06-09-2011, 05:11 AM
I agree with norral there. I am VERY SURE that many "conspiracy theories" are real. I believe that the term conspiracy theory is used to blanket many truths because it gives the impression of craziness for believing in it, and people don't want to be called crazy so if something has the conspiracy theory label, people will automatically dismiss it because they are afraid of what people will think of them if they admit they actually believe it. BUT even though we know many of these things are true, we can't let it consume our lives. Before I went looking for "higher info" that led me here, I went through a phase (right after the Japanese quake) of looking into all these different theories and looking at the HAARP data all the time, and I just felt so negative and so helpless. After a few weeks of it I decided it wasn't healthy to be looking at it all the time, so I stopped. I still go back and glance every so often just to see what wacky things the Gov's of the world are doing this time, but I have no emotional attachment to it anymore. I accept whatever will be.