No one is capable of comprehending any of this. I see Sts and STO as just providing service to self and service to others. All other ways of looking at it are human in nature. Sts does not equate evil or bad or negative just as STO isn't good or positive. All that IMO is a human interpretation, and I or you can't know for sure till we leave this veil(and maybe not even then), Sts is nessasary for growth as is STO both are "good" if one must put a label to them. Only the way they are exspresed in our reality have created a way to see them as bad because an Sts entity would kill to serve themselves and an STO would help the other to help themselves, which in and of itself is an Sts action.. None of it matters. The creator is Sts. That doesn't make it(being creator) good or bad it just is, as we all are. No point arguing about something we might never be able to answer, or at least not for a very very long time.
-Conifer16- Adonai Vasu Borragus
-Conifer16- Adonai Vasu Borragus