12-10-2011, 07:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2011, 08:35 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-10-2011, 02:35 AM)zenmaster Wrote: The polarized STS in 3D would undoubtedly see past such physical, stereotypical, limitations, being able to see what is provided by 'intelligent infinity' (which obviously transcends the physical convention). And the polarized STO would not subscribe to 'doctrine' when 'faith' is available.
I am neither clear on what you mean by this, nor as to how it directly relates to my comment. Could you explain further?
By "doctrine of eternal life" I mean the teaching that consciousness is neither created nor destroyed. This refers to the idea that there is something more after we experience death. In this view, death is but the loss of a form, and is both natural and desirable.
By "doctrine of immortality" I mean the idea that consciousness can become permanently united with the body, and thus "live forever". Along with this notion is the idea of all manner of "supernatural" powers which are developed by the initiate. Supernatural because they belong to 4D, not 3D.
According to certain "Luciferian" philosophies, for example, the Creator is conceived as some kind of cosmic parasite that ruthlessly feeds off of entities and devours their very identities. As such- the teaching is that we have the ability to "become as gods" here in 3D, and that the Creator is trying to trick and deceive us into not developing these powers. But in order to develop these powers we need more "time". So it is essentially a race against death to achieve adepthood- or physical immortality. This is why I refer to it as an STS doctrine.
Another person's conceptualization of this can be found here:
Quote:Then I see the contact event that is a typical event that occurs on such lowly worlds at this point in their evolution. I see that this world finds out that there are others besides them living. This happens somewhere around 26 through 28 at the most.
Then I see my 40's since nothing else is interesting. Then go through the years quickly and somewhere between (fuzzy) 50's and 78 I see the possible chance to live to the age of 400 or so. I ask the invisible light case manager about this. He states that i will be approached by a man representing a group that is doing (fuzzy) ?genetic manipulation? and that he will only come to me once and that if i decide to then i can live up to 400 and can use the life for whatever I want. I go over again, the overall life and think not a very exciting life and an ordinary with some specialness lifetime mate. (we are very heady with our real minds! Don't blame me for my thoughts!) I tell him I will take his first offer. (I honestly don't care, to spiritual beings lives are like a suit, and a cheap one at that.)