12-11-2011, 05:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-11-2011, 06:20 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-11-2011, 03:09 PM)DuncanIdahoTPF Wrote:(12-11-2011, 11:04 AM)Sagittarius Wrote: Just imagine our ability to help in our next life. I feel mine may be a short life. That's okay however.Yes... It is doubtful I will make it 700 years if it does indeed last that long. I have a very rough theory/possibility/probability that may be however far a percentage we get into a "normal"(I use that term very loosely) human lifespan which currently 70-100ish years.
For example then, I would have roughly 60-75% of my lifespan left (I will have turned 27 in Dec 2012), so roughly 27%-40% of my lifespan used up. Then once all the orange ray energy peters out and the new green-ray oriented north pole takes over, I think its possible our lifespans will return to the 700-900 year range again as there will be no more detrimental electromagnetic energy aging us 10x quicker than normal.
I stress this is merely a theory. If you can find holes in it, I will not be offended. Feel free to constructively criticize. =OD
According to some estimates, with the current pace of technology your life expectancy may be increasing about as fast as you are living it. This is not factoring in longevity which may result from continued spiritual development.
I suspect, for some it will come down to simply choosing to leave the body behind. Kind of like suicide, except without all the fear, gore, and surprise factor.
Once we get to that point, there will be some tough decisions to be made. If we can become physically immortal... is that wise or desirable?
Quote:I am aware of your question, my sister. First, let us elucidate the question for the one known as [Ra] for his description of longevity as we understood it included not nearly a long life as we now know it, but that which you would term an impossibly long life, such as one which would span two centuries or more. And, indeed, we enjoy a longer life than you by many centuries, for our whole sense of time and space have changed, as we have entered new vibratory patterns. Now secondly, let us address ourselves to your question of a normally long life being perhaps not desirable.
May we say to you that lives, as you know them, whether long or short, by any standards, are in a certain pattern, which you have chosen before you enter into the pattern. As a result of going from the beginning to the end of this pattern, your spirit hopes that it will have learned certain lessons, and thus have improved and defined the vibration which is its essence in the sphere of eternity in which all of you truly glow.
When one contemplates and then does that which is known as suicide, one cuts short before the natural end the time of learning, and more often than not the lessons which that soul had hoped to learn had not been learned. Consequently, it is often so that rather than alleviating karma, the action of taking one’s life adds more karma to the burden which is already carried and which you are trying to discharge by the expression which is the lifetime which you are now living.
Thus, when you reenter incarnation you have not only the original lesson to relearn but an additional severity to that lesson which is brought on by that pain which you have caused to those who you have previously left. Many times this type of karma is alleviated by the total forgiveness of those whom you have hurt.
However, it is simply desirable to live until it is time for your lesson to be through, for your burdens to be laid down. It is a truism, we are aware, but we must repeat that you are not given those things which you cannot bear. Thus, working through what is difficult when you finished with a lifetime at its natural end, whether it be short or long, you can then go on and learn other perhaps more agreeable lessons in other perhaps more agreeable spheres or vibrations.
If you may think of your existence as having a natural rhythm and an ongoing purpose, perhaps it will be easier for you to understand that suicide, as you call it, is a stoppage of that rhythm in an arbitrary manner. Instead, it is desirable to proceed with the rhythm of your existence, always seeing the many lessons that are about you and letting the realization of love flow into you from the Father. If you can keep these realizations before you, your life in this realm and all others will be enjoyable and fruitful. Does this answer your question?