notice my external and internal match even when they don't.  Its a very confusing head I'm inside of, yo.

RE: Getting to know our Confederation - Minyatur - 11-26-2015

(11-25-2015, 11:53 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: A non vibrated sound complex could be a thought?

Picture that as much as words are useful, they are limitations because we are that which is without words.

Could be an image or whatever. Since I can't visualize images, in my case it is more like an energy signature.

(11-25-2015, 11:53 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I wonder what a 6D neg being looks like versus 6D positive.
In our space/time.

Internally they both embody light/love, externally they do a work that seems of a different nature.

Picture that polarity is never out of unity but a being becomes polarized in his intent and not action. In 6D there would only be unity to be seen and it might be very difficult to generate a negative intent whatever the actions or focus are.

A 6D negative is an entity that continues to provide the same kind of services it was providing but in full awareness that it is not for itself. (well always is half of it) There are also positive entities that explore and take part in negative densities as a mean to better understand those that are of them. I believe this to be a rare occurence as it mainly seems to take that one sees their group as limited in their growth and in turn seek a newer experiece.

Edit : I missed in our space/time, it looks like a human with a different kind of inner wisdom.