03-16-2012, 08:33 AM
You said it yourself plenum, it is a matter of perspective. What one individual views as being a positive act may be seen as negatively in the eyes of another, and there also lies the factor of discerning the intention behind one's deeds. A noble act may have been executed due to highly selfish ulterior motives, given that there are those who view life as a game of chess (which it is in a way), each smaller act leading up to allowing one's goals to manifest. In the case of those with very negative intentions, seemingly "good" things may be done by them under the guise of ultimately leading to negativity; I don't believe I need to make mention of what ongoing agenda is being implemented by what some consider the "Powers That Be" or "Elite" of this world. Likewise for seemingly 'bad' acts which may have been done with the goal of serving the greater good at the time (e.g. one man's hero is another man's terrorist, "war heroes" who have taken lives with the view that it was for some common good).
In the end all happenings, regardless of perceived polarity, occur so as to allow the Creator to come to know itself through the accumulation of all experiences. There is never a moment when the Creator ceases to be the underlining factor in all things, regardless of whether one is consciously aware of such things or still subjected to the illusion.
In the end all happenings, regardless of perceived polarity, occur so as to allow the Creator to come to know itself through the accumulation of all experiences. There is never a moment when the Creator ceases to be the underlining factor in all things, regardless of whether one is consciously aware of such things or still subjected to the illusion.