11-22-2017, 10:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-22-2017, 11:07 AM by rva_jeremy.)
(11-21-2017, 05:39 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: The spoken of techniques include the one's you gave as an example silly. To focus on the love in the moment. Carla's book Living the Law of One explained very fluently how chakra balancing can lead to attracting different catalyst, to eventually becoming a lighthouse by moving kundalini to indigo ray, to begin manifesting more rapidly our disciplined thoughts directed at love.
If that discipline is disregarded, Ra's mentioning of severe imbalance seems like a gentle way of saying some pretty serious stuff is going to happen to you.
Thanks for clarifying, because it was not obvious to me that that was where you identified the danger. I guess when you're talking about the dangers in the material, you're not talking about dangers that are unique to the material. I was arguing against the idea that there's something uniquely dangerous in the Law of One. If what you're saying is that the Law of One gives you tools to make a more vivid experience out of the illusion, and that there's missteps possible there, I'd certainly agree.
I just think missteps are kind of our lot in incarnation. How else do we learn? Is there any alternative to trial and error, really? How indefinitely can missteps be delayed or avoided?
In my opinion, a lot of the Confederation's message boils down to one suggestion: pay attention. It's not so much the errors we incur that cause confusion so much as our unwillingness to reflect on them. Hence the frequent suggestions of meditation, so we can let the lessons from our trials get through, instead of just seeing them as acts in a super long play.
Much of the danger inherent in these techniques arise from practicing them without the feedback mechanism of monitoring your feelings, without patience, without a knowledge of self that gives one a reference point. While these dangers are inherent in incarnation generally, which I think is important to acknowledge when you're calling out the danger of the Ra contact specifically, we can intensify them through certain techniques and yeah, it may not go as anticipated. Basically, if you're not meditating, you're f****d

(11-21-2017, 05:39 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Hence I think guidance is helpful. Now, you use the word control as if I were aiming to deprive people of naturally moving into a certain kind of catalyst. If they are there, I want to help guide them out of that place. If they're not yet there, I want to help steer them clear of that path. Putting up a sign saying detour isn't controlling to me when its done for another's sake.
If with that done a person still wants to take that road, experience that catalyst, I won't stop them, and I'll even let them know I'll be here waiting to help them if they want. I understand I had to experience that to become whom I am now, but I know it's done some damage that I'm still recovering from, if another desires such, so be it, but I walked into that place as the Fool, very naive of what was to come. Other's can now walk into that place with an idea of what's to come, and now lacking total naivete can go further than I in making good use of that catalyst.
What guidance do you wish you had been offered that you feel could have prevented your suffering?
By the way, when I said "you have no control over others' suffering", I didn't mean to imply that I felt like you were seeking control or to control others. I was simply pointing out that I don't see any lever available for you to pull; in other words, I don't think you or any of us are actually capable of helping in the way you want to. I might be wrong about that, but I don't want you to think I see you as a control freak or something.

(11-21-2017, 05:39 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: You are fine with letting wanderers wander into fire, you rationalize it well with what this material teaches. I don't subscribe 100% to the Ra Material, there's bits and pieces that human wise are basically immoral and irresponsible. Such as in this instance, to just let people wander into hell by the practices provided without guidance and to let that place shape them. It is oddly inconsiderate of what the entity desires instead overwriting that for ideas of what was 'meant to be', except life isn't predetermined or free form, there's a mixture, and I'll use that mixture to make sure someone isn't shaped darkly by dark experiences that I could have steered them clear of. Especially if they do not want such experiences.
Well, it's not that I seek to be cruel or callous. I struggle mightily with the harsh nature of the illusion. It does sometimes seem like we are fodder for the Creator's learning process sometimes, doesn't it?
I suppose where I differ with you, CA, is not so much whether it's desirable to help in the way you seek, but whether it's even possible. When we are talking about catalyst, we are not talking about something outside the person you seek to help. We are talking about something that is intimately tied up in that person's incarnational plan, in the very personality that you are interfacing with to offer help. That person will always be able to have a better grasp on that than you will, because it is theirs, and everybody's catalyst is incomprehensibly different.
What you seem to be talking about is preventing people from having certain negative experiences. And that's cool, and I understand that, but please don't think that you're preventing catalyst that they (and their higher selves) have arranged to encounter. If it doesn't manifest in one way, it will manifest in another. People are perfectly capable of walking into hell without the Ra material or any spirituality at all.
(11-21-2017, 05:39 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I appreciate the experience, but I do not resonate with the idea of letting painful things happen because God said so.
This is exactly what I'm talking about with respect to control. We don't "let" painful things happen. It's not up to us as third density personalities. You're not "letting" people suffer by not giving them guidance. They will suffer, no matter what you do, because in some sense they came here for that experience.
Again, I want to be clear: I'm not arguing against providing guidance. I'm arguing a little bit against the standard you're erecting that motivates providing that guidance. You cannot prevent suffering. I think this is placing far, far too much responsibility on yourself.
There's a certain amount of sorrow involved in being helpful in the way those of the Confederation advocate. That sorrow is painful for us looking on as others stumble. It is not pleasant to watch others stumble. It triggers memories of our own painful encounters with our catalyst. Sorrow is part of our experience in being on this planet and providing help, meager help that has no guarantee of actually effecting what we wish.
And let's be certain that, when we offer help, we offer help to the unique person in their unique situation, instead of simply recapitulating our past lessons and "reliving our catalyst through another". That's why sending love and light is such a perfect, if seemingly incommensurate, method of helping: it respect the free will of the helped and calls out to the best in them to deal with their catalyst and learn their lessons, instead of preventing them from encountering learning.
Thanks for your reply, I really enjoy this conversation.