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This s*** is crazy. I've read about all kinds of places around the world like this...from geoglyphs in Jordan, Kazahkstan, and Brazil and the settlement of Etzanoa places few would ever learn of..ancient cities in Honduras and Colombia that simply aren't as well known for whatever reason. The great Pyramid of Cholula and it's forgotten history of the place where royalty was initiated. Mitla.
But reading that s*** about how the guy who excavated Herod's tomb suddenly fell over and later died in the runs only a couple of years ago reminded me of the plot of Clive Barkers Jericho. Named after a nearby city from Herod's tomb at Herodium. Reading the story again showed me this place in this video..Al-Khali .which inspired H.P. Lovecraft story. Odd I'd never heard of it before. Clive Barker I've read his stuff and as horrifying as a lot of his stories are, they didn't phase me. But seeing the detailed history of the city where that videogame takes place reeeally ugh this thing I have read about all kinds of Djinn haunting Oman in books about the supernatural. Restless spirits, ghosts. Genies. Certain depictions and ancient scriptures dictate a being created by God in His own image before the creation of Adam and Eve; according to legend, this being was abandoned by its own Creator. In the game's mythology, this being is called the "Firstborn". God was so disturbed by what He created that He banished it into the Abyss. God then started anew and went on to create humankind, giving the species two sexes, feelings, and love. The Firstborn, too powerful for even God to keep from breaking into the mortal world, would make seven attempts to escape, each time taking back a piece of the earth to add to its domain and each time sent back to the Abyss. Fragments of time and space would form layers around this domain, linked to this world in the city Al Khali. These layers would entrap pieces of history within its walls, from the time of the ancient Sumerians to World War II. Over time, other great conquerors and civilizations would arrive to claim the city as their own. Eventually, the city was forgotten and buried by the sands of time. The Department of Occult Warfare was created in the 1930s to combat the supernatural and unexplained. Another purpose was to meet Nazi Germany's own research into the paranormal. One of their most brilliant members, Arnold Leach, was recruited in 1962. However, his unscrupulous behavior and nature would eventually have him expelled. He was marked for assassination, and although the operation appeared to be successful, it seems that he may have survived. The Jericho Squad is sent to Al-Khali to prevent Leach from opening the breach and unleashing the Firstborn upon mankind once again That's the plot of the game and I was curious about the city and this is what came up on youtube Pretty disturbing concepts.
05-09-2020, 01:59 AM
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(05-10-2020, 09:54 AM)Confused Wrote: The Mound Builders: Giant Skeletons and the Soul's Journey to the Sky If you like reading about this topic of Native American mounds, you need to read about Emerald mound I think it's sort of confusing, I think the original one is also called Emerald mound in Lebanon there's another one in Missisisipi Google maps Emerald Mounds 11323 Emerald Mound Grange Rd Lebanon, IL SEPARATE PLACE IN Natchez MISSISSIPI: It's the originator of the Great mound at Cahokia. Emerald mound was where the astral religion began Something about how it is the moon temple and as the civilization became stronger, later the Sun mound was built in Cahokia as a larger replica It's sad and eerie what it has turned in to
05-10-2020, 10:32 PM
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05-11-2020, 12:00 AM
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05-11-2020, 02:54 AM
Edgar Cayce was an 8th density entity Incarnate This is how 8th density [8th planet is moon of hindu navaratna [7 chakras ROYGBIV plus 8moon/9sun] the I ching, native American moon-mounds, and edgar cayce's birthplace are interwoven along the I ching lunar and numerical formulas corresponding to the 8th navaratna of hindu astrology He also lived 67 years. 6X64=384 a lunar year 384 [lunar years]x 64[#hexagrams/#codons of DNA = 67years (365 day) # of solar years derived from the I ching/DNA calendar
05-11-2020, 06:41 AM
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05-11-2020, 08:33 AM