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Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 07-14-2009

I was born into a poor Mormon/Latter Day Saint family of 6 children in Alberta Canada.

My first memories are of becoming aware of little things like being able to breath on command and moving my fingers and toes and limbs on command. It seemed strange that I was in a body, hard to explain but it was foreign feeling from the time I was 3 or so years old and was becoming aware. I yearned for knowledge and begged my dad to take me to school before I was old enough.

I was never afraid to ask questions and throughout my school years it got me into a lot of trouble because I wouldn't accept the cookie cutter answers that people were fed through tradition. It's not polite to question your elders you know??

My mom was very good about telling us the tradition Mormon stories of where we came from, why we are here and what happens when we die. I feel very blessed to have been born into a family that accepted that we weren't just an accident and that life had meaning and purpose.

We were taught that in the Pre existence we chose our families and the general type of life and experiences we wanted. We were taught that when we were born a veil was placed upon us so we could forget our Pre-earth life and learn obedience to the fathers commandments so we could return to live with him. Among other things, many of which I have found no fault with. The Law of One has added further confirmation to the things I have always known. For example Ra states that a wanderer will find the information to be useful. I have shared the Law of One with many others and literally nobody I have shared it with has bothered to read it, including my mom.

I was never very popular but usually well liked because It always made sense to me to treat others as I would like to be treated. I sensed the Karmic law from an early age and felt if I hurt others it would only serve to hurt me in return. When kids were fighting in the playground or after school there was always announced a "winner" and even though I got into fights my self I never once felt like a winner, no matter what the outcome, I simply felt the effects and the hurt I caused the loser. To my credit, I only seemed to get into fights when someone needed my defense or when someone made fun of my family. We were very poor so I always felt obligated to defend them, and to defend those in need, to keep the peace. Even in my own family I always felt like the peace maker. "blessed are the peacemakers" would run through my mind.

I always had trouble in school, since I would ask many questions, wanting to know the under-lying reason for all things. I was never content to accept things without feeling I fully understand the how and Why behind it.

I skipped school a lot but not to go and goof off as most kids would (although I did have my fair share), it was to get out in nature. I spent a lot of time while skipping school, after school, and on weekends out in the woods near our home when we moved to British Columbia. I was never afraid of the woods and always felt that I was being protected from anything that would do me harm.

I also harbored a lot of anger as child, part of it was because my family always seemed to be in turmoil, and the other part most likely came from the lack of truth I was getting, and the vague answers I was being fed. The common response to my deepest questions was something like "we're not meant to know everything in this life, but we will remember everything when we die"... While there is much truth to this statement I felt that my life purpose was to find out to my hearts content the answers to the questions I sought.

I'm sure I could write a book about my experiences and maybe I will one day. For now I want to briefly go through how I came to this website.

I was browsing the internet looking for things on UFO's etc when I came across David Wilcox's site and found one of his articles. When I began to read it, complex as it was, a light turned on. I couldn't get enough of his stuff. I also take everything with a grain of salt and often try to dis-prove things before I accept them into my heart as truth. His article led me to The Law of One series by Ra. God bless those involved for bringing that work to light! Many of the teachings confirmed many of the Mormon beliefs I grew up with in a very profound way, and many of them simply showed me how primitive the worlds beliefs really are.

For example, In the mormon church we are are taught that we are all sons and daughters of a loving heavenly father who created us in spirit form in pre-earth life. For a time we lived in bliss, not knowing as gods do, good and evil or "duality". A great plan of happiness was presented to all the hosts of heaven in which we would be given bodies, and a world that would teach us the things necessary to return to our heavenly father and, obtain all that he has. We cheered at this plan, however it was understood that we would make many mistakes and inherit the carnal nature of man. In doing so we would sin, and sometimes greatly, hurting our fellow man. For this there would need to be a savior since no unclean thing can dwell with God, we would have to be redeemed. Our two eldest brothers, Jesus and Lucifer both said that they would volunteer. Jesus' plan was that he would go and be our redeemer and do all that the father asked of him, and the glory would be the father's. Lucifer also had a plan that not one of the hosts of heaven would be lost, we would be made to do good so we could return to live with our heavenly father - for sure.

The was a "war" in heaven as the hosts of heaven decided who they would follow, since we had our free agency to choose, even then. 1/3 of all the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer's plan and rebelled against god and were cast out of his presence, and inherited the earth, becoming the devils and demons that would tempt us and try to beguile us into becoming miserable like them, having no thought for good.

The rest of us would be sent to fulfill our mission to obtain bodies and live out our existence under the veil and would have to work hard so we could return to live with our heavenly father.

I knew that this was just a very basic representation of what actually happened. It left me with many questions. Of course there are many more things we are taught in the mormon faith, this isn't a commercial for mormons, I'm just trying to accurately portray how I have come to the present understanding of myself, as a possibly wanderer. As I'm still not 100% sure, but for now it feels right to accept it as truth.

I always felt that other people could hear what I was thinking and so I would assume they knew what I meant when I was talking about something. I would have trouble communicating what I was actually thinking or feeling since I felt that nobody would really understand what I was trying to say or communicate.

I have always been drawn to the stars, astronomy, and have searched the scriptures for truth about our origin and answers to my questions. I have always felt close to my heavenly father and felt that my purpose was to provide service to my fellow man, and to take nothing from them without giving something back of equal or greater value. As if I am here for them and not for me. I have felt intense sorrow for those who have hurt others willingly. As Jesus said "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". Those words I have repeated to myself and God many times.

In the Mormon church we are taught that we can communicate directly with God and receive personal revelation if we have sufficient faith and purity of purpose. The foundation of the Mormon church began when Joseph smith Read James 1:15, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him". This helped me have faith in the Ra material, as we are taught to seek truth, and to use our discernment when necessary. The Law of One by Ra made much sense to me that our brethren from another planet or group would try to help us where possible without infringing on our free agency.

I have received all answers to my questions to my satisfaction when, and only when I was ready for them.

For now it is late so I wont write any more but I think this is sufficient for now. I will add more as my thoughts and time allow. I have become a seeker for ultimate truth and thirst to know many things. I believe what Ra says, that it is possible for 3rd dimensional wanderers to become fully conscious of their heritage. I feel as though I have come close to that many times. I have also had a very life changing experience when I had to make a choice to live or die, and I chose to live because I had an intense feeling that I hadn't yet learned to truly Love. That is why I am still here. I will write more on this later. For now, please accept this as my testimony that I am becoming awake to my status as a wanderer and I have a deep love for mankind, my brothers and sisters and wish to help in any way that I can.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - ayadew - 07-15-2009

I practically know nothing of mormons, thank you for sharing.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do" is one of my favorite quotes of Jesus also, he is full of wisdom that is not very apparent at first. Let us all cooperate to bring us closer to the "heavenly father" that is ourselves.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Ali Quadir - 07-15-2009

Welcome Mattias.

The slight bit of the veil you lifted on the Mormon beliefs were very insightful. I only know the story on the church very superficially.

How old is the Mormon church? I've read medieval works that represent the Jesus/Lucifer alliance similar to how you describe it and also refer to a war in heaven. This idea comes around regularly but I haven't been able to discern the original source clearly. I have however wondered about it on a semi regular basis Wink

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - iwritebackwards - 07-15-2009

Hello Mattias.
Your story has touched my heart. I am grateful. I am the youngest of 8 and I was brought up as having no religion. I don't even know if my family believed in God at all. I can't even ask them that question now, because they are no longer with us. As for my brothers and sisters, I don't know them either. We were never close, and they treated me like an outsider. As a matter of fact, they still do.
Throughout my life, I had no direction as to which was the correct way to go. When I was in my teens I knew that someday it would become clear to me that it was important for me to "touch" as many people as I could. Sure, I had many questions and no answers. So, I can relate with your struggles. It was only 3 years ago when I was awakened. These last few years of my life have been difficult indeed, trying to figure the meaning of it all. Best kind to yourself and don't expect answers to come pouring at you all at once. A revelation will come when you least expect it. Nowadays, people call it an "ah ha!" moment. I wish you the best in your "new" journey, because it's going to be just that. A new journey, filled with alot of "ah ha's!". Here's Light, Love, and Compassion to You. Dianna (iwritebackwards).

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 07-15-2009

(07-15-2009, 08:52 AM)ayadew Wrote: I practically know nothing of mormons, thank you for sharing.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do" is one of my favorite quotes of Jesus also, he is full of wisdom that is not very apparent at first. Let us all cooperate to bring us closer to the "heavenly father" that is ourselves.

Indeed, we all have divinity within us. This forum is great since I don't feel I will be judged for my words, and have no intentions of judging others.
(07-15-2009, 09:28 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Welcome Mattias.

The slight bit of the veil you lifted on the Mormon beliefs were very insightful. I only know the story on the church very superficially.

How old is the Mormon church? I've read medieval works that represent the Jesus/Lucifer alliance similar to how you describe it and also refer to a war in heaven. This idea comes around regularly but I haven't been able to discern the original source clearly. I have however wondered about it on a semi regular basis Wink

Perhaps the regular source is just a summary of how things happened to bring us to this domain. There have been many prophets and enlightened ones through the ages that have sought out truth and I am sure they have received it.

I like that you noticed the Jesus/Lucifer relationship as an alliance. Without Bad there could be no good, where there is darkness there is light. Lucifer will receive his own degree of glory that he has aligned himself with, by his own choice. It's certainly not a punishment. God does not punish us, we are only bound by universal laws and principles that the God of our Galaxy has a full understanding of. That's my belief.
(07-15-2009, 11:27 AM)iwritebackwards Wrote: Hello Mattias.
Your story has touched my heart. I am grateful. I am the youngest of 8 and I was brought up as having no religion. I don't even know if my family believed in God at all. I can't even ask them that question now, because they are no longer with us. As for my brothers and sisters, I don't know them either. We were never close, and they treated me like an outsider. As a matter of fact, they still do.
Throughout my life, I had no direction as to which was the correct way to go. When I was in my teens I knew that someday it would become clear to me that it was important for me to "touch" as many people as I could. Sure, I had many questions and no answers. So, I can relate with your struggles. It was only 3 years ago when I was awakened. These last few years of my life have been difficult indeed, trying to figure the meaning of it all. Best kind to yourself and don't expect answers to come pouring at you all at once. A revelation will come when you least expect it. Nowadays, people call it an "ah ha!" moment. I wish you the best in your "new" journey, because it's going to be just that. A new journey, filled with alot of "ah ha's!". Here's Light, Love, and Compassion to You. Dianna (iwritebackwards).

I am glad to hear that my story has had a positive influence on you. That's all I could ever want from sharing my story. Imagine what would happen to us if all of the sudden all of our questions were answered. We would be overwhelmed to say the least, not only that but we might very well give up our desire to experience Duality. It would take courage to stick with the plan and not just go back to our previous dimension. So a little here, a little there, when we are ready all will be revealed in it's time and place and proper order.

The windows of heaven are open to us, we just have ask and have the courage to receive the answers, as they may not be exactly what we expected.

It took courage to read through The Law of One since it challenged me to think with more of an open mind then I had previously. I always considered myself to be open minded but my capacity to grow and understand has greatly increased in the past year or so. It is becoming easier to let go of some of the material things that hold me back. Like greed and lust. I no longer feel much of a draw toward such things as I see the emptiness they bring.

Through great trial comes great reward, through great risk comes great reward. That's perhaps the biggest reason why there are so many wanderers here risking everything.

That you have gone through so many trials tells me that you have also learned a lot... more than if you hadn't gone through those trials. That knowledge and light you are now able to share with others, especially those who are having similar experiences.

If we all look out for one another and truly realize that we are all One - imagine the possibilities.

For now we can do our best individually and collectively, spreading the light and love around. Lending a helping hand when needed and choosing good action more often than bad.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Ali Quadir - 07-15-2009

(07-15-2009, 12:46 PM)Mattias Wrote: Perhaps the regular source is just a summary of how things happened to bring us to this domain. There have been many prophets and enlightened ones through the ages that have sought out truth and I am sure they have received it.
This is true. But still, I have a feeling that there is a specific origin for this. The idea that Lucifer and Christ had an actual war. As is often described is just too physical. These are divine principles translated into human terms.. Someone did this particular translation. Others have seen the same truth and made other translations you're correct in that. But my gut says there is a source, and as soon as I figure it out I'll be sure to let everyone know. Lol.

Quote:I like that you noticed the Jesus/Lucifer relationship as an alliance. Without Bad there could be no good, where there is darkness there is light.
In a way yes. There is the requirement for polarity to create the possibility of choice. However there is no reason to manifest both sides of the polarity.. There only needs to be the possibility of good or evil to allow for the choice. The actual choice of what to manifest is ours.

Anyway, I think it's just us that creates evil. There is no divine requirement for it. Just a divine fiat.

Quote: Lucifer will receive his own degree of glory that he has aligned himself with, by his own choice. It's certainly not a punishment. God does not punish us, we are only bound by universal laws and principles that the God of our Galaxy has a full understanding of. That's my belief.
I have nothing to add to this Smile All is as it should be. Namaste friend.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 07-15-2009

(07-15-2009, 04:03 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote:
(07-15-2009, 12:46 PM)Mattias Wrote: Perhaps the regular source is just a summary of how things happened to bring us to this domain. There have been many prophets and enlightened ones through the ages that have sought out truth and I am sure they have received it.
This is true. But still, I have a feeling that there is a specific origin for this. The idea that Lucifer and Christ had an actual war. As is often described is just too physical. These are divine principles translated into human terms.. Someone did this particular translation. Others have seen the same truth and made other translations you're correct in that. But my gut says there is a source, and as soon as I figure it out I'll be sure to let everyone know. Lol.
I have never really taken to the idea of them having an actual war. If anything a discussion, or a debate... Even then why would they need to debate? All would be before them and the direction would be clear... that's my thinking anyways.
Quote:I like that you noticed the Jesus/Lucifer relationship as an alliance. Without Bad there could be no good, where there is darkness there is light.
In a way yes. There is the requirement for polarity to create the possibility of choice. However there is no reason to manifest both sides of the polarity.. There only needs to be the possibility of good or evil to allow for the choice. The actual choice of what to manifest is ours.

Anyway, I think it's just us that creates evil. There is no divine requirement for it. Just a divine fiat.
I agree for sure. I think we are too quick to pass off our poor decisions to another entity, or blame something else. I am open to the idea that there is no actual Lucifer, just us against our own lucifer's.

Quote: Lucifer will receive his own degree of glory that he has aligned himself with, by his own choice. It's certainly not a punishment. God does not punish us, we are only bound by universal laws and principles that the God of our Galaxy has a full understanding of. That's my belief.
I have nothing to add to this Smile All is as it should be. Namaste friend.

So if the above is true that we are our own Lucifer's then we will indeed receive to each our own!
Perhaps the "war in heaven" was us debating with our selves on whether or not to incarnate on this planet, and weighing out the potential risk/reward scenarios... Maybe the 1/3 of the hosts of heaven talked about in Mormonism is the wanderers, based on Ra's readings of 60 million wanderers back in the 80's, and I haven't done the math but that could be at least 1/3 of the hosts of the earth....

It's all interesting to think about.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Monica - 07-20-2009

Hi Mattias, and welcome!

Thanks for sharing your story! My own story was somewhat similar, though Catholic rather than Mormon.

I have some friends who are Mormon and they've shared much of their faith with me. I am very appreciative that they did not judge me for my 'New Age' leanings. They never tried to impose their religion on me either, and for that I am very grateful. They were also amazed that we actually shared some beliefs, such as that of pre-existence (though my belief was in the form of reincarnation, but it's pre-existence nonetheless!) I see much joy and warmth in my Mormon friends, especially in how they are very family-oriented. So there must be some degree of Light there!

I think there is much beauty in the Mormon faith. I am grateful for my own Catholic upbringing, for it provided a foundation of faith for me in many ways. Although I later discarded much of it, it did play an important role in my life.

Blessings to you on your journey!

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Ali Quadir - 07-20-2009

(07-15-2009, 06:13 PM)Mattias Wrote: So if the above is true that we are our own Lucifer's then we will indeed receive to each our own!
Perhaps the "war in heaven" was us debating with our selves on whether or not to incarnate on this planet, and weighing out the potential risk/reward scenarios...
I think that's a much more likely interpretation. It also makes the war in heaven much more a current affair. Which sounds much more logical than heaven being some remote place where a long time ago "stuff" happened.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - godexpressing - 08-14-2009

(07-20-2009, 04:32 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote:
(07-15-2009, 06:13 PM)Mattias Wrote: So if the above is true that we are our own Lucifer's then we will indeed receive to each our own!
Perhaps the "war in heaven" was us debating with our selves on whether or not to incarnate on this planet, and weighing out the potential risk/reward scenarios...
I think that's a much more likely interpretation. It also makes the war in heaven much more a current affair. Which sounds much more logical than heaven being some remote place where a long time ago "stuff" happened.

While reading the Ra material, I actually thought of the war in heaven as described in Revelation. It could possibly be describing the fourth density war between Orion (darkness) and the Confederation (light) with third density Earth dwellers caught in the middle.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Ali Quadir - 08-16-2009

(08-14-2009, 10:29 PM)godexpressing Wrote: While reading the Ra material, I actually thought of the war in heaven as described in Revelation. It could possibly be describing the fourth density war between Orion (darkness) and the Confederation (light) with third density Earth dwellers caught in the middle.

Your description is much closer to my first impression aswell. My own sources explain earths predicament in almost exactly your words. They left out the words Orion and confederation though.

Still I have the feeling that this is just one level of looking at things. There are more levels. Each valid, each synchronistic with the other levels. So in some way we are the orions.

It's the very basic angel and devil on your shoulders situation. We decide the outcome.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 09-30-2009

Quote:While reading the Ra material, I actually thought of the war in heaven as described in Revelation. It could possibly be describing the fourth density war between Orion (darkness) and the Confederation (light) with third density Earth dwellers caught in the middle.

I agree!

I think it's important to remember that most religious teachings have gone through hundreds if not millions of human filters, adapted to the understanding of the teacher and on from there.

It is interesting to learn from other seekers in the mormon faith that see mormonism as a good foundation. IN the Articles of Faith, which is our beliefs in a nutshell, article 13 states "We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there be anything virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." So it's very important to not get huing up on the basics as absolutes, but to keep a very open mind and learn to ask questions, even questioning those basic beliefs. The answers I have found are beyond anything I could have imagined when I first began to question what I was being taught. Many answers confirming what I was taught but in a much deeper immensely profound way.

On thing I have enjoyed thinking about with my thoughts in brackets:

We are taught that GOD, or our Heavenly Father was once like us(so a 3rd dimensional being)
And as he is now, we may become (So he's a very old, in earth time, being of the 7th dimension or higher, a being of light - "No man can view my glory and therafter remain in the flesh", dwells in everlasting burnings on a tabernacle of glass, etc. )
And so to become as the Gods we must learn from good and evil through this duality experience.

The energy that binds and holds the planets in their perfect orbit' is the same energy that eminates from the core of the galaxy where our father in heaven resides, or it is where he lives as a primary residence, if there is such a thing.

Anyway, more on this later as thoughts come. But the point is that we are beings of unlimited potential.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - kylissa - 10-01-2009

Just a thought from my research.. there was a catastrophic 4D war between Orion (Osiris) male energy and Sirius (Isis). Horus (our sun) is their experimental child, a step on a path of peace. Another later option, in "Oahspe" tells of a war in the earthly heavens between the False self-serving lords and gods tempted by "satan" or "self" (some are named.. Baal, Ashtaroth, Anubis, De'yus) who lost contact with the voice of the Creator for around 1000 years and thus forgot him. They locked the lower heaven down and prevented ascention to higher realms, and they destroyed thousands of ships traveling to and from the etherean realms and also destroyed maps, shipbuilding factories, etc. to cover up the existence of higher and more pure realms.. this supposedly happened after the time of Abraham.

To me, Lucifer is much more than either, he is a Logos, both male and female, dark and light, A 6D Light being of vast experience. I personally think Lucifer is an interactive Logos who is hands on in Earth's history, incarnating with us in many forms. For example, Azazel is credited with teaching the arts of war, and creating metals and cosmetics. This is quite obviously just a "hack" into the system to make us progress faster by bestowing knowlege. Truly everything is perfect.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 10-01-2009

(10-01-2009, 03:43 AM)kylissa Wrote: Just a thought from my research.. there was a 4D war between Orion (Osiris) male energy and Sirius (Isis). Horus (our sun) is their experimental child, a step on a path of peace. Lucifer is much more than either, he is the Logos, both male and female, dark and light. I personally think Lucifer is an interactive Logos who is hands on in teaching us and incarnating with us in many forms. For example, Azazel is credited with teaching the arts of war, and creating metals and cosmetics. This is quite obviously just a "hack" into his own system by Lucifer to make us progress faster by bestowing knowlege. Truly everything is perfect.

Truly everything is. I think people have much to be thankful for no matter what their beliefs about Lucifer, if it wasn't for the ability to experience duality there would be no progression to the higher dimensions.

It never seemed fair or made sense that lucifer was on a path to punishment (as I learned in sunday school as a kid), all he as doing and is doing if you believe the christian opinion, is giving us the opportunity that all gods were given. If there was duality experience we would still be 2D beings! I can't wait for the day to understand -exactly- the truth of all things.

I'm glad for this forum to be able to get public feedback on some very important and overlooked things. I feel a sense of brotherhood.

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Brittany - 10-06-2009

I can really relate to a lot of the things you’ve said here. As a child and even now sometimes I really need time to myself to be in nature. It is a healing experience for me to just walk among the trees, feeling the peace they give off. I, too, have realized that the answers do not come until I am ready for them and there is no sense in being impatient. Everything happens in its own time. I also know the frustration with being fed vague answers by religious authority. I remember many questions I asked of my preacher, only to be told “You’re not supposed to think about things like that. It isn’t important. You just have to have faith.” This was never an acceptable answer for me.

It is good that you are trying to integrate your religious beliefs with the truths you are developing instead of giving up on religion altogether. The connection with the Creator is our lifeboat in this sea of chaos. Even if doctrines and establishments crumble and change, your faith will always be there for you.

I wish you the strongest blessings in continuing to discover yourself and experiencing the joy of the journey ahead!

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Mattias - 10-06-2009

(10-06-2009, 06:40 PM)ahktu Wrote: I can really relate to a lot of the things you’ve said here. As a child and even now sometimes I really need time to myself to be in nature. It is a healing experience for me to just walk among the trees, feeling the peace they give off. I, too, have realized that the answers do not come until I am ready for them and there is no sense in being impatient. Everything happens in its own time. I also know the frustration with being fed vague answers by religious authority. I remember many questions I asked of my preacher, only to be told “You’re not supposed to think about things like that. It isn’t important. You just have to have faith.” This was never an acceptable answer for me.

It is good that you are trying to integrate your religious beliefs with the truths you are developing instead of giving up on religion altogether. The connection with the Creator is our lifeboat in this sea of chaos. Even if doctrines and establishments crumble and change, your faith will always be there for you.

I wish you the strongest blessings in continuing to discover yourself and experiencing the joy of the journey ahead!

Thank you for your kind words!

in regards to Ra's service to others/Service to self, I find that my church (Mormon) is heavily based around service to others and gives me plenty opportunities to serve. Also being a Gospel Essentials teacher I have the opportunity to help people on the (right) path from early on in their membership, to help open their minds and encourage them to seek answers. I however, don't give advice on where to find answers unless asked so as to not infringe on anyone's free will. Not many ask, most people are trying to lay the ground work in their lives to accept the importance of service to others, once they grasp that......

There's a scripture "When men come unto me, i show them their weaknesses that they may become strong" or something along those lines... When we are READY for the level that we think we would like to obtain then we accept a whole new level of challenges/lessons. Imagine what would happen if I began to tell everyone about the Ra contact/teachings, and everything else I have learned and know to be true throughout my seeking....... It would probably play out like this, maybe one person in the crowd would be excited about the info, the others would be totally mixed and confused because frankly some of the stuff I have learned flies in the face of some of the basics I am teaching, yet it's important that we learn the basics so that we have the opportunity down the line to move past them and appreciate them for what they are.

I have been working hard at integrating the idea into my being that "There is no failure only opportunity to learn".

Somewhat different from what some cranky people taught me growing up!

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Brittany - 10-07-2009

Yes. It seems that a lot of religions get a really bad rap just because of the close-minded people among their ranks. I have a hard time of letting go of that disposition sometimes, but I have met many people who belong to religions I thought were bogus who have changed my perspective with their open minds and kind hearts. True faith is extrordinary no matter the path it stems from. Thanks for being one of the people breaking down that wall!

RE: Mormon Seeker Awakening - Lakewolf - 10-30-2009

...While reading the Ra material, I actually thought of the war in heaven as described in Revelation. It could possibly be describing the fourth density war between Orion (darkness) and the Confederation (light) with third density Earth dwellers caught in the middle....

From the research I've done, that is the correct interpretation. Many different cultures have the same myths. With no contact between these cultures, it is probably safe to assume they were experiencing an actual event, much like the comet strike in the Atlantic Ocean and the warnings given by the "gods" that it was going to happen is also a universal "myth".