(03-23-2012, 10:58 PM)hogey11 Wrote: Once we passed the harmonic convergence date, nearly all souls incarnating on this sphere are here for the harvest, and are therefore harvestable.
Are you saying everyone on the planet is harvestable at this point in time? If so, I'd have to disagree with that. That seems to conflict with a lot of what Ra and Q'uo have stated about giving us the maximum amount of time to increase the harvest. My understanding is that the potential is there for everyone to be harvestable, but many are still sitting on the fence.
(03-23-2012, 10:58 PM)hogey11 Wrote: I believe Ra uses this idea to explain why one might be homosexual, where if a soul has lived more than 2/3 of their incarnations as one sex over the other, the sexual preference will sometimes bleed through despite everything else. So I see the concept extending out past sexuality into personalities also...
When I first read that, I as amazed at the simplicity and profundity of this explanation for what has eluded modern researchers - the reason for homosexuality and other sexual variatons. When viewed in light of reincarnation, it makes perfect sense.
(03-24-2012, 11:20 AM)Icaro Wrote: Yeah, dancing is a great way to channel that state of ecstasy..I love to dance. When everyone is together and happy like that, you really feel that celebration of beingness. It puts you in a higher state.
Oh yes most definitely! And headbanging too.
(03-24-2012, 12:43 PM)hogey11 Wrote: I also wonder how/if anal sex comes into play with all of this. I remember reading once that some claim that it's a form of energy transfer/vampirism where the red ray energies are absorbed by that who has penetrated. I will admit the post came packaged with all sorts of hate and fear towards catholic priests, but the idea somehow stuck with me.
Does the last line prove that Ra's judgment of homosexuals that the real 'problem' is purely the sexual acts that are associated with it?
My guess is that it's because of the nature of the energies exchanged. There is a great deal of info regarding this from the ancient Taoists that correlate with Ra's statements.
An excellent book on Taoist views of sexuality is Sexual Secrets by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger. An explanation of the energies exchanged is given for the various sexual acts.