(07-15-2009, 08:52 AM)ayadew Wrote: I practically know nothing of mormons, thank you for sharing.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do" is one of my favorite quotes of Jesus also, he is full of wisdom that is not very apparent at first. Let us all cooperate to bring us closer to the "heavenly father" that is ourselves.
Indeed, we all have divinity within us. This forum is great since I don't feel I will be judged for my words, and have no intentions of judging others.
(07-15-2009, 09:28 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Welcome Mattias.
The slight bit of the veil you lifted on the Mormon beliefs were very insightful. I only know the story on the church very superficially.
How old is the Mormon church? I've read medieval works that represent the Jesus/Lucifer alliance similar to how you describe it and also refer to a war in heaven. This idea comes around regularly but I haven't been able to discern the original source clearly. I have however wondered about it on a semi regular basis
Perhaps the regular source is just a summary of how things happened to bring us to this domain. There have been many prophets and enlightened ones through the ages that have sought out truth and I am sure they have received it.
I like that you noticed the Jesus/Lucifer relationship as an alliance. Without Bad there could be no good, where there is darkness there is light. Lucifer will receive his own degree of glory that he has aligned himself with, by his own choice. It's certainly not a punishment. God does not punish us, we are only bound by universal laws and principles that the God of our Galaxy has a full understanding of. That's my belief.
(07-15-2009, 11:27 AM)iwritebackwards Wrote: Hello Mattias.
Your story has touched my heart. I am grateful. I am the youngest of 8 and I was brought up as having no religion. I don't even know if my family believed in God at all. I can't even ask them that question now, because they are no longer with us. As for my brothers and sisters, I don't know them either. We were never close, and they treated me like an outsider. As a matter of fact, they still do.
Throughout my life, I had no direction as to which was the correct way to go. When I was in my teens I knew that someday it would become clear to me that it was important for me to "touch" as many people as I could. Sure, I had many questions and no answers. So, I can relate with your struggles. It was only 3 years ago when I was awakened. These last few years of my life have been difficult indeed, trying to figure the meaning of it all. Best advice...be kind to yourself and don't expect answers to come pouring at you all at once. A revelation will come when you least expect it. Nowadays, people call it an "ah ha!" moment. I wish you the best in your "new" journey, because it's going to be just that. A new journey, filled with alot of "ah ha's!". Here's Light, Love, and Compassion to You. Dianna (iwritebackwards).
I am glad to hear that my story has had a positive influence on you. That's all I could ever want from sharing my story. Imagine what would happen to us if all of the sudden all of our questions were answered. We would be overwhelmed to say the least, not only that but we might very well give up our desire to experience Duality. It would take courage to stick with the plan and not just go back to our previous dimension. So a little here, a little there, when we are ready all will be revealed in it's time and place and proper order.
The windows of heaven are open to us, we just have ask and have the courage to receive the answers, as they may not be exactly what we expected.
It took courage to read through The Law of One since it challenged me to think with more of an open mind then I had previously. I always considered myself to be open minded but my capacity to grow and understand has greatly increased in the past year or so. It is becoming easier to let go of some of the material things that hold me back. Like greed and lust. I no longer feel much of a draw toward such things as I see the emptiness they bring.
Through great trial comes great reward, through great risk comes great reward. That's perhaps the biggest reason why there are so many wanderers here risking everything.
That you have gone through so many trials tells me that you have also learned a lot... more than if you hadn't gone through those trials. That knowledge and light you are now able to share with others, especially those who are having similar experiences.
If we all look out for one another and truly realize that we are all One - imagine the possibilities.
For now we can do our best individually and collectively, spreading the light and love around. Lending a helping hand when needed and choosing good action more often than bad.