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Conspiracies - turtledude23 - 06-08-2011

I think Conspiracy Theory is a great show, in particular this episode about the Bilderberg Group at the end Jesse Ventura interviews a doctor who claims a head of state told her there's a group of 7 men above that group. And I wonder: is there a central STS conspiracy group? How could people so STS work together? Wouldn't they always end up backstabbing each other? There probably are alot of factions, which each probably have in common black magic rituals and contact with 4D and 5D Orion entities. The rituals probably are something along the lines of Bohemian Grove

Do these conspiracies have any direct impact on us? My life for example has been relatively sheltered from all the issues I worry about in society like violence, poverty, and bad health; perhaps circumstances line up for someone who is consciously polarizing to protect them from any extreme random catalyst.

Should we be concerned about these conspiracies or is our natural state of being enough to thwart them? Do these conspiracies even need to be thwarted? If everyone who has chosen to polarize gets more protection from catalyst then the only people who would be affected by the effects of conspiracies would be people who would have experienced bad stuff anyways. In any case I like what that doctor says at the end of that episode, something along the lines of: we as a whole are more powerful than them, and every time we band together and stand up to them they back down, and they don't want us to know we have that power.

I find this stuff interesting but I don't get angry about it anymore like I used to, I see more value in self discovery. Once we leave this incarnation we're probably gonna laugh about everything going on here on Earth anyways and how we keep missing simple and obvious lessons that are all around us all the time.

RE: Conspiracies - 3DMonkey - 06-08-2011

It is comforting to hear someone come to these realizations. In a way, it is accepting and exercising your true effective power. It is from this place that you can confidently accept any direct catalyst derived from direct contact with a conspiracy. Direct catalyst is the catalyst that clarifies your true testimony, and with clarity provided by this realization, you are placed in a better position to come into direct contact in a real way.

( whoa, that was difficult to write And it may not hit the mark. Let me restate it simply -

You are more clear headed to "attack" the catalyst in front of you because you've just hurdled a jumbled mess of make believe. If your path leads you to the doorstep of interacting with those of the conspiracy, you will know more your role. Until then, you accept what is naturally in front of you. )

RE: Conspiracies - zack231 - 06-08-2011

(06-08-2011, 12:30 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: I think Conspiracy Theory is a great show, in particular this episode about the Bilderberg Group at the end Jesse Ventura interviews a doctor who claims a head of state told her there's a group of 7 men above that group. And I wonder: is there a central STS conspiracy group? How could people so STS work together? Wouldn't they always end up backstabbing each other? There probably are alot of factions, which each probably have in common black magic rituals and contact with 4D and 5D Orion entities. The rituals probably are something along the lines of Bohemian Grove

Do these conspiracies have any direct impact on us? My life for example has been relatively sheltered from all the issues I worry about in society like violence, poverty, and bad health; perhaps circumstances line up for someone who is consciously polarizing to protect them from any extreme random catalyst.

Should we be concerned about these conspiracies or is our natural state of being enough to thwart them? Do these conspiracies even need to be thwarted? If everyone who has chosen to polarize gets more protection from catalyst then the only people who would be affected by the effects of conspiracies would be people who would have experienced bad stuff anyways. In any case I like what that doctor says at the end of that episode, something along the lines of: we as a whole are more powerful than them, and every time we band together and stand up to them they back down, and they don't want us to know we have that power.

I find this stuff interesting but I don't get angry about it anymore like I used to, I see more value in self discovery. Once we leave this incarnation we're probably gonna laugh about everything going on here on Earth anyways and how we keep missing simple and obvious lessons that are all around us all the time.

I love this show also its got fanstastic infomation in it even if its a bit cheesie with the narrartor going over the top, but jesse fixes that lol he is a legend he is a great person to have in the fight against the corrupt government. In response to the episode you were talking about how she said " It almost time for the great culling, of the useless eaters" I have to admit it did scare me a bit and it quiet obvoius that there are people out there whom of which see us nothing more than cattle than cattle with top people from the UN and other leaders saying they want to reduce population by 80% in any means neccesary and making us believe that we are worthless and that we are just a form of bacteria whom are killing this earth its all to get us to hate our selves and accept or want mass death of people, to make us not care about humans but care more about material objects.. What I found very interesting was when she said that there are 7 people whom of which are higher up than the bilderberg who control everthing and have no afiliation to a country, culture or race... All I could think of was the orion group...

Even if it all does start happening I will not be afraid I will do everything I can to still bring love and light to the world no matter how dark the world becomes until I leave my incarnation, for they can take away our rights our dignity but there is one thing they cannot destroy and that is love.. Here are some qoutes from some evil people, and what they think of us
Quote:“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Ted Turner, UN Official in an interview with Audubon magazine
Quote::“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third
world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of
minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries”.

Dr. Henry Kissinger

Quote:“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” and “The elderly are useless eaters”

Dr. Henry Kissinger

Quote:"World population needs to be decreased by 50%”

Dr. Henry Kissinger
This one make me sick:
Quote:“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.”
Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER

Also here is a very interesting interview with a man who has been researching this group for years and what they are up to know, he is a very smart man and well spoken, I think you will thoroughly enjoy the interview

Alan Watt: Shock And Awe - The Manipulation Of The Human Psyche 1/4

Love and light

RE: Conspiracies - Monica - 06-08-2011

(06-08-2011, 12:30 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: I wonder: is there a central STS conspiracy group? How could people so STS work together? Wouldn't they always end up backstabbing each other?

We know that it's the nature of STS to be backstabbing. So, although I definitely believe there is truth to many of the 'conspiracy theories' (JFK, 911, etc.) I don't think they have all neatly wrapped up like many conspiracy theorists believe. Not every hurricane or earthquake was controlled. Nature does still have storms now and then! Not every election is 100% rigged, though they certainly do plenty of rigging. And it's very defeatist to think that it doesn't matter what we do because "they control everything anyway." This doesn't give any credit to the human spirit.

RE: Conspiracies - BrownEye - 06-08-2011

(06-08-2011, 05:53 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: And it's very defeatist to think that it doesn't matter what we do because "they control everything anyway." This doesn't give any credit to the human spirit.

What's interesting is that they are nothing without us.

We are in control of the world. The problem is that we do not work together, or choose anything different than what we have. (as a whole)

When people stress over this they think they have to worry about the top tier of people. When in reality it is the guy that wants the money for doing his job that will arrest you, or shoot you, or lock you up, your neighbor. It is the rest of the citizens of society that are the problem, not those that steer us as if we are blind.

If everyone were to stop being consumers the rate of destruction to this planet would instantly drop. But people are comfortable consuming.

If everyone were to stop reporting to a job the capitalist pyramid would crumble.

Those at the top are held up by us, kept in place by us. And they make us think of them instead of what our own participation means.

RE: Conspiracies - 3DMonkey - 06-08-2011

(06-08-2011, 09:04 AM)Pickle Wrote:
(06-08-2011, 05:53 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: And it's very defeatist to think that it doesn't matter what we do because "they control everything anyway." This doesn't give any credit to the human spirit.

What's interesting is that they are nothing without us.

We are in control of the world. The problem is that we do not work together, or choose anything different than what we have. (as a whole)

When people stress over this they think they have to worry about the top tier of people. When in reality it is the guy that wants the money for doing his job that will arrest you, or shoot you, or lock you up, your neighbor. It is the rest of the citizens of society that are the problem, not those that steer us as if we are blind.

If everyone were to stop being consumers the rate of destruction to this planet would instantly drop. But people are comfortable consuming.

If everyone were to stop reporting to a job the capitalist pyramid would crumble.

Those at the top are held up by us, kept in place by us. And they make us think of them instead of what our own participation means.

How can this happen if not by controlled organization and planning of themselves? By organizing such a thing, we would be recreating the very same thing.

RE: Conspiracies - BrownEye - 06-08-2011

In the magic act, who enjoys the act and creates/becomes the flow of money? The actor that offers the act? Or those that pay to be a part of the audience?

RE: Conspiracies - 3DMonkey - 06-08-2011

Money is complicated. It derived from barter and trade in order to create an agreed upon playing field. I don't see how dropping its use, causing something to crumble, and creating the need to reestablish the barter and trade idea is positive for humanity. It's easier to put someone's back against the wall with a bartering agreement because the person with leverage says "do you want to eat or not? give me what I am asking for".

RE: Conspiracies - zack231 - 06-09-2011

Quote:Alan Watt: Shock And Awe - The Manipulation Of The Human Psyche 1/4

Love and light

Everyone really needs to watch this interview probably the best interview ive seen in my life

RE: Conspiracies - norral - 06-09-2011

i agree strongly with what monica said. i dont doubt that there is a lot of stuff going on that we dont know about. on the other hand if u have faith in a higher power what is there really to be afraid of. i dont delve too deeply into that stuff because it leaves u feeling powerless, like there is this all powerful they out there who are completely in control and cant be defeated. essentially i say screw them and the horse they rode in on to put it bluntly. God , goddess , the all, whatever name u have for it is still in control as far as im concerned. if i have to live my liife in fear then better to kill me and get it over with. ive been bailed out of too many difficult situations to doubt that their is a benevolent force that works for the well being of those with good intentions.


RE: Conspiracies - Nyu - 06-09-2011

I agree with norral there. I am VERY SURE that many "conspiracy theories" are real. I believe that the term conspiracy theory is used to blanket many truths because it gives the impression of craziness for believing in it, and people don't want to be called crazy so if something has the conspiracy theory label, people will automatically dismiss it because they are afraid of what people will think of them if they admit they actually believe it. BUT even though we know many of these things are true, we can't let it consume our lives. Before I went looking for "higher info" that led me here, I went through a phase (right after the Japanese quake) of looking into all these different theories and looking at the HAARP data all the time, and I just felt so negative and so helpless. After a few weeks of it I decided it wasn't healthy to be looking at it all the time, so I stopped. I still go back and glance every so often just to see what wacky things the Gov's of the world are doing this time, but I have no emotional attachment to it anymore. I accept whatever will be.

RE: Conspiracies - turtledude23 - 06-09-2011

The Da Vince Code got me interested in free masons which got me interested in conspiracies, free energy, alternative history, etc. which all eventually lead me to the Law of One, so I'm optimistic about how more and more people are following conspiracy theory info now, any non-conventional interest can lead to spiritual truth in time.

RE: Conspiracies - Nyu - 06-09-2011

I suppose I discovered the LOO the same way because friends had told me, in relation to conspiracy stuff, to check out David Icke.. and then random clicking through links on his site led me to David Wilcock and a brief look at his material mentioned the LOO and something inside me just suddenly sat up and said "WOAH, LIGHT BULB MOMENT - KEEP LOOKING!!" so I googled "The Law of One" and the rest is history.. so I agree, I think people's concern about the planet is leading them here slowly thanks to the powers of the internet.

RE: Conspiracies - 3DMonkey - 06-10-2011

Here is something I notice about conspiracies.

We all watch something happen and we all see that it isn't simply chance. "There has got to be a reason behind it," is what we tell ourselves. So, after the intuition we experience throughout our observation (we almost know what to expect as we watch time unfold), we take a look from hindsight's perspective. We then surmise that the most logical answer is that a hidden group must've orchestrated everything in such a way as to pull the wool over the eyes of the entire population.

In hindsight, we lose sight of the fact that we are a collective consciousness. We are the ones "behind the curtain". In our new ways of thinking, we have decided to overlook our own influences as co-creators. I am very serious right now. We are molding our environment to our likenesses, and I believe this notion is making headway. We must realize that our perspectives in collective consciousness are ever so real. The reason why the "conspiracy orchestrators" are eluding our sight is because they are us.

There is no highly orchestrated conspiracy society. There is only what our collective creates.