Residency Laws and Separation - Printable Version

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Residency Laws and Separation - Ankh - 01-05-2013

Dear brothers and sisters,

As many of you already know/guessed, Aaron and I are in a mated relationship. We have been living together for these last three months.

This period has now come to an end, and Aaron needs to get back to the US. He will be flying tomorrow morning....

When he gets there, he will be applying for Swedish residenceship, but an answer can take up to three months. We can also get a "no" from Swedish government, etc. etc. There are also thoughts of like "what if he doesn't come back", "what if something terrible happens", "what if...", "what if...", "what if..."...

During the time he will be waiting for Swedish residenceship, he is not allowed to be in Sweden at all. I will be flying there to visit him in a month, in February.

All looks good in a way, but sucks in another way...

Just wanted to share this with you.

Love and light. Heart

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Aaron - 01-05-2013

Mod note:

Dear beloved member... your thread title of "Aaron doesn't like my thread title" has been edited to reflect the thread content. Please follow guideline 14, honey... Dodgy

I love you. Heart Tongue

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Ankh - 01-05-2013

Ahahahaaa!!! BigSmile

Well, I tried couple of times, but it didn't please you. So I thought of leaving it to you then!! :p

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Meerie - 01-05-2013

What if, what if, what if...
why make it complicated if it could be sooo simple?
Aaron, form a boyband, make an engagement video and post it on treehouse.
Get married you two!!!
Heart Smile

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Ankh - 01-05-2013

LOL!! Maybe we will! Who knows? :p

Thank you, Meerie. Smile

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Aaron - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 02:03 PM)Meerie Wrote: What if, what if, what if...
why make it complicated if it could be sooo simple?
Aaron, form a boyband, make an engagement video and post it on treehouse.
Get married you two!!!
Heart Smile

That's a great idea!! I'll send it in with my Swedish residency application. BigSmile

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - BrownEye - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 01:51 PM)Ankh Wrote: All looks good in a way, but sucks in another way...

All looks good period. No reason to attract "what if" scenarios if you do not want to experience them. The energies hitting us now allow for quicker manifestations, with a stronger influence on our thoughts/emotions. Sort of like our thoughts can have a snowball effect now from what I am experiencing.

I hand my stress to my guides and higher self, because they are the best at creating reality. I know for a fact that I am in the best hands this way. I have figured out that no matter what, there is a silver lining to be found, not just a "lesson", but an experience to be understood and enjoyed.

Just for your ease of mind, both your HS, and Aaron's HS, has communicated to my HS that neither of you will experience any obstacles in the "Sweden-ship" application or the future marriage. Of course, because of your ability to take a certain amount of free will away from your true self, you are always free to prove me wrong.Tongue

Something that might be fun is for the two of you to practice telepathy while apart. This is a fun experiment, and can come in handy. Because of your connection it should be childs play.

RE: Residency Laws and Separation - Aaron - 01-06-2013

You're awesome, Pickle. Thank you so much! Heart