Dear brothers and sisters,
As many of you already know/guessed, Aaron and I are in a mated relationship. We have been living together for these last three months.
This period has now come to an end, and Aaron needs to get back to the US. He will be flying tomorrow morning....
When he gets there, he will be applying for Swedish residenceship, but an answer can take up to three months. We can also get a "no" from Swedish government, etc. etc. There are also thoughts of like "what if he doesn't come back", "what if something terrible happens", "what if...", "what if...", "what if..."...
During the time he will be waiting for Swedish residenceship, he is not allowed to be in Sweden at all. I will be flying there to visit him in a month, in February.
All looks good in a way, but sucks in another way...
Just wanted to share this with you.
Love and light.
As many of you already know/guessed, Aaron and I are in a mated relationship. We have been living together for these last three months.
This period has now come to an end, and Aaron needs to get back to the US. He will be flying tomorrow morning....
When he gets there, he will be applying for Swedish residenceship, but an answer can take up to three months. We can also get a "no" from Swedish government, etc. etc. There are also thoughts of like "what if he doesn't come back", "what if something terrible happens", "what if...", "what if...", "what if..."...
During the time he will be waiting for Swedish residenceship, he is not allowed to be in Sweden at all. I will be flying there to visit him in a month, in February.
All looks good in a way, but sucks in another way...
Just wanted to share this with you.
Love and light.