05-11-2011, 11:58 AM
That is a super excellent question, zack. In the U.S. these days, many people new to politics are urging a radical departure from current thinking about the role of the federal government, saying stay out of everybody's lives, tax a lot less and return to minimal services. I choose to interpret this as a greenish philosophy, although perhaps not fully formed. You can say that by freeing people from so much government thinking for the self lets self grow toward more personal decision-making.
OTOH many people are mired into such personal despair that they need a hand up. Without government assistance, argue some, these people will only get into worse conditions. Those arguing for this assistance are acting greenish too.
Some people arguing for less government, IMHO, are not saying this out loud but thinking that society must let the worst-off people suffer and die rather than spend taxpayer money to keep them around. In fact, they think, humans on a personal/local level will step forward and do better for those sufferers than any government program, and they will receive the best assistance for getting lives in order and become productive and useful. That also seems greenish.
Ra seems to have left up to each of us to determine our greenish path. Let's say that a lot of Earth residents, after lifetimes of 3D bumbling around, are about to Choose or recently Chose STO. The next steps are to take some kind of action, but what kind? Thus the different-looking, nearly opposite-looking methods of implementing STO.
My literal interpretation of Ra is that if 3Ders revert to orange-ish without having integrated sufficient yellowish experiences, they would tend toward STS. Ra did not, IMHO, imply that those 3Ders made a hard Choice yet. They are dabbling with ideas to see where they might lead. If they did Choose, they can at any time switch path anyway.
In these 3D existences, all are free to choose STS or STO and see where that takes them. Either choice is fine with the One. Today we are seeing weather running amok with simultaneous floods and drought, which might be resulting from global warming. In parallel, we might be seeing people going amok too, because of global greening. If we desire the biggest harvest, then we desire the most Choosing, of either path.
OTOH many people are mired into such personal despair that they need a hand up. Without government assistance, argue some, these people will only get into worse conditions. Those arguing for this assistance are acting greenish too.
Some people arguing for less government, IMHO, are not saying this out loud but thinking that society must let the worst-off people suffer and die rather than spend taxpayer money to keep them around. In fact, they think, humans on a personal/local level will step forward and do better for those sufferers than any government program, and they will receive the best assistance for getting lives in order and become productive and useful. That also seems greenish.
Ra seems to have left up to each of us to determine our greenish path. Let's say that a lot of Earth residents, after lifetimes of 3D bumbling around, are about to Choose or recently Chose STO. The next steps are to take some kind of action, but what kind? Thus the different-looking, nearly opposite-looking methods of implementing STO.
My literal interpretation of Ra is that if 3Ders revert to orange-ish without having integrated sufficient yellowish experiences, they would tend toward STS. Ra did not, IMHO, imply that those 3Ders made a hard Choice yet. They are dabbling with ideas to see where they might lead. If they did Choose, they can at any time switch path anyway.
In these 3D existences, all are free to choose STS or STO and see where that takes them. Either choice is fine with the One. Today we are seeing weather running amok with simultaneous floods and drought, which might be resulting from global warming. In parallel, we might be seeing people going amok too, because of global greening. If we desire the biggest harvest, then we desire the most Choosing, of either path.