04-27-2012, 11:35 PM
For myself, corruption is a hallmark of 3rd density. By its definition, corruption is deception; therefore, I would argue it can be traced back to the veil. Corruption of a professional/political nature is not possible in the 4th density and beyond; intentions would not be so easily concealed in 4D+ from what I remember from Ra... I think its a reality we have to face in 3D space before we will begin to understand it and accept it. Some people are going to flat out lie to your face as they slowly steal from you and try to kill you. Finding a way to love them instead of punishing them is a pretty sweet resolution to aim for if one were aiming for STO harvest imo...
I absolutely agree with you that this dichotomy we participate in is something that we have been tricked into choosing for ourselves. I think you are probably right in how these different lifeforms were able to progress in ways we have left behind; even in past civilizations on earth I think this is true (Lemuria/Atlantis et al). I think the reality we face is that we 'finished the game' through the war/conflict route. We took a brutal path, but through this I believe we provided great karmic service to the OIC.
I think what I am realizing is that the 'key' I have found to being so positive about all this stuff is the simple realization that catalyst is good. That's not to say that catalyst sucks to go through, because it often does; we just have to accept that when things happen in life, it is our job to respond and not judge. We can respond to corruption with truth-seeking; we just aren't there yet. I am also in agreement with you on the status of this planet being birthed or evolving into the next step; I hope that you and I will be harnessing new technologies soon enough
I think we have an internet bromance.
For myself, corruption is a hallmark of 3rd density. By its definition, corruption is deception; therefore, I would argue it can be traced back to the veil. Corruption of a professional/political nature is not possible in the 4th density and beyond; intentions would not be so easily concealed in 4D+ from what I remember from Ra... I think its a reality we have to face in 3D space before we will begin to understand it and accept it. Some people are going to flat out lie to your face as they slowly steal from you and try to kill you. Finding a way to love them instead of punishing them is a pretty sweet resolution to aim for if one were aiming for STO harvest imo...
I absolutely agree with you that this dichotomy we participate in is something that we have been tricked into choosing for ourselves. I think you are probably right in how these different lifeforms were able to progress in ways we have left behind; even in past civilizations on earth I think this is true (Lemuria/Atlantis et al). I think the reality we face is that we 'finished the game' through the war/conflict route. We took a brutal path, but through this I believe we provided great karmic service to the OIC.
I think what I am realizing is that the 'key' I have found to being so positive about all this stuff is the simple realization that catalyst is good. That's not to say that catalyst sucks to go through, because it often does; we just have to accept that when things happen in life, it is our job to respond and not judge. We can respond to corruption with truth-seeking; we just aren't there yet. I am also in agreement with you on the status of this planet being birthed or evolving into the next step; I hope that you and I will be harnessing new technologies soon enough
I think we have an internet bromance.