03-26-2012, 08:02 AM
(03-25-2012, 10:57 PM)TheEternal Wrote: I really appreciate this post, it spoke right to my heart and made clear a lot of very simple truths that I had somewhat forgotten or neglected.
Yes Azreal,
It is one thing to know who we are, and another thing altogether to act on that knowledge.
In the same frame of thought, it also does not matter how we choose to relate to the creator as long as we acknowledge that there is only One, and everything is a part of the One. Whether we relate to it as ourself, as a Goddess we call Isis, or a Son we call Sanat, Jesus or Lucifer, or a God we name Shiva, or even simply a vast cosmic field of consciousness, the important thing is that we understand that this Creator has designed everything, including us, with a purpose and a goal, and has also taught us exactly how to fulfill that purpose and goal. All of the rituals, and all of the names and identities, are meaningless if there is no truth behind their origin and reason for being. And mankind has been led in the way of truth, since the beginning of time, by the powers that are responsible for all of this creation in which we exist. Our own methods of relating to them are nothing more than semantics and satisfaction of the flesh. Nothing we do or believe transforms or alters actual truth. Nothing we do alters the natural design of creation. If it is true that we have the Goddess to guide us, and we follow that teaching to ascendance, than we benefit. If it is not true, than there is nothing to be gained or lost.
What true seekers do find however, is that after enough time and experience, man does find his way to truth through the guidance of the Goddess, and the goal of a higher state of being is within our grasp. This guidance has been under our noses all along, through the teaching of the Serpents, the Kumaras, and the Goddess, and the truth behind it has never changed. Religion may have gone through radical alterations, but the truth that it is rooted in remains as it always has. Discovering this is simply the natural process of evolution.
So with this knowledge and understanding of the One God and our role in the One Consciousness, we must decide how we are going to use this information and how it is going to affect how we live this life. From what we have learned here there is a natural process built into our very being that each of us must evolve into and learn how to activate. Once we accomplish this activation process we become transformed from our physical existences into our metaphysical entities and can then begin to experience this universe on another dimension. We can literally ascend into a higher state of being.
In my own particular path I have become attracted to the practises of paganism and gnosticism. Druidry has many facets about it that I really enjoy but unfortunately most of the ancient druid tradition has been lost, and the modern attempts at reconstruction using literature and cross referencing only seems to design personal forms of various suppositions and pretenses. it is therefore impossible to really recreate the true druid traditions. But when one has studied enough religion and history it is possible to design practises that incorporate aspects of various pagan and gnostic traditions to come up with a working and practical means of living according to our true natural design and interaction with the One Consciousness we call God. And after all, that is the goal of all of these various traditions in the first place. If one was able to incorporate various aspects of the many traditions that are still clearly in touch with their histories today, one could have relative confidence that they are practising tradition which has been rooted in the One in some manner, for all of these have the same origin. Understanding that, and discerning the commonalities is the key to success.
So choose a name for the Goddess that she will recognize as one that tradition has called her by often. Do the same for the Infinite Spirit as well. Tradition calls these your patron deities. Truth knows them to be one and the same, but the way we relate to the One is symbolicly, so as to take into consideration the ancient teachings of the First Instructors. From the earliest beginnings these Instructors have taught us the importance of bonding with the natural powers that surround us, and striving to awaken the sacred fire within us. That is what our rituals and worship should be accomplishing. Idolizing deities for the sake of worshiping something greater than yourself, or hoping to gain something from them for yourself, is not what the First Instructors came here to teach us. It is one thing to ask for their guidance and seek their wisdom, but it is wrong to relate to them as though they are somehow separate from you and far above you.
"As above, so below!"
It does not work both ways. Either they are somehow these miraculous beings far removed from our being, wanting to be idolized by lesser beings, or they and we are One, and if so, than we are as much God as they. It is this indecision that one must learn to overcome if they ever want to know the real truth of their reality, and what the gods really want us to come to know and understand. We are God, and everything is One; the All that proceeded from the Serpent's consciousness. To acknowledge this, and honor the One, we must come to understand and appreciate the creation around us, and become part of it in the way that we were designed to be. Understand that the magic is simply understanding our own abilities and opportunties within the natural design of all that appears miraculous and magical, but is actually natural design at our beckoned call; that is, when we learn how to use it, and when we discover what is available to us. The energies of the universe are not powers that we create out of thin air, but instead powers that are already there, and as natural as the life force within you to begin with. When one learns and understands what is within one's design, than one can learn to use that force to interact with the All, and that One Force that empowers All. That is what magic truly is. Magic is God using what he has created, for the purpose of further creating; so now who and what are you? Revealing this to us and helping us to understand it is the role of religion, and always has been. The Ancient Masters have been teaching this to mankind for thousands of years and their truth is still available, and still the same as it has always been.
Learn from them, and act accordingly, and you will become what you have been designed to become. Name them whatever you want, but know that the truth has no name. Call the power of the universe to your hands, but know that it is only there because it originates from within you in the first place. Call this magic or religion if you choose, but know that it is simply the natural evolving design of the One Consciousness.