Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Printable Version

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Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Plenum - 03-15-2012

this seems to be the theme that many threads are converging on.

Why do bad things happen?

this is an age old question, and one that Christians have often posed as:

"well, if there is a God, why does he let bad things happen? doesn't he care?"

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there have been many answers to this:

1) Law of Attraction/pre-incarnative choices

there is a sense here that the individual called the experience into being, that it is there for them to learn a lesson.

2) bad people do bad things

this theory says that STS people are here to wreak as much havoc and damage as possible

3) Free Will run amok

some people here think that the limits of Free Will are too wide, and that when it gets to the stage of blowing up your planet or starving entire populations, then the kids have taken over the insane asylum.

4) there is no god

I am going to put words into what atheists think

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of course, you are free to respond to this with:

"there are NO BAD THINGS, and it's all catalyst"

and that's a cool answer too.

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some examples of what I consider 'bad things'

sexual trafficking, polluting the oceans with heavy metals, tasing people at the slightest provocation, battery hens, rape camps.

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my own view? I think that Free Will is paramount, and that we are here to make a Choice. I think that some people deliberately attempt INFRINGEMENT to further their path, and yet 'consent' must be given at some level. That 'consent' can be tricked out of you. That 'consent' can be tricked out of an entire peoples, thereby giving those in power a 'spiritual mandate' to carry out their plans. But there is always consent.

I also think that turning a blind eye to these events in the world is also implicit consent. (willful ignorance)

but that's my own view.

Quote:7.8 Questioner: At what point would this calling be great enough for you to come openly among the people on Earth? How many entities on Earth would have to call the Confederation?

Ra: I am Ra. We do not calculate the possibility of coming among your peoples by the numbers of calling, but by a consensus among an entire societal-memory complex which has become aware of the infinite consciousness of all things. This has been possible among your peoples only in isolated instances.

In the case wherein a social memory complex which is a servant of the Creator sees this situation and has an idea for the appropriate aid which can only be done among your peoples, the social memory complex desiring this project lays it before the Council of Saturn. If it is approved, quarantine is lifted.

Quote:31.14 Questioner: I was thinking more of the possibility of the Orion group influencing certain members of the Third Reich who I have read reports of having sexual gratification from the observation of the gassing and killing of entities in the gas chambers.

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat these entities had the potential for sexual energy buildup. The choice of stimulus is certainly the choice of the entity. In the case of which you speak, these entities were strongly polarized orange ray, thus finding the energy blockage of power over others, the putting to death being the ultimate power over others; this then being expressed in a sexual manner, though solitary.

In this case the desire would continue unabated and be virtually unquenchable.

You will find, if you observe the entire spectrum of sexual practices among your peoples, that there are those who experience such gratification from domination over others either from rape or from other means of domination. In each case this is an example of energy blockage which is sexual in its nature.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - SomaticDreams - 03-15-2012

The problem of evil has been debated since the origins of monotheistic deities. It is true, many will say "it is all catalyst"; that it is. Can we not learn more from it by exploring it more?

You define evil as particular actions:
Quote:sexual trafficking, polluting the oceans with heavy metals, tasing people at the slightest provocation, battery hens, rape camps.

Is evil not simply an action, but a property of an entity? Is it not common to say "that person is evil", rather than "that person acts evil"? Is a person ever really completely "evil" or "good"?
Evil is difficult to define or pin down because morality is ambiguous due to its connection with our mind/body/spirit complexes, or how our current incarnation manifests itself.
Would not another incarnation have radically different moral systems, if there was not a mind/body/spirit complex, but rather just a mind/spirit complex?
What types of catalyst would be there? If there is no 'physical' catalyst (in the sense that we understand, i.e. pain, pleasure) then would this not change our morality? This assumes a veil of ignorance as well.

We are told as well by Ra that catalyst will be more subtle in 4D. Will this not change our ethical systems?

It's clear that this specific incarnation presents particular types of ethical systems to develop (given free will and the veil in all hypothetical 'systems' or 'universes' besides 4D).

This point is important since the question of evil is not really of a property or action, but of possibilities presented to particular incarnations. Ours is of the mind/body/spirit complex, so it is clear that 'action' is a common thread to your examples, as well as 'service to self' or controlling tendencies.

The proper question, in my humble opinion, is then why are these actions of control, of the 'self' and 'other-selves' in this particular manifestation considered 'evil'?

Is not the role of a parent to direct and guide their child a type of control? Is it wise to totally control the child's life or to ignore them? Can these actions be good, or bad?

What it comes down to is the interpretation of each mind/body/spirit complex's personal distortions projects onto their experience. No doubt, responding to the former questions, you have used examples from memories or experiences you have had, or particular events in your life that you deem 'important'. Their karmic balancing, and former experiences filters out, process, categorizes and assumes information in order to easily 'understand it'.

We live within social symbolic universes (the superego) which controls a 'personal' symbolic universe of the ego. The Id is the unconscious, yet to be revealed by experience, wherein all of our former experiences lie, where our unconscious filtering, processing, categorizing and assumptions are made. Once these 'distortions' are made conscious, they can be 'worked upon', meaning cleared away. By being conscious of them, we can simply be aware of the moment.

By being aware, resting in primordial awareness, one is able to treat all experience with loving-kindness, compassion, patience and non-violence.

Is then not the problem of evil solved by awareness, for it is really not a problem, but a particular set of choices available to entities to discover, balance and harmonize themselves?

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-15-2012

I understand my position as a slave a lot better knowing that i was a slave master in my previous incarnation.

Interesting idea to look at the current victim and line them up with the perpetrator of another life.

You read about a rape/torture victim and it is heart wrenching.

Would your emotional response be identical if you knew it was the next incarnation of Hitler?

I think the multidimensional concepts are important in helping understand the Laws.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Plenum - 03-15-2012

thanks SD and Pickles.

you both helped me reframe the question.

It is one of Perspective.

@Pickle when an entity's 1000's of lifetimes are lined up, a pattern will be seen. One can get too caught up in focusing in on the details of one lifetime.

@Somatic do bad things happen to me? no, I regard all experiences as TEACHING TOOLS. Then, why not are they teaching tools for all Others? I should accord them Full Responsibility for what occurs in their Life, as they are a Fellow Creator.

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thank you both.

thank you both.

[Image: Pm0Kk.jpg]

I am like a child at times.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-16-2012

(03-15-2012, 11:46 PM)plenum Wrote: It is one of Perspective.

Yes, we are stuck inside these skulls looking at everything from our perspective, or that of a specific section of text out of a book, which is just belief in another perspective. We like to pick out the perspectives that we are comfortable with, and try to cut away from those we are not comfortable with.

Quote:I am like a child at times.
We are supposed to be. Actual acceptance without knowing beforehand is the key. Acceptance AFTER knowing is cheating and negates meaning behind the choice.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Bring4th_Austin - 03-16-2012

(03-15-2012, 11:35 PM)Pickle Wrote: Would your emotional response be identical if you knew it was the next incarnation of Hitler?

Should it be different?

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-16-2012

Knowing it is not what it appears on the surface definitely changes the meaning for me.

Analog would be to not choose one of two identical looking items of food knowing one is not what it appears.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - drifting pages - 03-16-2012

Why do good things happen in the world ?

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - norral - 03-16-2012

i was reading all the answers and i connect to all of them. to me this reality is all a game. and in order to play the game u need to have polarity, without that we would just float around on a cloud all the time of joy and happiness. but we would never be stretched at all. that said there are most certainly times when we question and we say lord i have been stretched enough lol. and our suffering is absolutely all relative. there is a big difference between the suffering of waiting in a doctors office for two hours to be seen and seeing your child starving to death slowly in a poor war devastated country. i do try to keep it in perspective but i am most certainly not always successful.

norral Heart

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-16-2012

(03-16-2012, 02:11 AM)norral Wrote: there is a big difference between the suffering of waiting in a doctors office for two hours to be seen and seeing your child starving to death slowly in a poor war devastated country.

My youngest child is a "walk-in" wanderer. I found the time of switch to have happened in the NICU. After the doctors browbeat us into agreeing to let them add formula to the breast milk, she got Necrotitis. It took a week for her to stabilize before they returned to the brow beating. I had to bring them a printout direct from the FDA that warns not to give that fortifier to preemies before they would lay off.

So, she died in NICU, and came back with a different soul.

Can you imagine the confusion this can cause? I have the rage emotion of losing the soul seemingly meant to be. I have the happiness that the body lives.

In reality it doesn't matter. All of this type of "love" is just chemical instincts to perpetuate the species.


"Love" from what I can tell is the term applied to the bond of opposing polarities that form matter.

Or unity, however you want to see it.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - norral - 03-16-2012

how old is she now dear brother and what are the feelings u are feeling now regarding this whole situation ?

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - godwide_void - 03-16-2012

You said it yourself plenum, it is a matter of perspective. What one individual views as being a positive act may be seen as negatively in the eyes of another, and there also lies the factor of discerning the intention behind one's deeds. A noble act may have been executed due to highly selfish ulterior motives, given that there are those who view life as a game of chess (which it is in a way), each smaller act leading up to allowing one's goals to manifest. In the case of those with very negative intentions, seemingly "good" things may be done by them under the guise of ultimately leading to negativity; I don't believe I need to make mention of what ongoing agenda is being implemented by what some consider the "Powers That Be" or "Elite" of this world. Likewise for seemingly 'bad' acts which may have been done with the goal of serving the greater good at the time (e.g. one man's hero is another man's terrorist, "war heroes" who have taken lives with the view that it was for some common good).

In the end all happenings, regardless of perceived polarity, occur so as to allow the Creator to come to know itself through the accumulation of all experiences. There is never a moment when the Creator ceases to be the underlining factor in all things, regardless of whether one is consciously aware of such things or still subjected to the illusion.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-16-2012

(03-16-2012, 02:50 AM)norral Wrote: how old is she now dear brother and what are the feelings u are feeling now regarding this whole situation ?

She is 2 years old. I kind of feel the need to remain separate from the whole idea. Otherwise there is contradicting illogical emotions.

She is doing awesome. She has this drive to do everything she can, as if she needs to prove something. Very different, very interesting. We found out she could understand what we were talking about before she could even stand up.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Bring4th_Austin - 03-17-2012

(03-16-2012, 01:05 AM)Pickle Wrote: Knowing it is not what it appears on the surface definitely changes the meaning for me.

Analog would be to not choose one of two identical looking items of food knowing one is not what it appears.

Just so I fully understand what you're saying, would you no longer find the rape/torture heart-wrenching knowing that the entity is also Hitler in another lifetime? Or, possibly, less heart-wrenching?

Let's delve even further.

What if, in the midst of such an atrocious act upon yourself, you learn that you were Hitler in your past life. Would things change for you then? What about if it were someone you loved dearly under attack? Would knowing they were also Hitler in another life change things?

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - 3DMonkey - 03-17-2012

We were each Hitler. We were each Jesus.

It's a witch hunt to ascribe only one or the other, figuratively speaking.

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - Cyan - 03-17-2012

(03-17-2012, 06:35 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: We were each Hitler. We were each Jesus.

It's a witch hunt to ascribe only one or the other, figuratively speaking.

I dont know about you, but I like this song:

RE: Trying to find a reason for why BAD THINGS happen in the world - BrownEye - 03-17-2012

(03-17-2012, 02:55 AM)abridgetoofar Wrote: What if, in the midst of such an atrocious act upon yourself, you learn that you were Hitler in your past life. Would things change for you then? What about if it were someone you loved dearly under attack? Would knowing they were also Hitler in another life change things?

500 years ago I was a terrible person. This time around my position is inverted.

Knowledge of my past only came after accepting my position in this life. Once I found my past, I understood in this life I was never really a victim.

As for someone I "love", this is from the chemical instinctual angle...........if I could not find/see/sense "Hitler" in their personality then my animal instincts would follow through and I would continue to "love" them.

The "new age love" everyone talks about is a different concept which I don't think you are talking about.