07-14-2020, 10:39 AM
I landed on this site after re-reading a older Numerology report that said I was " most certainly from Atlantis and a child of the Law of One" In a past life. I had NO idea what that meant. Recently I also did a " Starseed" test and scored 100 out of 100 For a Palladian starseed. Also a new concept for me.
I mean, Ive always been very VERY different since birth. Born a Empath and highly Psychic . Lost some of that with programming of childhood into this Matrix or illusion we all are immersed in right now in these bodies. Used to be able to control dice, pick the same card. Tell you what horse would win a race.
Still have premonitions that always come true. ALWAYS know if someone is telling a lie. Watched human behavior never understanding it much.
I have no greed or selfishness. Dont hurt anything. Always been a caring and giving person who never took from others. Even felt guilty accepting any offered help in my life.
I am a Artist, Musician and a writer. Can understand animals and have been a horse and dog trainer. LOVE nature and protect it with my life.
Live in the boonies very isolated and been pretty much a loner even though I had kids. Never fit in anyplace ive ever been, never felt like I had a "home". Always the lost wanderer moving around. I was born open and awake. I understood things no one seemed to get and could see things others cant see.... like energy. Im always the " odd " one in a group. Very eclectic. Processive.
Many have told me I have a huge heartfield and Aura. Recently my Neighbor who is a medium/talks to/see's spirts etc ( and only person I know here) told me she has never seen such a huge powerful energy field around a person. Like great sparkly shards of light shooting from my head ! That freaked me out a bit. Ive been told my Aura is all colors with silver or gold on my crown chakra. Usually anyway.
I USED to be able to see auras. Lost that too. Drives me nuts I am so blocked for some reason.
My senses are super heightened especially high tones. Always NON stop seeing Synchronicities. I see 111 and 1111 every day. I see 333 a lot too. I can get fat just looking at food ( which REALLY sucks) Just dont seem to need much food or sleep at all. Its nuts. Always felt like I came from another planet. Lonely and a freak of some sort.
Even my biological vessel/body comes from a weird bloodline going back to 100s and 100s of European kings, 5 Pharaohs including Akhenaten. Odin in my Viking bloodline and the most interesting to me... Enoch. I have Noah ( from the bible) 3 times due to inbreeding so that also makes Enoch ( from the book of Enoch) my grandfather 3 times. He seems to be a pretty cool dude.
Sent my RAW DNA to a "we will tell you what ancient DNA you still match closest to" site. Came back Franks I have heavy Merovingian ??? blood and Celtic and Gauls???? who ever they all are. Seems odd stuff. I have the most AWEFUL thick, curly hair. Its long and red and with my recent arm injury struggle to take care of that mop. Natural spiral curls. No idea what its like to brush my hair ! Tangled up mess.
So I got curious since I was told in a past life I was a " Child of the Law of One" What the hell is that? So I looked it up. Not much out there on it. I TRIED to read the Law of One books. While I am a avid Philosopher who enjoys Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. Also a Lucid dream chaser and Astral projection chaser. Cant get enough of learning Dream yoga and anything Eastern from medicine to religion. Anything to do with altered Consciousness interests me GREATLY. I struggle with the Law of One books. BUT... I found the BEST book ever. Mind you I have over 1000 books at my house. On everything from Sailing and boats ( I was a lic. Tugboat captain and sailing instructor for a decade or so) to sled dogs and horses, gardening. Art, photography. You name it, ive had my paws in it. I have a huge Metaphysics section. Enocian, Hermetic, Kabbalah, Wiccan, Norse, Mystics, alchemy. Cant get enough of that stuff.
But the book called " The Children of the Law of One and the lost teachings of Atlantis" which I am reading right now is the best one I ever read. Explains the Law of One so I can actually understand it and the Author writes in a way I enjoy and absorb. Really rings true in my heart and soul with me. I resonate with this material. I just " get it". Wish everyone did. Also wish I could have gone to thier Monastery when I was young like the author. I am now 55 and have WAY too many Cats ! to go anyplace. Plus I am FAR FAR from rich. Cant afford to go to Monroe institute retreats and all the awesome conferences and Psychic fairs etc. Would give anything to do so. I CRAVE all things enlightenment. But I give everything away and I am poor and live in a isolated place. So its hard as I know if I could be around other spiritual seekers I could advance my soul. I could be a better person. So I ask here if any one has read that book? and also how can I learn more, how can I find other seekers? Others like me? Im tired of being so alone. I dont have even ONE spiritual friend to talk to. My husband is a mechanic and just " tolerates" me talking about stuff and watching endless GAIA shows on thier channel. The only TV I ever watch. If I cant learn or grow I dont watch it. He looks at me like I have 2 heads talking anything spiritual and its just kills me. He has become nothing more than a room mate to me. I cant connect with someone so material and asleep. Who loves living in the Matrix of this reality with no desire for expansion. He did not portray himself to be so closeminded when I met him ! Ive tried to get him AWAKE but its no use. I was born awake. Then lost that due to programming we all get and now I have awakened yet again. Just dont know what Im supposed to be doing. UGHHH sorry for the vent ! I just feel SO alone and hoped to talk to someone about something other than whats for dinner or the weather. I WANT to be harvested ! and live in 5D. I dont want to come back to 3 D ever again. HELP !
I landed on this site after re-reading a older Numerology report that said I was " most certainly from Atlantis and a child of the Law of One" In a past life. I had NO idea what that meant. Recently I also did a " Starseed" test and scored 100 out of 100 For a Palladian starseed. Also a new concept for me.
I mean, Ive always been very VERY different since birth. Born a Empath and highly Psychic . Lost some of that with programming of childhood into this Matrix or illusion we all are immersed in right now in these bodies. Used to be able to control dice, pick the same card. Tell you what horse would win a race.
Still have premonitions that always come true. ALWAYS know if someone is telling a lie. Watched human behavior never understanding it much.
I have no greed or selfishness. Dont hurt anything. Always been a caring and giving person who never took from others. Even felt guilty accepting any offered help in my life.
I am a Artist, Musician and a writer. Can understand animals and have been a horse and dog trainer. LOVE nature and protect it with my life.
Live in the boonies very isolated and been pretty much a loner even though I had kids. Never fit in anyplace ive ever been, never felt like I had a "home". Always the lost wanderer moving around. I was born open and awake. I understood things no one seemed to get and could see things others cant see.... like energy. Im always the " odd " one in a group. Very eclectic. Processive.
Many have told me I have a huge heartfield and Aura. Recently my Neighbor who is a medium/talks to/see's spirts etc ( and only person I know here) told me she has never seen such a huge powerful energy field around a person. Like great sparkly shards of light shooting from my head ! That freaked me out a bit. Ive been told my Aura is all colors with silver or gold on my crown chakra. Usually anyway.
I USED to be able to see auras. Lost that too. Drives me nuts I am so blocked for some reason.
My senses are super heightened especially high tones. Always NON stop seeing Synchronicities. I see 111 and 1111 every day. I see 333 a lot too. I can get fat just looking at food ( which REALLY sucks) Just dont seem to need much food or sleep at all. Its nuts. Always felt like I came from another planet. Lonely and a freak of some sort.
Even my biological vessel/body comes from a weird bloodline going back to 100s and 100s of European kings, 5 Pharaohs including Akhenaten. Odin in my Viking bloodline and the most interesting to me... Enoch. I have Noah ( from the bible) 3 times due to inbreeding so that also makes Enoch ( from the book of Enoch) my grandfather 3 times. He seems to be a pretty cool dude.
Sent my RAW DNA to a "we will tell you what ancient DNA you still match closest to" site. Came back Franks I have heavy Merovingian ??? blood and Celtic and Gauls???? who ever they all are. Seems odd stuff. I have the most AWEFUL thick, curly hair. Its long and red and with my recent arm injury struggle to take care of that mop. Natural spiral curls. No idea what its like to brush my hair ! Tangled up mess.
So I got curious since I was told in a past life I was a " Child of the Law of One" What the hell is that? So I looked it up. Not much out there on it. I TRIED to read the Law of One books. While I am a avid Philosopher who enjoys Metaphysics and Quantum Physics. Also a Lucid dream chaser and Astral projection chaser. Cant get enough of learning Dream yoga and anything Eastern from medicine to religion. Anything to do with altered Consciousness interests me GREATLY. I struggle with the Law of One books. BUT... I found the BEST book ever. Mind you I have over 1000 books at my house. On everything from Sailing and boats ( I was a lic. Tugboat captain and sailing instructor for a decade or so) to sled dogs and horses, gardening. Art, photography. You name it, ive had my paws in it. I have a huge Metaphysics section. Enocian, Hermetic, Kabbalah, Wiccan, Norse, Mystics, alchemy. Cant get enough of that stuff.
But the book called " The Children of the Law of One and the lost teachings of Atlantis" which I am reading right now is the best one I ever read. Explains the Law of One so I can actually understand it and the Author writes in a way I enjoy and absorb. Really rings true in my heart and soul with me. I resonate with this material. I just " get it". Wish everyone did. Also wish I could have gone to thier Monastery when I was young like the author. I am now 55 and have WAY too many Cats ! to go anyplace. Plus I am FAR FAR from rich. Cant afford to go to Monroe institute retreats and all the awesome conferences and Psychic fairs etc. Would give anything to do so. I CRAVE all things enlightenment. But I give everything away and I am poor and live in a isolated place. So its hard as I know if I could be around other spiritual seekers I could advance my soul. I could be a better person. So I ask here if any one has read that book? and also how can I learn more, how can I find other seekers? Others like me? Im tired of being so alone. I dont have even ONE spiritual friend to talk to. My husband is a mechanic and just " tolerates" me talking about stuff and watching endless GAIA shows on thier channel. The only TV I ever watch. If I cant learn or grow I dont watch it. He looks at me like I have 2 heads talking anything spiritual and its just kills me. He has become nothing more than a room mate to me. I cant connect with someone so material and asleep. Who loves living in the Matrix of this reality with no desire for expansion. He did not portray himself to be so closeminded when I met him ! Ive tried to get him AWAKE but its no use. I was born awake. Then lost that due to programming we all get and now I have awakened yet again. Just dont know what Im supposed to be doing. UGHHH sorry for the vent ! I just feel SO alone and hoped to talk to someone about something other than whats for dinner or the weather. I WANT to be harvested ! and live in 5D. I dont want to come back to 3 D ever again. HELP !