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The Last Battle - Brittany - 07-02-2012

Eh…for some time now I have put great effort into remaining a neutral party on this forum, avoiding posting anything that might be the slightest bit controversial. However, these thoughts have been spiraling through my head for some days now, and it is perhaps my desire to avoid conflict that spurs me to speak them in the first place.

I’ll cut right to the chase. There is a massive thought form present amongst out peoples- a thoroughly invested belief that a massive battle between good and evil shall be that which ushers us in to the age of enlightenment. The good shall rise up and the evil shall be banished from our land, leaving us to establish an existence of peace and harmony. The dragon shall be cast into hell, the deserving shall enter into heaven, and all will be as it should.

I would like to speak my opinion on this mentality. I personally think it is one of the most harmful dispositions that can be adopted in such a critical time in our evolution. Clinging to this desire for conflict, for triumph and retribution is only tightening the chains of fear and anger that have long bound the peoples of this planet. What has happened on this planet- all the interference and corruption- is very unfortunate. However, it reminds me of African Americans who are still angry about the fact that they were enslaved, and Native Americans who still go on and on about how “the white man” took their land…and a million other slights and injustices from long ago that just can’t seem to die. My friends, the time for grudges is over.

One of the reasons I removed myself from the Occupy protests was the tremendous amount of hatred that was being bred amongst those participating. It was less of an attempt to bring about a better way of life, and more of an attempt to find someone to pin a nation’s worth of dissatisfaction on. Everyone knows how the government attempts to influence us with the media- to warp our little minds into self-destructive thought patterns. However, some of the hate propaganda I’ve seen against police officers, businessmen , government officials and anyone who happens to be wealthy is just as much if not more disturbing in my eyes. There is an almost gleeful desire to pull these individuals down and beat them, returning all the slights we feel have been placed upon us. As a collective people we are dying to see someone pay for what has been done.

What no one seems to realize is that it is us as a people who truly bear this burden of darkness. All that is dark and corrupt on this planet cannot be relegated to a few individuals- scapegoats that can be blamed for every trial and failure we’ve come up against. Are there some individuals here who are making active effort to polarize in the negative, who would watch the world burn if given the chance? Absolutely. But running after them with torches and pitch forks doesn’t rectify any of the imbalance in the heart of the common man. Pain is healed from within, and healing goes hand in hand with personal responsibility. If you can heal yourself, be at peace with yourself, love yourself and reflect that love outward to the world, there is no demon that can touch you, and no circumstance that can crush you.

I personally think that one reason we are encountering so much corruption, one reason why the transition is so rough and uncertain, is that we as a people- yes, even the spiritual seekers- are secretly clinging to a tired old system that has lost its teaching value. We enjoy having someone to vilify. We enjoy getting to play martyrs, fighting courageously in the face of persecution. We continuously entertain the same fear-based thought patterns that have brought us to this state- us vs. them, drowning in conspiracy and righteous indignation.

Feeding the system is not going to change it. If the masses of this planet were to go within and if millions or even billions achieved inner peace and balance, I’d be willing to bet money that so many of the problems that stress us all out so much would simply up and solve themselves in a matter of days. The world we see around us is a manifestation of OUR consciousness. And that means all of this darkness and hatred and corruption dwell within OUR own hearts, waiting to be accepted and healed. WE have the power to change our reality, not by fighting and preaching and raising a ruckus, but by entering into that inner chamber of the heart to be bathed in self-forgiveness.

There are those, I feel, who have been playing their roles for so long that they are now trapped in a stagnant pattern. They have been wearing the villain costumes for so long that the costume has become their identity. Their goal was to jump-start our seeking, but the time for their lessons has come and gone. We still cling to that which they started, however, perpetuating the cycle they wish to be free of. We trap them in the cycle with our hatred, combined with the subconscious desire to perpetuate a system of blame that frees oneself from personal responsibility. Yes, they started it, and yes, some of the wounds dealt have been very grave. Things have gotten far out of hand, and the accumulated karma is a heavy weight.

The ONLY way this destructive cycle can be ended is through love and forgiveness. All those people we love to hate- the Illuminati, or whatever else you want to call them, for their names are many…it is time to open our arms to them in love. To let our love and forgiveness pour forth and loose the chains that bind them into these roles. Yes, they have hurt us. Yes, the damage is very great. But through pure forgiveness we have the chance now to do something amazing- to accomplish a level of healing that will be seen from worlds away. Most of us realize that we have become slaves, yet now we have the power to set our masters free, and in turn free ourselves.

I would also like to make a note on those whose truest and most fervent desire is to polarize in the negative…that we should simply let them do so. (I’m not talking about those who are still unsure of themselves, but those who have actively dedicated themselves to this path.) If I could be 100% sure a person was ready to graduate, would I be just as thrilled if they had reached the negative threshold as if they had reached the positive? Is it my place to decide what is best for others? Is it my duty to cling to their coat tails and try to drag them back into a veiled existence when they possess the capability to rise beyond it? The best thing we can do for these people, in my opinion, is to love them as they are. It is our un-acceptance of their nature that keeps them in our midst. Let them go and they shall rise to a place where they can flourish, while we, too, create a world better suited to our tastes.

I would like to put out the call to anyone who is interested, to take some special time in meditation to send genuine love, acceptance and forgiveness to those who oppress us, and to take the first steps in the deep, inner healing this planet so desperately needs. I'm not saying to make a doormat out of yourself- to simply stop caring about the state of the planet- but to perhaps consider one other way of reaching the goal of world peace aside from simply pointing fingers.

Am I saying we can simply meditate and suddenly find ourselves in a healed world with no more problems? Not likely. The scars on this planet are deep and there will be much to repair. There may still be battles by those who have designated themselves to fight them. There shall always be drama. But by freeing ourselves from the burden of hatred, we can set the stage for those magical moments we all long for. If anything stunningly marvelous is to happen to us this year, it will be brought about by US…not aliens or angels or sheer cosmic juju. Those things certainly play a part, but none of them can even begin to offer us true assistance until we drop enough of our pride to accept it. WE manifest this reality. The future, and dare I say all time in itself, is in OUR hands. So what is it, exactly, that we plan to create?

Again, all my own opinion. I’m not attempting to sound preachy. I just feel like it would be a disservice to myself to not share my thoughts on an issue that I have struggled with myself for many, many years. I’ve had so many ugly parts of myself rear up and bite me in the face, and I’ve spent so long in denial, looking for anyone else to transfer these qualities to. I’m ready to forgive myself, though, because I want to live in a world of forgiveness. I’m ready to love myself because I want to see a world run by love.

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-02-2012


RE: The Last Battle - Shin'Ar - 07-03-2012

I am so glad that you have said this Lynn, because if I had said it I would have been punished for proselytizing.

This is exactly what I was trying to point out in the Cats and Kittens thread.

This world and all that exists within it is not going to find harmony by the entertaining of any individual ideals. There is simply no way that we can please all of the people all of the time. It is not in self gratification, and that is what it is if one is trying to entertain their own version of the way things should be done, that harmony will be achieved, because the self has many dispositions and tastes.

Harmony can only be realized in forgiveness and commitment to compromise for the sake of All instead of the sake of self and our beliefs and opinions.

What has become of this world, and our humanity, is what it is. As much as we may hate it, and as much as we would love to see certain aspects changed, activism is nothing more than more of the same insistence on asserting one's ideal over another's ideals. And as long as one tries to claim that right of stewardship over humanity, or over any other being, compromise and forgiveness becomes the victim instead of the conqueror.

It may seem very obvious to a person that their understanding is logical and rational, and the only true solution to a matter. And they may even be right in some instances.

but what they are missing, is that regardless of the logic and rationale, humanity consists of irrational and illogical beings that have as much right to their thoughts, choices and paths as we do.

If I was in India, it would be wise for me to use consideration and sensitivity when eating hamburger there, even if I believed I have the right to eat whatever and wherever I please. Choosing to act on that belief without consideration of the beliefs of others would be not only unwise but provocative. It would not be compromising or the way to achieve harmony between my belief and theirs. And when an Indian comes to a land where eating hamburgers is prevalent, they should not expect the culture of that land to accommodate their beliefs. That also would not be compromise or the path to harmony. These two matters of controversy, however intimately ingrained into one's spiritual being, do not become solved by the ingratiation of one over the other. They become solves when each acknowledges the other's ways and compromises for the sake of harmony in a way that can respect both.

we can call out to those who we believe to be in danger. we can teach what we think to be valuable teaching. we can reach out in love and compassionate offering. but we cannot and should not expect another being to accept what we offer without contest just because we believe it to be incontestable. When we do, we become the delusional ones.

Act upon what you believe to be the right thing to do and say in an instance.

But do not act with expectations. Be prepared for the need to make compromise instead, and to forgive them for not being in full agreement, and you will begin to realize harmony. And this is of course a two way street. each must offer the same in return.

Well spoken Lynn.

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-03-2012

Every time I sense something I don't like in another self, I look inside of me to find this trait. Once found, I start working on acceptance. This is very slow work, but IMHO it's the only way to become once again the Creator.

RE: The Last Battle - Shemaya - 07-03-2012

I agree ahktu. There is so much that you wrote in the OP that rings true for me. Getting rid of the blame and anger and hatred is a process, I wish I could snap my fingers and it would all be gone. But it is a daily process for me to forgive.

And then I have to forgive myself for being unable to fully open my heart.

RE: The Last Battle - Plenum - 07-03-2012

yah, the Last Battle is with oneself, no doubt.

RE: The Last Battle - Eddie - 07-03-2012

Well said, Lynn. BigSmileHeart

RE: The Last Battle - Brittany - 07-03-2012

I love you guys. Heart

RE: The Last Battle - Richard - 07-03-2012

So many of the current channels seem to be focusing on "Mass Arrests"...and "getting even"...I hardly read them anymore. It just doesn't ring true to me to, on one hand preach peace and on the other hand, storm someones house and drag them out for vengeance.

Its like becoming one of the bad guys in order to bring about the good world? Ethics seem a lost cause in a scenario like that. Believe in peace or we'll throw you in jail?


RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-03-2012
Quote:Carla: In general is it possible for a service-to-self person living on this planet at this time to appear to be service-to-others oriented, even to close scrutiny?

I am Latwii. My sister, this query is one which requires an understanding which your peoples are frequently without, for to pierce to the heart of service to self, it is as difficult a task as understanding that concept of service to others. For indeed, to serve in a polarized sense, one must be able to perceive the intentions with which an entity enters into its actions and with which it conducts its thoughts. One who is adept at pursuing the path of serving the self first and foremost is one who has for a great portion of its incarnation been what you would call a conscious seeker, and has sought consciously to gather about itself those powers and items which it has determined will best suit its purposes. A portion of the ability to accomplish these tasks is the ability to conceal from others the intentions and the purposes for the actions and the experiences, for few would consciously choose to give over the will to another if they knew that they then in any sense whatsoever would become enslaved by such a choice of action.

Thus, it is indeed possible for an entity to seem quite of the service to others but to be at the heart of its intention of quite the polar opposite polarity. The ability of entities to determine the actions and intentions of another is that factor which makes the recognition of such negatively-oriented (inaudible) difficult. Yet if one gives with a whole heart, with a desire to serve and love all about it, one need not fear the meeting of such an entity.

May we answer you further, my sister?

Carla: Well, my motive for asking that question was personal. I had run into a fairly powerful entity over the weekend, a fellow named P, and subsequent experiences that I’ve had have seemed to me—have had to do with the openness with which I met this entity, due to the fact that I had just had a healing and my taking on of some of the vibrations which he offered which I would not normally have done. I guess there’s a lot of fear in the motivation for asking the question, so I suppose the corollary to that is, in what way does one cease to fear that which is hurting one?

I am Latwii. My sister, begin first with the foundation of all creation, that is, unity. From this unity the one Creator, the one original Thought of love, springs all the infinite variety of forms of life and directions for each. Look then to any which seem of a fearful or doubtful nature. See there the Creator that rests as well within your own being. Love that Creator as if It were yourself, for in truth It is. See that which is feared; bathe it in love, see it as self, bless it, bid it travel its journey, and then bathe your own being in the love and the light of the One. In so doing, you have affirmed the unity of all creation, for in truth that is all that there is. To move from that truth and to see any separation is to step upon the grounds which the entities of the negative polarity rule when fear and separation are with the entities there.

RE: The Last Battle - drifting pages - 07-03-2012

Thanks for posting this, i also feel that an over noticing of separation, or of another another another other... causes distress and potential for negative patterns.

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-03-2012
Quote:N: Thank you very much. Would you address, please, a consideration for the fact that whether there is or is not going to be an Armageddon?

I am Latwii, and this is a very humorous question, my brother. We hope that you do not think that we have an unusual sense of humor. But it is as if one at a dance had asked us, “Where was the dance?” My brother, you live within the Armageddon. The times, as it has been said, are indeed a’changing. You live within times that are most uncertain, in which all portions of the life experience change and change with great rapidity. Look about you, my brother. You see the battle of light and dark in all places, in all hearts. You see the doubts and the fears, you see the prophets, the sages; you see all that has been foretold and, yes, you are at the dance.
Quote:The heart of the matter is that there is a transition taking place from third to fourth density upon your planet. However, it would be incorrect to think in terms of the time scale which is so often used by your peoples. It is not well to think in terms of days or months or even years. For this, shall we say, transitional period where the Earth is literally in travail on many planes has been occurring for approximately 2300 of your years
In no event do we wish to encourage you to set up areas of safety, for there is no such thing as safety from the self, and it is within the self that the transition shall truly occur. That which occurs at harvest is within the self; that which occurs within the planet, although interesting, is a separate subject from the one which might well be considered far more interesting to the self. And that is that it is likely that this lifetime or at the very most, for those who die soon from the physical body, one more lifetime, shall be the last opportunity before graduation to refine the polarity of self to the point at which you the seeker might accept the quality of light which is the native light in fourth density.
Quote:Q'uo: ...We speak to you from a density wherein we approach what you might accept as perfection; however, were we in the third density, we would have become a gambler—nothing more, nothing less. Your self gambles that, in spite of all self-perceived failures, the self will not be afraid or bow to indecision but will choose to love—again, nothing more and nothing less. Whether you perceive the self as successful or unsuccessful, perfect or imperfect, the intention will burn away the dross of which you are so aware. If you can find the courage to proceed in hope of expressing love, then you shall be as perfect as one may hope to be within the dust-laden confusion of perceptions of your illusion. Do not be deceived by the perceptions of the senses or the intellect, both of which were designed to embrace the illusion to the exclusion of all things absolute...

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-04-2012
Quote:...Only by forgiving as though no injustice had been dealt to you will you be able to relieve the pain that you feel. Within your illusory environment that seems to make no sense, and yet those who have done it feel mightily relieved, and are able to find peace as the stress of maintaining their grievance dissolves...

RE: The Last Battle - Shemaya - 07-04-2012

Patrick, thanks for those quotes....they really express the crux of the Path of radiant love to me. Make so much sense.

If you can find the courage to proceed in hope of expressing love, then you shall be as perfect as one may hope to be within the dust-laden confusion of perceptions of your illusion. Do not be deceived by the perceptions of the senses or the intellect, both of which were designed to embrace the illusion to the exclusion of all things absolute...

Those words really inspire me, help me understand where I am and where I am going, and greatly encourage meHeart

RE: The Last Battle - norral - 07-05-2012

i think that each one on us will wind up where our focus is. i agree that focusing hatred on the dark forces is not to beneficial , then u just get sucked into their energy. i would rather focus on the positive. on the other hand for me to send love to them is not happening. i dont feel love for them i dont like them , but more importantly i dont hate them. because this whole play that we are in is under the auspicise of the creator the creator permits these things to occur so i guess there is some reason for it though quite honestly it is beyond me. so i dont get wrappped up in the mass arrest garbage and all this stuff we are entering into 4d which is a love based reality and the best way to enter there is to focus on love i would think. the dark forces have their reward and they will reap what they deserve as will the forces of light. just my take.

norral Heart

RE: The Last Battle - Confused - 07-05-2012

Lovely post, Ahktu. From your post, I have created a new definition or code of love for myself -- "Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done unto your own self". Thank you.

RE: The Last Battle - Sagittarius - 07-05-2012

(07-05-2012, 01:11 AM)norral Wrote: i think that each one on us will wind up where our focus is. i agree that focusing hatred on the dark forces is not to beneficial , then u just get sucked into their energy. i would rather focus on the positive. on the other hand for me to send love to them is not happening. i dont feel love for them i dont like them , but more importantly i dont hate them. because this whole play that we are in is under the auspicise of the creator the creator permits these things to occur so i guess there is some reason for it though quite honestly it is beyond me. so i dont get wrappped up in the mass arrest garbage and all this stuff we are entering into 4d which is a love based reality and the best way to enter there is to focus on love i would think. the dark forces have their reward and they will reap what they deserve as will the forces of light. just my take.

norral Heart

We are the darkness as well. We all have to go through the fall, to win the battle we must give up and become the darkness, only then will you be free from the stones that hold you down.

We have already chosen this and everyone on this earth right now will experience it. Some already have, I experienced it a few days ago and barely came out the other side. You have to face and kill yourself, you are not special you are a puppet on a string, the sooner you kill that puppet the sooner you can become all that is and get in the flow with your memory complex.

You will know when it happens, it will be the single lowest point you have ever experienced in this life, when it happens you will feel the change, you won't react to situations you have never been able to let go of in the past.

Everyones fall is different and relates directly to the last grudge that you hold, some will find it more difficult. Us wanderers have the hardest job though, the sleepers don't know any better, they know no other way so it doesn't seam as difficult for them. It felt like the fall was crushing every hope I have ever had, I was elevated to heights I had never experienced. My higher self set the bait and I bit and hung on until it was to late and my inside where being bled before my eyes.

Prepare yourselves, If I made it through un-scathed then you can to. Your higher self will provide you with just enough hope throughout the experience so have faith.

RE: The Last Battle - Shin'Ar - 07-05-2012

(07-05-2012, 01:11 AM)norral Wrote: i think that each one on us will wind up where our focus is. i agree that focusing hatred on the dark forces is not to beneficial , then u just get sucked into their energy. i would rather focus on the positive. on the other hand for me to send love to them is not happening. i dont feel love for them i dont like them , but more importantly i dont hate them. because this whole play that we are in is under the auspicise of the creator the creator permits these things to occur so i guess there is some reason for it though quite honestly it is beyond me. so i dont get wrappped up in the mass arrest garbage and all this stuff we are entering into 4d which is a love based reality and the best way to enter there is to focus on love i would think. the dark forces have their reward and they will reap what they deserve as will the forces of light. just my take.

norral Heart

The love you express is not a false love toward an entity that you do not feel love for, it is an aspect of the divine love within you that is expressed toward the Divine nature of the All which you understand to include all aspects of creation, and within that parameter you touch both those whom you love and those whom you would not.

Your love is divine, an attribute of the Creator, and it includes All regardless of any particular imprint on creation.

RE: The Last Battle - norral - 07-05-2012

each has their own idea. personally i am not sending love to someone i dont like and i dont like the dark forces. so i feel no need to act counter to myself and to my true feelings. i'll be true to who i am. now i dont hate the dark forces but i do hate what they do. hate it. and thats who i am for better or for worse.

RE: The Last Battle - Shin'Ar - 07-05-2012

(07-05-2012, 07:17 AM)norral Wrote: each has their own idea. personally i am not sending love to someone i dont like and i dont like the dark forces. so i feel no need to act counter to myself and to my true feelings. i'll be true to who i am. now i dont hate the dark forces but i do hate what they do. hate it. and thats who i am for better or for worse.

I understand completey and feel the same way.

the point I tried to make was that there is a difference between loving the All in its encompassing nature of both light and dark, and all of the energies and forces that play a part in both, out of wisdom and understanding that such love is the divine attribute of the Creator, and not the same emotional love which you are speaking of.

Of course we as fragments with our own unique experiences and biases should not be expected to invest emotional love toward anything that we have experienced as unworthy of such love. But if one can understand that there is a much grander love which spawns from the Creator which encompasses all things created, which we can also express as One with such divinity when we come to realize the One Consciousness and the All, then we can profess that grander love in a way very differently from the way we express our own individual aspects of love as the temporary identity which we assume in this lifetime.,

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-05-2012

For me, simply forgiving them is showing your unconditional love towards them. You don't have to like them as in aligning with them.

RE: The Last Battle - Shin'Ar - 07-05-2012

(07-05-2012, 10:19 AM)Patrick Wrote: For me, simply forgiving them is showing your unconditional love towards them. You don't have to like them as in aligning with them.

yes, forgiveness is NOTthe surrendering of one's experience and/or emotional investment. Forgiveness is the challenging of one's will and personality to do exactly that which those defy charactersitically for the sake of acknowledging a higher Being, and by higher being I do not mean it in the sense that some have been using that recently as in some future aspect of one's self, but I mean it with regard to the Divine Process of Being.

in other words, to put it bluntly, there are much greater priorities than our individual emotions and our desire to express them according to what we think of the state of others.

RE: The Last Battle - Brittany - 07-05-2012

I think there would be great surprise, if the curtain was lifted in a sudden fashion, at how many of us have worn the dark how many of us have been murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, warlords, tyrants, etc. Not everyone has it within themselves to actively pursue the negative path, but I guarantee you that, we've all done terrible things at some point in our existence. I think it is rather proud to hold oneself above the darkness, when it inevitably dwells in each and every heart. I think this is one strong reason for so much veiling and secrecy in the first place. If you knew the guy next door to you was Hitler reincarnated, would it effect how you treated him? What if you found out YOU were Hitler reincarnated? Would it affect how you treated yourself?

Pretty much everyone on this forum is aware of my history by now...the identity I wore only a few short incarnations ago. I was fearful in revealing this information, but I have encountered nothing but love and respect amongst those I once likely persecuted. This has made a profound impact on me- this level of love, forgiveness and acceptance. You have breathed new life into a tired old soul, and rekindled my desire to serve. You may not even be aware that you have done anything, but I say from the bottom of my heart that that this offering of love, even if it is completely undeserved, even if it isn't immediately accepted and makes a world of difference, and it has the capability to rock worlds to their core.

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-05-2012


RE: The Last Battle - Richard - 07-05-2012

See there Ahktu...that ol' veil does serve a purpose. Not everyone is as well prepared to deal with who we may have been. The veil lets us concentrate on the "us" of "now"....previous incarnations be damned. At least in the context of dealing with that kind of baggage with the human toolkit.

Our higher selves have better tools and more understanding for that integration....

But, Ahktu of Now is who we know and love. Smile


RE: The Last Battle - AnthroHeart - 07-05-2012

I realize that at times it's easy to forgive myself for something I've done. But then it comes up again later and I'm fighting that impulse that says I blew it, and I find it hard to forgive myself a second time. No matter how much I let go and let it be ok, it comes up into my awareness again.

RE: The Last Battle - Patrick - 07-05-2012 Latwii Wrote:...we may suggest that each entity you meet and each situation that comes before you be seen as the Creator. Frame the entity or the situation and label it the Creator, and if you fall short in your perception and appreciation of any entity or situation and are unable to feel it as the Creator, unable to love it as the Creator, then use that falling short as your daily meditation, as your meditation for that day, so that whatever keeps you from loving and seeing the Creator in all might then be smoothed, and your journey made more efficient, shall we say.

RE: The Last Battle - Shin'Ar - 07-06-2012

(07-05-2012, 11:31 AM)ahktu Wrote: I think there would be great surprise, if the curtain was lifted in a sudden fashion, at how many of us have worn the dark how many of us have been murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, warlords, tyrants, etc. Not everyone has it within themselves to actively pursue the negative path, but I guarantee you that, we've all done terrible things at some point in our existence. I think it is rather proud to hold oneself above the darkness, when it inevitably dwells in each and every heart. I think this is one strong reason for so much veiling and secrecy in the first place. If you knew the guy next door to you was Hitler reincarnated, would it effect how you treated him? What if you found out YOU were Hitler reincarnated? Would it affect how you treated yourself?

Pretty much everyone on this forum is aware of my history by now...the identity I wore only a few short incarnations ago. I was fearful in revealing this information, but I have encountered nothing but love and respect amongst those I once likely persecuted. This has made a profound impact on me- this level of love, forgiveness and acceptance. You have breathed new life into a tired old soul, and rekindled my desire to serve. You may not even be aware that you have done anything, but I say from the bottom of my heart that that this offering of love, even if it is completely undeserved, even if it isn't immediately accepted and makes a world of difference, and it has the capability to rock worlds to their core.

What matters is not what we have done but what we have progressed into and become.

That does not mean that atrocities against humanity should be taken lightly or that those who have done horrific acts should be casually glanced over as though their acts were not horrific.

We have an obligation to humanity to address inhumanity and speak out against it and attempt to reveal its horrific nature and also the much more beneficial aspects of love instead.

But we also have an obligation to realize that by design we are all tempted and free to choose direction, and that we are also able to evolve and develop into higher Being. because of that Design we must be open to both compromise and forgiveness so that love can replace taht emotional baggage that would inhibit such love from increasing and being enhanced.

yes, we have all done bad things. No we should not get away with it just because everyone has done the same. Yes, we should all have the opportunity to become better than our past. This is evolution.

RE: The Last Battle - Tenet Nosce - 12-04-2012

A brilliant post!

(07-02-2012, 09:41 PM)Brittany Lynn Wrote: I’ll cut right to the chase.

I, too, will cut right to the chase. There is no right or wrong, only different paths to the One Infinite Creator. Yet, we are in a realm where negativity exists.

The "battle between good and evil" is about as real as anything else in this realm. That means it is not very real at all; It is an illusion.

However, it is a valuable teach/learning aid.

All these prophecies about "good" defeating "evil" are false prophecies. The falsity of them is in confusing simple mechanics for ethics and activity.

The mechanics are thus: Negativity can only manifest in the lower vibrations of a density. Thus- when we begin to spiral out of the lower vibrations, those who are wishing to negatively polarize can no longer do so, and must find a new location to continue their chosen path. The environment will no longer support such dross expressions of negativity. Therefore, entities must decide to either abandon these expressions and move to more positive ones, or croak and find somewhere else to be negative.

Simple mechanics.

It has nothing to do with "good" defeating "evil" or the aliens/galactics swooping in and "arresting," "containing" or "removing" the bad guys from our midst. That is all part of the illusion; That is all part of the lesson.

The question is: How long we will persist in using this (somewhat rudimentary) teach/learning aid?

The answer is: As long as it takes for us to realize that there is no such thing as "good" and "evil."

For those who have not completed this lesson, they will not last long in a place that is only of the positive vibrations. It will be too uncomfortable for them, and they will eventually leave to seek out those negative places where they can continue working on the lesson.

Thus, the "battle" never ends. It is never "won" because there is nothing to win. All is the Creator. The only way to leave this battle behind is to seek the wisdom to refrain from battle.

RE: The Last Battle - Karl - 12-04-2012

Good post Britt.