07-02-2012, 09:41 PM
Eh…for some time now I have put great effort into remaining a neutral party on this forum, avoiding posting anything that might be the slightest bit controversial. However, these thoughts have been spiraling through my head for some days now, and it is perhaps my desire to avoid conflict that spurs me to speak them in the first place.
I’ll cut right to the chase. There is a massive thought form present amongst out peoples- a thoroughly invested belief that a massive battle between good and evil shall be that which ushers us in to the age of enlightenment. The good shall rise up and the evil shall be banished from our land, leaving us to establish an existence of peace and harmony. The dragon shall be cast into hell, the deserving shall enter into heaven, and all will be as it should.
I would like to speak my opinion on this mentality. I personally think it is one of the most harmful dispositions that can be adopted in such a critical time in our evolution. Clinging to this desire for conflict, for triumph and retribution is only tightening the chains of fear and anger that have long bound the peoples of this planet. What has happened on this planet- all the interference and corruption- is very unfortunate. However, it reminds me of African Americans who are still angry about the fact that they were enslaved, and Native Americans who still go on and on about how “the white man” took their land…and a million other slights and injustices from long ago that just can’t seem to die. My friends, the time for grudges is over.
One of the reasons I removed myself from the Occupy protests was the tremendous amount of hatred that was being bred amongst those participating. It was less of an attempt to bring about a better way of life, and more of an attempt to find someone to pin a nation’s worth of dissatisfaction on. Everyone knows how the government attempts to influence us with the media- to warp our little minds into self-destructive thought patterns. However, some of the hate propaganda I’ve seen against police officers, businessmen , government officials and anyone who happens to be wealthy is just as much if not more disturbing in my eyes. There is an almost gleeful desire to pull these individuals down and beat them, returning all the slights we feel have been placed upon us. As a collective people we are dying to see someone pay for what has been done.
What no one seems to realize is that it is us as a people who truly bear this burden of darkness. All that is dark and corrupt on this planet cannot be relegated to a few individuals- scapegoats that can be blamed for every trial and failure we’ve come up against. Are there some individuals here who are making active effort to polarize in the negative, who would watch the world burn if given the chance? Absolutely. But running after them with torches and pitch forks doesn’t rectify any of the imbalance in the heart of the common man. Pain is healed from within, and healing goes hand in hand with personal responsibility. If you can heal yourself, be at peace with yourself, love yourself and reflect that love outward to the world, there is no demon that can touch you, and no circumstance that can crush you.
I personally think that one reason we are encountering so much corruption, one reason why the transition is so rough and uncertain, is that we as a people- yes, even the spiritual seekers- are secretly clinging to a tired old system that has lost its teaching value. We enjoy having someone to vilify. We enjoy getting to play martyrs, fighting courageously in the face of persecution. We continuously entertain the same fear-based thought patterns that have brought us to this state- us vs. them, drowning in conspiracy and righteous indignation.
Feeding the system is not going to change it. If the masses of this planet were to go within and if millions or even billions achieved inner peace and balance, I’d be willing to bet money that so many of the problems that stress us all out so much would simply up and solve themselves in a matter of days. The world we see around us is a manifestation of OUR consciousness. And that means all of this darkness and hatred and corruption dwell within OUR own hearts, waiting to be accepted and healed. WE have the power to change our reality, not by fighting and preaching and raising a ruckus, but by entering into that inner chamber of the heart to be bathed in self-forgiveness.
There are those, I feel, who have been playing their roles for so long that they are now trapped in a stagnant pattern. They have been wearing the villain costumes for so long that the costume has become their identity. Their goal was to jump-start our seeking, but the time for their lessons has come and gone. We still cling to that which they started, however, perpetuating the cycle they wish to be free of. We trap them in the cycle with our hatred, combined with the subconscious desire to perpetuate a system of blame that frees oneself from personal responsibility. Yes, they started it, and yes, some of the wounds dealt have been very grave. Things have gotten far out of hand, and the accumulated karma is a heavy weight.
The ONLY way this destructive cycle can be ended is through love and forgiveness. All those people we love to hate- the Illuminati, or whatever else you want to call them, for their names are many…it is time to open our arms to them in love. To let our love and forgiveness pour forth and loose the chains that bind them into these roles. Yes, they have hurt us. Yes, the damage is very great. But through pure forgiveness we have the chance now to do something amazing- to accomplish a level of healing that will be seen from worlds away. Most of us realize that we have become slaves, yet now we have the power to set our masters free, and in turn free ourselves.
I would also like to make a note on those whose truest and most fervent desire is to polarize in the negative…that we should simply let them do so. (I’m not talking about those who are still unsure of themselves, but those who have actively dedicated themselves to this path.) If I could be 100% sure a person was ready to graduate, would I be just as thrilled if they had reached the negative threshold as if they had reached the positive? Is it my place to decide what is best for others? Is it my duty to cling to their coat tails and try to drag them back into a veiled existence when they possess the capability to rise beyond it? The best thing we can do for these people, in my opinion, is to love them as they are. It is our un-acceptance of their nature that keeps them in our midst. Let them go and they shall rise to a place where they can flourish, while we, too, create a world better suited to our tastes.
I would like to put out the call to anyone who is interested, to take some special time in meditation to send genuine love, acceptance and forgiveness to those who oppress us, and to take the first steps in the deep, inner healing this planet so desperately needs. I'm not saying to make a doormat out of yourself- to simply stop caring about the state of the planet- but to perhaps consider one other way of reaching the goal of world peace aside from simply pointing fingers.
Am I saying we can simply meditate and suddenly find ourselves in a healed world with no more problems? Not likely. The scars on this planet are deep and there will be much to repair. There may still be battles by those who have designated themselves to fight them. There shall always be drama. But by freeing ourselves from the burden of hatred, we can set the stage for those magical moments we all long for. If anything stunningly marvelous is to happen to us this year, it will be brought about by US…not aliens or angels or sheer cosmic juju. Those things certainly play a part, but none of them can even begin to offer us true assistance until we drop enough of our pride to accept it. WE manifest this reality. The future, and dare I say all time in itself, is in OUR hands. So what is it, exactly, that we plan to create?
Again, all my own opinion. I’m not attempting to sound preachy. I just feel like it would be a disservice to myself to not share my thoughts on an issue that I have struggled with myself for many, many years. I’ve had so many ugly parts of myself rear up and bite me in the face, and I’ve spent so long in denial, looking for anyone else to transfer these qualities to. I’m ready to forgive myself, though, because I want to live in a world of forgiveness. I’m ready to love myself because I want to see a world run by love.
I’ll cut right to the chase. There is a massive thought form present amongst out peoples- a thoroughly invested belief that a massive battle between good and evil shall be that which ushers us in to the age of enlightenment. The good shall rise up and the evil shall be banished from our land, leaving us to establish an existence of peace and harmony. The dragon shall be cast into hell, the deserving shall enter into heaven, and all will be as it should.
I would like to speak my opinion on this mentality. I personally think it is one of the most harmful dispositions that can be adopted in such a critical time in our evolution. Clinging to this desire for conflict, for triumph and retribution is only tightening the chains of fear and anger that have long bound the peoples of this planet. What has happened on this planet- all the interference and corruption- is very unfortunate. However, it reminds me of African Americans who are still angry about the fact that they were enslaved, and Native Americans who still go on and on about how “the white man” took their land…and a million other slights and injustices from long ago that just can’t seem to die. My friends, the time for grudges is over.
One of the reasons I removed myself from the Occupy protests was the tremendous amount of hatred that was being bred amongst those participating. It was less of an attempt to bring about a better way of life, and more of an attempt to find someone to pin a nation’s worth of dissatisfaction on. Everyone knows how the government attempts to influence us with the media- to warp our little minds into self-destructive thought patterns. However, some of the hate propaganda I’ve seen against police officers, businessmen , government officials and anyone who happens to be wealthy is just as much if not more disturbing in my eyes. There is an almost gleeful desire to pull these individuals down and beat them, returning all the slights we feel have been placed upon us. As a collective people we are dying to see someone pay for what has been done.
What no one seems to realize is that it is us as a people who truly bear this burden of darkness. All that is dark and corrupt on this planet cannot be relegated to a few individuals- scapegoats that can be blamed for every trial and failure we’ve come up against. Are there some individuals here who are making active effort to polarize in the negative, who would watch the world burn if given the chance? Absolutely. But running after them with torches and pitch forks doesn’t rectify any of the imbalance in the heart of the common man. Pain is healed from within, and healing goes hand in hand with personal responsibility. If you can heal yourself, be at peace with yourself, love yourself and reflect that love outward to the world, there is no demon that can touch you, and no circumstance that can crush you.
I personally think that one reason we are encountering so much corruption, one reason why the transition is so rough and uncertain, is that we as a people- yes, even the spiritual seekers- are secretly clinging to a tired old system that has lost its teaching value. We enjoy having someone to vilify. We enjoy getting to play martyrs, fighting courageously in the face of persecution. We continuously entertain the same fear-based thought patterns that have brought us to this state- us vs. them, drowning in conspiracy and righteous indignation.
Feeding the system is not going to change it. If the masses of this planet were to go within and if millions or even billions achieved inner peace and balance, I’d be willing to bet money that so many of the problems that stress us all out so much would simply up and solve themselves in a matter of days. The world we see around us is a manifestation of OUR consciousness. And that means all of this darkness and hatred and corruption dwell within OUR own hearts, waiting to be accepted and healed. WE have the power to change our reality, not by fighting and preaching and raising a ruckus, but by entering into that inner chamber of the heart to be bathed in self-forgiveness.
There are those, I feel, who have been playing their roles for so long that they are now trapped in a stagnant pattern. They have been wearing the villain costumes for so long that the costume has become their identity. Their goal was to jump-start our seeking, but the time for their lessons has come and gone. We still cling to that which they started, however, perpetuating the cycle they wish to be free of. We trap them in the cycle with our hatred, combined with the subconscious desire to perpetuate a system of blame that frees oneself from personal responsibility. Yes, they started it, and yes, some of the wounds dealt have been very grave. Things have gotten far out of hand, and the accumulated karma is a heavy weight.
The ONLY way this destructive cycle can be ended is through love and forgiveness. All those people we love to hate- the Illuminati, or whatever else you want to call them, for their names are many…it is time to open our arms to them in love. To let our love and forgiveness pour forth and loose the chains that bind them into these roles. Yes, they have hurt us. Yes, the damage is very great. But through pure forgiveness we have the chance now to do something amazing- to accomplish a level of healing that will be seen from worlds away. Most of us realize that we have become slaves, yet now we have the power to set our masters free, and in turn free ourselves.
I would also like to make a note on those whose truest and most fervent desire is to polarize in the negative…that we should simply let them do so. (I’m not talking about those who are still unsure of themselves, but those who have actively dedicated themselves to this path.) If I could be 100% sure a person was ready to graduate, would I be just as thrilled if they had reached the negative threshold as if they had reached the positive? Is it my place to decide what is best for others? Is it my duty to cling to their coat tails and try to drag them back into a veiled existence when they possess the capability to rise beyond it? The best thing we can do for these people, in my opinion, is to love them as they are. It is our un-acceptance of their nature that keeps them in our midst. Let them go and they shall rise to a place where they can flourish, while we, too, create a world better suited to our tastes.
I would like to put out the call to anyone who is interested, to take some special time in meditation to send genuine love, acceptance and forgiveness to those who oppress us, and to take the first steps in the deep, inner healing this planet so desperately needs. I'm not saying to make a doormat out of yourself- to simply stop caring about the state of the planet- but to perhaps consider one other way of reaching the goal of world peace aside from simply pointing fingers.
Am I saying we can simply meditate and suddenly find ourselves in a healed world with no more problems? Not likely. The scars on this planet are deep and there will be much to repair. There may still be battles by those who have designated themselves to fight them. There shall always be drama. But by freeing ourselves from the burden of hatred, we can set the stage for those magical moments we all long for. If anything stunningly marvelous is to happen to us this year, it will be brought about by US…not aliens or angels or sheer cosmic juju. Those things certainly play a part, but none of them can even begin to offer us true assistance until we drop enough of our pride to accept it. WE manifest this reality. The future, and dare I say all time in itself, is in OUR hands. So what is it, exactly, that we plan to create?
Again, all my own opinion. I’m not attempting to sound preachy. I just feel like it would be a disservice to myself to not share my thoughts on an issue that I have struggled with myself for many, many years. I’ve had so many ugly parts of myself rear up and bite me in the face, and I’ve spent so long in denial, looking for anyone else to transfer these qualities to. I’m ready to forgive myself, though, because I want to live in a world of forgiveness. I’m ready to love myself because I want to see a world run by love.