03-24-2012, 10:18 PM
(03-24-2012, 03:41 AM)jacrob Wrote: I think we are all meant to dance together...in comfortable shoes! Maybe that's what's happening now.
hmmm... interesting topic. I appreciate your examples.
ya --the aussie take --ICK is right up there with cowboys.
and I love clubs where everyone dances. I was in France recently at large night clubs where "everyone dances" and it was sort of discouraging for connecting with anyone. At least for me and my two very feminine and beautiful sisters. I remember watching one of them and thinking OMG she is competing with a male for feminine expression. It sort of bothered me and I wanted to get away from both of them.
I also spent time in a very open minded resort community based around hot-springs with conferences related to spirituality and sexuality. Because the hot-pools were meditation only, to connect with someone one has to really feel into their energy. Surprising what we find out later when they talk. LOL. Much opportunity to learn.
In this community many types of dances are offered. On the unconditional dance nights EVERYONE would dance. Basically no one would really look at anyone else. Losing themselves ecstatically in their own expression which is ideal for the "dancer". As everyone was dancing it was Ideal. I had sexual experiences with different men who visited this community. Though I enjoyed all of my experiences the only one that really TURNED ME ON was one of the men that didn't care to dance. Though all of my choosen lovers were conscientious, connecting and more intimate than typical lovers I also felt like the polarity wasn't strong enough to be attracting. Because of this I didn't want to continue spending time with them. I'm half-man in a sense myself. Or I can be if I choose. I can be as sampling of men as men can be of women, with no after thought or concern for the guiding feminine principle of "love". I'm not saying I am not that. I'm just saying I can be both if I choose.
I think we may be moving into a time where we concioustly Choose our polarities and work within what truly feels best. Perhaps using one or both at will for what best serves the purpose.