(12-14-2011, 11:33 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:Ra gives us the average length in these densities, in 3D terms.(12-14-2011, 02:22 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Not quite. 5th-density negative beings and social complex graduate to 6th density, and are basically extremely wise negative beings. They then balance to positive during the early part of 6D (what, a few million years?).
Yes, there does appear to be a time/space for 6D negative. Though I don't know how much sense it makes to think of it in terms of linear 3D terms.
(12-14-2011, 11:33 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: According to my understanding, the switch can be quite dramatic and occur in an "instant" at least according to 6D standards of "time".In an "instant", perhaps, but that's not the point. It takes some working in cooperation with 6D STO, as we're told.
(12-14-2011, 11:33 AM)Tenet Nosce Wrote:I don't think you just read what I wrote (again), but just in case:Quote:The later part of 6D has no polarity (duality) at all.
I'm not sure this is true. Remember, entities may graduate to 6D either as a social memory complex, or as a mind/body/spirit/complex.
We seek now without polarity. Thus we do not invoke any power from without, for our search has become internalized as we become light/love and love/light...
We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized, the complexities are simplified, and the paradoxes have their solution. We are one....
We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved...
(12-14-2011, 12:12 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: There are however things Ra refused to comment upon regarding the 6th density negative beings, hence there are a couple blanks when it comes to understanding this concept.That's because of our hopeless misunderstanding of what 'STO' and 'STS' actually imply.
(12-14-2011, 12:12 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: But over all, a few million years?If 6D is measured in thousands of millions (billions) of years. A few million would be much less than 1% of a 6D cycle. Reasonable to assume that 1% is within the early part of 6D.
(12-14-2011, 12:12 PM)JeiaRaManuk Wrote: Ra don't feel time as we do. We have to keep in mind that while we are experiencing this flow of time, Ra is outside of it as all 6th density beings. And because we all already have a 6th density higherselves it means we all eventually end up there and are already there observing it all again, from a side, outside of time.We do keep that in mind, and that consideration is brought to bear on a matter when appropriate. "We are not a part of time and, thus, are able to be with you in any of your times."