07-03-2012, 09:10 AM
I am so glad that you have said this Lynn, because if I had said it I would have been punished for proselytizing.
This is exactly what I was trying to point out in the Cats and Kittens thread.
This world and all that exists within it is not going to find harmony by the entertaining of any individual ideals. There is simply no way that we can please all of the people all of the time. It is not in self gratification, and that is what it is if one is trying to entertain their own version of the way things should be done, that harmony will be achieved, because the self has many dispositions and tastes.
Harmony can only be realized in forgiveness and commitment to compromise for the sake of All instead of the sake of self and our beliefs and opinions.
What has become of this world, and our humanity, is what it is. As much as we may hate it, and as much as we would love to see certain aspects changed, activism is nothing more than more of the same insistence on asserting one's ideal over another's ideals. And as long as one tries to claim that right of stewardship over humanity, or over any other being, compromise and forgiveness becomes the victim instead of the conqueror.
It may seem very obvious to a person that their understanding is logical and rational, and the only true solution to a matter. And they may even be right in some instances.
but what they are missing, is that regardless of the logic and rationale, humanity consists of irrational and illogical beings that have as much right to their thoughts, choices and paths as we do.
If I was in India, it would be wise for me to use consideration and sensitivity when eating hamburger there, even if I believed I have the right to eat whatever and wherever I please. Choosing to act on that belief without consideration of the beliefs of others would be not only unwise but provocative. It would not be compromising or the way to achieve harmony between my belief and theirs. And when an Indian comes to a land where eating hamburgers is prevalent, they should not expect the culture of that land to accommodate their beliefs. That also would not be compromise or the path to harmony. These two matters of controversy, however intimately ingrained into one's spiritual being, do not become solved by the ingratiation of one over the other. They become solves when each acknowledges the other's ways and compromises for the sake of harmony in a way that can respect both.
we can call out to those who we believe to be in danger. we can teach what we think to be valuable teaching. we can reach out in love and compassionate offering. but we cannot and should not expect another being to accept what we offer without contest just because we believe it to be incontestable. When we do, we become the delusional ones.
Act upon what you believe to be the right thing to do and say in an instance.
But do not act with expectations. Be prepared for the need to make compromise instead, and to forgive them for not being in full agreement, and you will begin to realize harmony. And this is of course a two way street. each must offer the same in return.
Well spoken Lynn.
This is exactly what I was trying to point out in the Cats and Kittens thread.
This world and all that exists within it is not going to find harmony by the entertaining of any individual ideals. There is simply no way that we can please all of the people all of the time. It is not in self gratification, and that is what it is if one is trying to entertain their own version of the way things should be done, that harmony will be achieved, because the self has many dispositions and tastes.
Harmony can only be realized in forgiveness and commitment to compromise for the sake of All instead of the sake of self and our beliefs and opinions.
What has become of this world, and our humanity, is what it is. As much as we may hate it, and as much as we would love to see certain aspects changed, activism is nothing more than more of the same insistence on asserting one's ideal over another's ideals. And as long as one tries to claim that right of stewardship over humanity, or over any other being, compromise and forgiveness becomes the victim instead of the conqueror.
It may seem very obvious to a person that their understanding is logical and rational, and the only true solution to a matter. And they may even be right in some instances.
but what they are missing, is that regardless of the logic and rationale, humanity consists of irrational and illogical beings that have as much right to their thoughts, choices and paths as we do.
If I was in India, it would be wise for me to use consideration and sensitivity when eating hamburger there, even if I believed I have the right to eat whatever and wherever I please. Choosing to act on that belief without consideration of the beliefs of others would be not only unwise but provocative. It would not be compromising or the way to achieve harmony between my belief and theirs. And when an Indian comes to a land where eating hamburgers is prevalent, they should not expect the culture of that land to accommodate their beliefs. That also would not be compromise or the path to harmony. These two matters of controversy, however intimately ingrained into one's spiritual being, do not become solved by the ingratiation of one over the other. They become solves when each acknowledges the other's ways and compromises for the sake of harmony in a way that can respect both.
we can call out to those who we believe to be in danger. we can teach what we think to be valuable teaching. we can reach out in love and compassionate offering. but we cannot and should not expect another being to accept what we offer without contest just because we believe it to be incontestable. When we do, we become the delusional ones.
Act upon what you believe to be the right thing to do and say in an instance.
But do not act with expectations. Be prepared for the need to make compromise instead, and to forgive them for not being in full agreement, and you will begin to realize harmony. And this is of course a two way street. each must offer the same in return.
Well spoken Lynn.