Quote:N: Thank you very much. Would you address, please, a consideration for the fact that whether there is or is not going to be an Armageddon?
I am Latwii, and this is a very humorous question, my brother. We hope that you do not think that we have an unusual sense of humor. But it is as if one at a dance had asked us, “Where was the dance?” My brother, you live within the Armageddon. The times, as it has been said, are indeed a’changing. You live within times that are most uncertain, in which all portions of the life experience change and change with great rapidity. Look about you, my brother. You see the battle of light and dark in all places, in all hearts. You see the doubts and the fears, you see the prophets, the sages; you see all that has been foretold and, yes, you are at the dance.
Quote:The heart of the matter is that there is a transition taking place from third to fourth density upon your planet. However, it would be incorrect to think in terms of the time scale which is so often used by your peoples. It is not well to think in terms of days or months or even years. For this, shall we say, transitional period where the Earth is literally in travail on many planes has been occurring for approximately 2300 of your years
In no event do we wish to encourage you to set up areas of safety, for there is no such thing as safety from the self, and it is within the self that the transition shall truly occur. That which occurs at harvest is within the self; that which occurs within the planet, although interesting, is a separate subject from the one which might well be considered far more interesting to the self. And that is that it is likely that this lifetime or at the very most, for those who die soon from the physical body, one more lifetime, shall be the last opportunity before graduation to refine the polarity of self to the point at which you the seeker might accept the quality of light which is the native light in fourth density.
Quote:Q'uo: ...We speak to you from a density wherein we approach what you might accept as perfection; however, were we in the third density, we would have become a gambler—nothing more, nothing less. Your self gambles that, in spite of all self-perceived failures, the self will not be afraid or bow to indecision but will choose to love—again, nothing more and nothing less. Whether you perceive the self as successful or unsuccessful, perfect or imperfect, the intention will burn away the dross of which you are so aware. If you can find the courage to proceed in hope of expressing love, then you shall be as perfect as one may hope to be within the dust-laden confusion of perceptions of your illusion. Do not be deceived by the perceptions of the senses or the intellect, both of which were designed to embrace the illusion to the exclusion of all things absolute...