12-14-2011, 01:55 PM
I like this idea of yours:
"What I've imagined about this is that 6D negative would become aware that all the efforts made along the negative path were put to positive use in higher densities. So it is kind of like coming to the realization that, at the highest levels of "conspiracy" are actually positive beings and that the dark has actually been working for the light all along. Albeit unconsciously, and causing much unnecessary suffering along the way."
I'm just gonna draw some parallels I think are important, but I wont assume anything more than what Ra gives us, for the sake of no further disagreement
All higher selves exist in late 6th density. So because there is no time there, we are already there.
late 6th density does not have negative orientated beings. Ra explains that a being must choose the 6th density positive, because even if they do get to ascend into 6th density negative, there is no more room to grow and thus they accept the LOO and move on. Ascension to 7th density is when all those beings in 6th density give up any last notions of separation and separate awareness and enter into a state of being one with all. So logically, yes there is no way a 6th density negative being could ascend into 7th density due to its orientation. Thus all of us, essentially have a higher self that is 6th density positive. That means we all end up there. Even those to remain negative all through 4th, 5th and early 6th density, have a 6th density positive higher self.
A 6th density being like Ra, and here I do assume something of my own, is free to travel both space/time and time/space. So although they contacted Earth some 25,000 years ago and then contacted Carla in the 80s, they might've done that at the same moment.
Just some food for thought, Enjoy!
I like this idea of yours:
"What I've imagined about this is that 6D negative would become aware that all the efforts made along the negative path were put to positive use in higher densities. So it is kind of like coming to the realization that, at the highest levels of "conspiracy" are actually positive beings and that the dark has actually been working for the light all along. Albeit unconsciously, and causing much unnecessary suffering along the way."
I'm just gonna draw some parallels I think are important, but I wont assume anything more than what Ra gives us, for the sake of no further disagreement

All higher selves exist in late 6th density. So because there is no time there, we are already there.
late 6th density does not have negative orientated beings. Ra explains that a being must choose the 6th density positive, because even if they do get to ascend into 6th density negative, there is no more room to grow and thus they accept the LOO and move on. Ascension to 7th density is when all those beings in 6th density give up any last notions of separation and separate awareness and enter into a state of being one with all. So logically, yes there is no way a 6th density negative being could ascend into 7th density due to its orientation. Thus all of us, essentially have a higher self that is 6th density positive. That means we all end up there. Even those to remain negative all through 4th, 5th and early 6th density, have a 6th density positive higher self.
A 6th density being like Ra, and here I do assume something of my own, is free to travel both space/time and time/space. So although they contacted Earth some 25,000 years ago and then contacted Carla in the 80s, they might've done that at the same moment.
Just some food for thought, Enjoy!