09-30-2009, 12:08 PM
Hi Lavazza,
A lot to talk about here. I'd like to take in bite size pieces, if that's okay.
Hmmm. What you say here could get us caught up the instantaneous / gradual debate, but I won't take the bait... I think of the time around 2012 as being like the sunset of 3D (hence my username). But just as the sky doesn't get dark immediately after the sun sinks below the horizon, so too will the 3D light not blink out immediately, it will attenuate over time. During this twilight, which will last several hundred years, I think that both dual activated 3D/4D bodies as well as single activated 3D bodies will continue to live and thrive. I do tend to believe that only dual activated bodies will incarnate after that time, and through the increased intensity of 4D light, an evolutionary spark will happen that will transform, through genetic "mutations" (for lack of a better term) 3D bodies into 4D bodies in a fairly short time (1-2 generations).
So, I disagree with part of your premise. I don't think that everyone who's alive now, or even in 20-50 years is or will be dual activated. As I mentioned in my previous post that you quoted, I think that everyone is here with a specific agenda, and they will not leave until the agenda is given an opportunity to play out in the form of preplanned catalysts. From this perspective 2012 will simply be another day, just as Jesus' birth and death were just "other days" to those alive at the time. Only in retrospect have we assigned enough significance to them to start counting our years from then. (By the way, I do think that over time, the year 2012 will become regarded as year 0).
As to dual activation, you are certainly of the right age (as are many at this web site, myself not included) to have a dual activated body, but I wouldn't presuppose it of anyone. By the same token, your children are quite likely dual activated, and that I presume is an important reason that you chose each other as family members, and probably an important reason that you found this site and this community in which to learn/teach and teach/learn (in preparation for doing much more so with your family).
I'll save some thoughts on what it may mean to be dual activated for my next post. Thanks for stating the thread. I've attempted similar discussion in the past (on this and DC website), but haven't had much traction so far. Given that there are at least two of us interested in the topic though, at least we can have a dialog.
Love and light,
3D Sunset
A lot to talk about here. I'd like to take in bite size pieces, if that's okay.
(09-29-2009, 08:32 PM)Lavazza Wrote: My rough speculation is that anyone who happens to be alive during the transition will probably need to be dual activated to some degree. Said transition is said by those of Ra and Quo to be between 100 and 700 years. I think most can agree that this time period starts somewhere between 2011-2013. This is effectively the end of 3rd density. After this point the choice of polarity is closed, and the change to 4th density starts.
Hmmm. What you say here could get us caught up the instantaneous / gradual debate, but I won't take the bait... I think of the time around 2012 as being like the sunset of 3D (hence my username). But just as the sky doesn't get dark immediately after the sun sinks below the horizon, so too will the 3D light not blink out immediately, it will attenuate over time. During this twilight, which will last several hundred years, I think that both dual activated 3D/4D bodies as well as single activated 3D bodies will continue to live and thrive. I do tend to believe that only dual activated bodies will incarnate after that time, and through the increased intensity of 4D light, an evolutionary spark will happen that will transform, through genetic "mutations" (for lack of a better term) 3D bodies into 4D bodies in a fairly short time (1-2 generations).
So, I disagree with part of your premise. I don't think that everyone who's alive now, or even in 20-50 years is or will be dual activated. As I mentioned in my previous post that you quoted, I think that everyone is here with a specific agenda, and they will not leave until the agenda is given an opportunity to play out in the form of preplanned catalysts. From this perspective 2012 will simply be another day, just as Jesus' birth and death were just "other days" to those alive at the time. Only in retrospect have we assigned enough significance to them to start counting our years from then. (By the way, I do think that over time, the year 2012 will become regarded as year 0).
As to dual activation, you are certainly of the right age (as are many at this web site, myself not included) to have a dual activated body, but I wouldn't presuppose it of anyone. By the same token, your children are quite likely dual activated, and that I presume is an important reason that you chose each other as family members, and probably an important reason that you found this site and this community in which to learn/teach and teach/learn (in preparation for doing much more so with your family).
I'll save some thoughts on what it may mean to be dual activated for my next post. Thanks for stating the thread. I've attempted similar discussion in the past (on this and DC website), but haven't had much traction so far. Given that there are at least two of us interested in the topic though, at least we can have a dialog.
Love and light,
3D Sunset