Wouldn't one consider sending 'Love' to an STS entity to be the equivalent of STS projecting 'Fear' to us?
In both cases, you run the risk of instigating energy cords, depolarization, unnecessary karmic ties and/or potentially infringing upon Free Will by providing service which isn't requested.
Both have a perfectly valid function to perform on 'this*' sphere of existence. The 'Elite' or what one may consider to be the Social Engineers given temporary illusory control over our Society to a greater extent act as the archetype/embodiment/idea/mass collective of our own 'need' to be controlled. Though not necessarily a 'conscious' decision, we requested this service for the purposes of processing Catalyst in an environment fashioned to be of limitation. 'They' have offered to perform this service to 'us', and 'we' have performed the service of 'allowing' them to do so. The Universe one resides in will always provide a self feedback mechanism, and the 'Elite' is simply the Universes response to our request.
Does it matter that we as a 'collective' may no longer be in need of such? Not at all. What matters is that those who are ready for the next 'stage' of Catalyst have such an opportunity. If you are such an individual you already have the opportunity. You are already at the Frequency to attract those electromagnetic realities. Those who are not will repeat (3D). It's quite simple, and no one is 'forced' to do what they have not requested on some level.
The dichotomy on the mass collective can be considered a macrocosm of the 'struggle' of the internal psyche of the individual being, since the external is the representation of the inner. The 'Elite' can be considered to be a thought representing depression. Now, these thoughts are as valid as your positive happy thoughts; there is no distinction, and more importantly there is no right and wrong. Many choose to send 'Love' & 'Compassion' to their own 'Negative' thoughts (Fear/Sadness/Depression/Anger etc) however what one must realize is that by doing so you are denying their nature. You are 'depolarizing' their thoughts by counteracting with positive thoughts. This simply results in dealing with emotional crap that you really don't need.
You can't hope to deal with a leaking pipe by simply bandaging it. Sooner or later it will burst and the water will flow. The severity of the catalyst being how early on you are prepared to accept. Remove your preconceived notions about what 'Love' truly means. Rather, consider that the term be simply seen as 'Unconditional Acceptance'. You must accept and acknowledge your thoughts (Whether it be Fear, Anger, Sadness etc), and then, and only then will they flow and thus be released.
"I accept (read: acknowledge) you ('STS'/Elite/Sadness/Depression etc) for what you are. Continue on doing what you do best and act on your 'nature' as I will mine. I will not stop you but allow you to be on your way my friends. Rather, I thank you for the gift/service you have provided. I acknowledge and have processed said catalyst, receiving the positive lesson as a result".
We offer the greatest service to let them do as they wish. Continue on with your rampage and godspeed!
* Realization that there are an infinite number of probable realities which have/do occur(ed). In some the 'Elite' have 'won'. It is ultimately down to you to be at the Frequency to attract the Reality you require.
In both cases, you run the risk of instigating energy cords, depolarization, unnecessary karmic ties and/or potentially infringing upon Free Will by providing service which isn't requested.
Both have a perfectly valid function to perform on 'this*' sphere of existence. The 'Elite' or what one may consider to be the Social Engineers given temporary illusory control over our Society to a greater extent act as the archetype/embodiment/idea/mass collective of our own 'need' to be controlled. Though not necessarily a 'conscious' decision, we requested this service for the purposes of processing Catalyst in an environment fashioned to be of limitation. 'They' have offered to perform this service to 'us', and 'we' have performed the service of 'allowing' them to do so. The Universe one resides in will always provide a self feedback mechanism, and the 'Elite' is simply the Universes response to our request.
Does it matter that we as a 'collective' may no longer be in need of such? Not at all. What matters is that those who are ready for the next 'stage' of Catalyst have such an opportunity. If you are such an individual you already have the opportunity. You are already at the Frequency to attract those electromagnetic realities. Those who are not will repeat (3D). It's quite simple, and no one is 'forced' to do what they have not requested on some level.
The dichotomy on the mass collective can be considered a macrocosm of the 'struggle' of the internal psyche of the individual being, since the external is the representation of the inner. The 'Elite' can be considered to be a thought representing depression. Now, these thoughts are as valid as your positive happy thoughts; there is no distinction, and more importantly there is no right and wrong. Many choose to send 'Love' & 'Compassion' to their own 'Negative' thoughts (Fear/Sadness/Depression/Anger etc) however what one must realize is that by doing so you are denying their nature. You are 'depolarizing' their thoughts by counteracting with positive thoughts. This simply results in dealing with emotional crap that you really don't need.
You can't hope to deal with a leaking pipe by simply bandaging it. Sooner or later it will burst and the water will flow. The severity of the catalyst being how early on you are prepared to accept. Remove your preconceived notions about what 'Love' truly means. Rather, consider that the term be simply seen as 'Unconditional Acceptance'. You must accept and acknowledge your thoughts (Whether it be Fear, Anger, Sadness etc), and then, and only then will they flow and thus be released.
"I accept (read: acknowledge) you ('STS'/Elite/Sadness/Depression etc) for what you are. Continue on doing what you do best and act on your 'nature' as I will mine. I will not stop you but allow you to be on your way my friends. Rather, I thank you for the gift/service you have provided. I acknowledge and have processed said catalyst, receiving the positive lesson as a result".
We offer the greatest service to let them do as they wish. Continue on with your rampage and godspeed!
* Realization that there are an infinite number of probable realities which have/do occur(ed). In some the 'Elite' have 'won'. It is ultimately down to you to be at the Frequency to attract the Reality you require.