03-10-2015, 05:22 PM
I think the info makes sense to some 3D natives. They can be pretty smart.
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03-10-2015, 05:22 PM
I think the info makes sense to some 3D natives. They can be pretty smart.
03-10-2015, 06:07 PM
It seems to me in that quote that they are referring to the information presented in that quote and that information will make sense to those groups.
03-11-2015, 02:48 AM
Evolution takes time, infinite time.
03-11-2015, 07:52 AM
03-11-2015, 09:44 AM
Is the next Octave still evolution?
04-05-2015, 09:36 PM
I like your thoughts Austin, got me thinking
![]() I think grasping the Law of One as expressed by Ra has more to do with a persons awareness and readiness based on the sum of their overall "Life"/Soul experience(s); Where that has led them in this life, and how much they listen and open up; not necessarily limited to being a wanderer. There are those who are simply ready for these lessons. (03-11-2015, 07:52 AM)Shemaya Wrote:(03-11-2015, 02:48 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Evolution takes time, infinite time. I've been quoting this a lot lately but I guess I find it insightful. Quote:1.7 Questioner: [The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.]In my understanding we will never be one with the One Intelligent Infinity but will instead always become a larger portion of it. We are finite in our selves but infinite in that we have no real beginning nor end. That's my perception of it. We are finite but we also are infinity, to reconcile both I view our finite paths as infinite growth toward infinity. Afterall you can't actually reach infinity, you can only never stop growing toward it. (03-11-2015, 09:44 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Is the next Octave still evolution? From what I said above, in my opinion the next Octave would be the next stage of evolution just as the previous one was the previous stage of evolution. I do not think this ever ends.
04-06-2015, 08:38 PM
Nice quote Minyatur. Sent it to my friend.
04-06-2015, 09:52 PM
Hello Dear Other-Selves,
I don’t want to break it for You, but I consider myself as Third Density native Being and for me this material spoke like nothing I’ve ever encounter before. Not only through It ‘s content but through It ‘s coherence as well. It is my (conscious) belief that this Knowledge is something inherently present within each Being (self-aware in Our category or not) in Our physical Universe. The differences might be connected with an access to this Knowledge/Knowing and It ‘s translation into/onto/to the Being ‘s existence. As a third-density-being I can write, that this Knowledge gave me a “sense of meaningfulness” without the experience of It ‘s “genuineness”. Of course it may be argued that “sense of meaningfulness” might be an experience itself, but this is beyond an intellect and to large degree emotional sphere. It’s on the edge of elusiveness / “distinguishing ability” – and yet it was/is enough to pursue this Knowledge with utmost attention. I think it is possible for third density native Entity to discover this Knowledge within Self, when He/She is focusing strongly enough on “Spiritual aspect” of Self. By asking the Biggest questions about One ‘s origin, purpose and headings, third density being is capable of “conscious leap” and recognition of profundity of Information that is ungraspable and beyond knowledge drawn from direct experience. Half of each Being in third density resides within time/space, unveiled. This alone makes above possible in my opinion. All I have Best in me for You
04-28-2015, 09:25 AM
May I suggest that we also take some facts into consideration, instead of only possible interpretations of Ra's words.
Firstly, there is a difference between reading the Ra Material and been triggered by it. Nobody can say "I am a Wanderer for sure". But, there is something very, very different about this material "The Law of One". It baptizes those who have been triggered, just like 'holy texts' do for the majority of our peoples, when they shout things like "Hallelujah! I have found Jesus!". This is peculiar to Holy Texts, which are the foundations of our religions. We have specific holy texts for specific levels of understandings, just like we have different study books for each grade in school. The Ra Material acts exactly like that, in my opinion, as a life buoy for wanderers. This do not make it inaccessible for third density entities, but if you stick with it for the rest of your life, just like a sheep does with the 'Jesus Material', I would say, the odds are really great that you are, in fact, a Wanderer from a much more unified reality. I believe each of us have a spiritual path to follow according to our true spiritual grade, a teach/learning program to accomplish on Earth. In 1981, when the contact was made, there were millions and millions of wanderers on Earth and even more been born, and it is clear, at least to me, that Ra's intent was to search for a group to, let's say, throw the life buoy in the ocean for those of us who would really need it, the wanderers lost in this ocean of darkness, submerged in ignorance and dogma. The Ra Material only has effect upon consciousness when it truly ressonates with the roots of an entity's mind, and that is what I think Ra was intending to say with "this information will, shall we say, make sense". That is, many will understand Ra's words, but the few who not only understand it, but rather change their consciousness, raising their vibrations for the rest of their lives, most probably have already learned it elsewhere and are only starting to remember it. For I believe it is impossible for a text to generate a consciousness leap like this, unless the entity is not learning the ways of enlightenment through it, but instead, only remembering them.
05-01-2015, 11:19 AM
(02-17-2015, 06:27 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote:ra Wrote:36.24 Questioner: I’ll just ask one little short one that you may not be able to answer before the final… The short one is, can you tell me what percentage of the Wanderers on Earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and becoming aware who they are, and then finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact? "We can approximate the percentage of those penetrating intelligently their status." I understood this in the context of Intelligently through Intelligent Energy Exchanges or contacting the 8th Chakra. "This is between eight and one-half (8.5%) and nine and three-quarters (9.75%) percent." Who, in context, are through 'intelligently penetrating,' becoming aware consciously of who they are. "There is a larger percentile group of those who have a fairly well defined, shall we say, symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, 'insanity'. This amounts to a bit over fifty percent of the remainder." Here they differentiate the focus, and use the word symptomology to describe what they seem to understand from those as simply, "Insanity". Which personally is strongly hinting in my opinion, me, as that word is the exact logical surmised opinion I would describe my opinion of societal human life as being. Plus I understood the Ra Material fairly quickly, by one read through I understood everything with the exception of forgetting details, and even understood the area of archetypes well enough to quickly apply them to my life and understand catalyst. I will say, it is a bit uncertain how Ra applies 'The Remainder' but I saw it originally as there was 9.25% those who know by penetrating the gateway in some manner. Then 50% of the 90.75% (so...45.375%) remainder would have a symptomology of indication providing clues to them. "Nearly one-third of the remainder are aware that something about them is different, so you see there are many gradations of awakening to the knowledge of being a Wanderer." I took this originally as the 40.75% remainder had one-third of it, so 27.17% (I think) are aware that something about them is different. Back in 1981 so this percentage may not be the same. I think Ra used the term Gradation to help aid in the visual mental image of something closer to blending of colors rather than blocks of percentages. Or in other words, Gradation seemed to be a summed up way of saying this is a means of gradient rather than math as understanding and awakening are subjective in nature. Some may understand but not awaken, others may genuinely awaken to this material, and others may simply be unable to understand it's jargon, or some may perceive jargon but suddenly begin understanding and awaken, others may not instantly grasp the material but will seem to find it genuine. It's a gradient of different ways of unique personal experiences to understanding. Hence, "so you see there are many gradations of awakening to the knowledge of being a Wanderer." All that, I got out of Gradation. Am I...Over doing it here? "We may add that it is to the middle (45.375%) and first (8.5%-9.75%) of these groups that this information will, shall we say, make sense." Is how I saw it. I did need to go back and make sure I read it correctly but I just could not see it any other way. Ra talks as if they take the human language and wove it into as finely fashioned pieces of logic as are needed to explain highly complicated concepts within a short variable time-limit. Ra even mentions that they have to 'condense' information during the sessions, though I don't remember if the context was in general or specific to those current sessions at that time. I hope this is helpful to anyone. I understood it in the context that Ra was talking about this information during the current session, which was, honestly, not an easy session to logically try to make sense of since at times linearity is disregarded in order to properly explain what is happening, example: Ra Wrote:36.1 Questioner: In previous communications you have spoken of the mind/body/spirit complex totality. Would you please give us a definition of the mind/body/spirit complex totality? So as I understand it. The Higher Self has a Resource, that being it's 'Source' which is the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex Totality Itself, which in this same session, Ra says manifests the Higher Self which then moves from a point in existence to aid in maybe a non-analogous way different/same beings which are all itself, but different incarnations, universes, time lines, continuums. The Higher Self helps a Totality, which is defined by Intelligent Infinity through Intelligent Energy, which essentially means it is the Infinite Beingness of your Mind/Body/Spirit Complex, the Totality of which manifests an Higher Self to continually aid infinitely in the infinite ways of Being your Mind/Body/Spirit may experience. One caveat, is that the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex first becomes part of the Social Memory Complex which also has an Oversoul and a totality, which Ra does not provide much information on but I feel like might pertain to information regarding 8th Density and the next Octave in context to continued conscious evolution. Once reaching this point of evolution where "the entity knows itself in its totality." And "is willingly absorbed into the allness of the One Creator" it looks back and provides a 7D higher self to your 6D higher self (as entering Allness means moving into mid 7th density I think) so thus... We have an Oversoul who is 7D, that aids the 6D Higher Self to your 3-6th Density Experiences, who is created by the m/b/s Complex totality manifesting it, in order to help create itself, across infinity (universes, time lines, incarnations, existences) so that it may move into 7D and be aided by it's 7D self, which I imagine is made in a similar way, with a Social Memory Complex Totality's Higher Self (or Over Soul) being a manifestation of the Social Memory Complex Totality, with this Higher Self being 7D and aiding it's mid-6th to mid-7th Density transition, where it then projects its self to aid itself before it, itself moves into Allness and acquires Spiritual Mass (I assume, becomes a bigger literal portion (See: Unit of Consciousness) of Creation). This is all my take, if it doesn't resound with you in anyway, then please disregard it.
05-01-2015, 11:37 AM
Er. As for regarding everyone else, I don't think its practical to try and apply these quotes as a reference to try and understand a 3D personality's chances of understanding, unless you apply that 3D personalities can be Wanderers and not awaken to this text, and other nonwanderer 3D entities can.
It could very well simply be a matter of Being, and whether the particular Being has any need of the Law of One. Perhaps some do but don't really badly need it and thus when they stumble upon it aren't as profoundly moved, while others who perhaps do really badly, perhaps even desperately need it, but don't appear to, are profoundly, heavily moved by it. (Have roofers working, hard to concentrate now lol) I guess I'm trying to say is it's subjective, not objective. Some people will basically need this, and others will have almost no need for it. How one handles it may indicate their need for it. I will admit, I honestly probably would not be here had I not found the Law of One, it showed up in my life at the right time for sure when I really badly needed it, and it drastically changed who I was, I am no longer the same person after reading the Law of One. I do attribute it to the phrase, "A Man Finding His Faith" and I would say it genuinely raised my consciousness. My entire life changed, I changed. I almost was dumbfounded when I presented the material to a friend and they got no value out of it at all. I even got depressed for a bit once I realize I felt like I was again all alone, this time in wanting to share my happiness and love of the Law of One to anyone, but no one cared or understood.
From my experience with sharing Ra Material with people around me, I can tell this is a tough truth to sell to someone which is not a wanderer regardless of how much it means to me personally. I believe that someone does not need to read or believe Ra's Material in order to graduate to forth density. Someone just needs to care about other people enough and I know people with a good heart which will not care about this material but this doesn't stop them from being decent human beings. Not even all the wanderers would awake necessarily when reading Ra Material. This material appeals to people who already have a core intellectual structure that vibrates along this line.
Ra does not intend this material as "mind changer" but as a way to validate or confirm the beliefs of those who wander, and wandering they wonder about the purpose of all this. This material makes sense for someone because that someone already made such assumptions long before the moment of reading it. This being said I believe the Ra Contact is intended as a tool to strengthen the beliefs of the wanderers incarnated at that/this time, and by doing this making their energetic input in Earth's energy field more meaningful. Ra were concerned that a big percentage of the wanderers are wasting their lives without helping the graduation on Earth in any way. This tool would make some wanderers change the way they live their lives, being a wake up call for those that felt already something is not right. I cannot tell 100% I am a wanderer but reading the Material it felt like a letter to myself coming from the future. Through this lens the question 36.24 and its answer do talk about wanderers exclusively and which of them will benefit from reading Ra Material. It is not a matter of elitism but rather a matter of preparedness. If someone insists in reading the material out of ambition and without being ready for it very likely will have a distorted understanding that will compromise the benefits of such lecture. Coming back to my experience of sharing Ra Material I found that no one which I've shared the material with was interested in contesting it or in approving it. It was like I was sharing with them an empty document. I believe this is part of the magic of this material; it is seen just by the ones that are supposed to see it.
02-02-2022, 06:24 PM
Quote:Coming back to my experience of sharing Ra Material I found that no one which I've shared the material with was interested in contesting it or in approving it. It was like I was sharing with them an empty document. I believe this is part of the magic of this material; it is seen just by the ones that are supposed to see it. This is the way I see it, the LOO is mostly a wanderers handbook, or a missionaries field manual, because they parachuted down to earth as sleeper agents with no guidance or memory, and this field manual serves as a reminder and is typically discovered and accepted when it's time to go thru the awakening process before their mission starts. There is a reason it doesn't resonate with most earthseeds who have not made the choice, because the Law of Confusion does not allow it to interfere with the process, in fact they may become more resistant to its message, or distort it's meaning enough to be useless (thats the problem with new age spiritual bypassers who exalt the most over simplified/surface level messages contained within...it's a harsh statement but true).
02-03-2022, 12:27 AM
I had never thought about the Confederation material as a wanderer's handbook/field guide. Interesting idea.
It resonates so deeply within me: it feels as if it's a 'coming home' to me, and a beautiful synthesis of my seemingly disconnected/random life experiences. Even with this deep resonance, I am still a questioner at heart, and I wonder at times: could this all be an elaborate sci fi mythology? The answer I came up with is: it doesn't matter to me. On the other hand, I can see that - to others - it may not resonate for a variety of reasons. Some people I know are open to channeled material; others are not. Just radiating love in simple ways seems to work fine, without needing to explain. (02-17-2015, 06:27 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote:Quote:36.24 Questioner: I’ll just ask one little short one that you may not be able to answer before the final… The short one is, can you tell me what percentage of the Wanderers on Earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and becoming aware who they are, and then finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact? In my undestanding there is no interpretation needed, it is a logical statement. 1.) 8,5% - 9,75 % of the wanderer are aware to be a wanderer. 2.) About 50% of the rest (50% of 90,88% = 45,44%) have the "symptomology indicating to them that they are not of this, shall we say, “insanity.”" 3.) 30% of the rest (30% of 54,56% = 16,37%) "are aware that something about them is different". 4.) The rest (29,07%) of the wanderer does not wake up. For the 1.) and 2.) group (54,56%) of wanderers the informations from Ra makes sense, for the 3.) and 4.) group not. So more then half of the wanderer are able to recognize what a wanderer is.
02-04-2022, 10:14 AM
(02-04-2022, 08:14 AM)tadeus Wrote:(02-17-2015, 06:27 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote:Quote:36.24 Questioner: I’ll just ask one little short one that you may not be able to answer before the final… The short one is, can you tell me what percentage of the Wanderers on Earth today have been successful in penetrating the memory block and becoming aware who they are, and then finally, is there anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact? Don't forget, this was in the early 80s, the numbers would be very different now, I believe. It would be nice to get an update lol. (02-04-2022, 10:14 AM)zedro Wrote: Don't forget, this was in the early 80s, the numbers would be very different now, I believe. It would be nice to get an update lol. I already did have the same thought! In the 80's i did belong to group 3.) for myself. It would be really interesting if the distribution of the amount has changed. |